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in Ampsterdam where they are legal, the part of town drugs and prostituion are legal are safe to walk through at night. Being that laws to stop them don't work, and crime runs rampant, shouldn't we make them legal so they can be controlled? is it right to make soceity more unsafe just because our beliefs are against such things?

2007-06-21 08:49:23 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

I think that they should both be legal for adults over 18.

2007-06-21 08:51:47 · answer #1 · answered by ♨UFO♨ 4 · 8 3

I agree with the legalization of prostitution and some drugs.

On prostitution, I don't understand why the government has the right to police private adult consentual sexual behavior. To me, it's none of their business. It never should have been their business in the first place. Since this activity could spread disease, I see nothing wrong with regulation regarding testing for disease and disclosure of the results.

On drugs, I believe that marijuana should be legalized and taxed in the same fashion that alcohol is treated. Some amphetamines and narcotics could be legalized in the same way. I'd still keep a few drugs illegal though--the really hard stuff. That said, I think that private companies should retain the right to drug test their employees if they want to. They are a private company and their freedom to choose who works for them should not be taken away. Then a person who wants to use drugs is going to have to decide for themselves what their priorities are and live accordingly.

Using drugs would be a choice for adults. Literature should be made available about the addictive nature and possible side effects of the drugs and the person could sign off that they know of these dangers and accept responsibility for their actions (perhaps they could carry an ID card with this info?). NO government funding for drug addictions. If people want to knowingly make their choice, fine. But I'm not going to pay for it through my tax dollars. Fair is fair. They should be given the freedom to choose to do what they want and accept full responsibility for themselves. If they break laws while under the influence, they will be held to the same standards of someone who has chosen not to be under the influence.

2007-06-21 09:52:51 · answer #2 · answered by Witchy 7 · 0 0

What is or is not against your religion should have nothing to do with what is legal or illegal. Unless you live in a country where your religion rules your government. In America, we are supposed to have separation between church and state...but they don't do that. The religious politicians only use that when they don't want to support a religion that is not their own. Drug use and prostitution should be legal. It would be a good way to monitor and make sure that no one is being enslaved. What happens between two consenting adults should be between them and their own morals. If it's against your religion, then just don't hire a prostitute!

2007-06-21 09:12:04 · answer #3 · answered by khrysexpo 2 · 1 0

I agree...if two people want to make a business transaction and it doesn't affect innocent people...so be it.

Drugs are probably no worse than alcohol...which is a drug...

And women are participating in prostitution every day legally...ever seen a knock out girl with a homely guy? Look at the women Donald Trump has married...think they would be with him, if he didn't have millions? Aren't they prostitutes...selling themselves into marriage because of money?

To some extent, don't we all prostitute ourselves every day...how many of us would actually come to work each day if we won the lottery...we don't want to be here, but we come because they pay us...we may not be sexual prostitutes...but, we prostitute our time.

I say, make it legal....tax it... if someone acts irresponsible while high...arrest him, like you do a drunk...the only restriction I would put on it...is that taxpayer money would not fund recovery, or health issues related to drugs....but, should be the same with health issues related to alcohol...or overindulgence of food...

2007-06-21 08:55:15 · answer #4 · answered by G.C. 5 · 4 0

I think laws should only be made if the subject is harming another person against their will. All victimless crimes should be legalized. It's unfair to make something illegal just because you did a good job at brainwashing people into thinking it's "immoral".

Drugs should be legalized, prostitution should be legalized, and gay people should have the right to get married.

In fact if you legalize drugs you get rid of drug dealers, and in turn reduce crime rate. You can control the drug, making it harder for kids to buy drugs (7-11 IDs, drug dealers don't). And contrary to popular belief, legalizing drugs WILL NOT cause people to drive stoned. There would of course be laws against driving while intoxicatd, as these laws ALREADY exist.

If you legalize prostitution, you actually lower the risk of spreading disease, because they would always be tested. Women who CHOOSE to work in this field would not have to fear for their life by walking the streets at night.

And if you legalize these, you free up a lot of space in our over crowded prisons, which are only over crowded because of victimless criminals! These are people who have harmed no one but themself, and are in jail because they are "immoral"? How immoral are we to lock people up who have not commited crimes against humanity.

And to say a person cannot marry because their lifestyle "disgusts" us, is absurd! Gay sex is no more "against nature" as the condoms and birth control pills straight people use to prevent from having children.

We need to stop making laws that prevent a person from enjoying their own personal life. If something goes against your moral fiber, then do not engage in such immoral acts, and teach your children and your community to do the same, but do not FORCE people not to enjoy carnal pleasures of the flesh!

We should all be given Freedom. But that Freedom should stop only when it starts infringing on other people's freedom, rights, health, and choice.

2007-06-21 09:12:25 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

Yes, they should be legal, because they would be excellent sources of tax revenue. That stuff happens anyway and it needs regulation to curb the negative consequences. If it's against someone's religion, they can opt to not participate in such activities. Live and let live. I don't like to eat mayonnaise but I feel no need to prevent other adults from eating it.

2007-06-21 08:54:03 · answer #6 · answered by Graciela, RIRS 6 · 4 0

Are drugs and hookers a good part of society? Would you like your children to hang out with them? Get AIDS from their needles or their sex?

I don't think we'd make society more safe by legalizing them.
I believe laws still create a certain restraint to their spread.

2007-06-23 05:38:21 · answer #7 · answered by Friend of Jesus 4 · 0 0

Well, legally it isnt a religious issue.
Laws are decided on current cultural morals, not religion.

If they were decided on religion, you would not be able to murder an unborn baby, nor have unmarried or same sex, etc.

Our current culture allows these things, and has made them legal.
So, until current culture decides that drugs and open prostitution are allowable, you will not see it happen.

Just a note if you want to study it. Prostitution was frowned upon, but in the old testament it was not illegal. It was a low class way to make a living, but it was not illegal.

Stories to look up for your own study. Rahab was a prostitute and this is how her family was supported, including her parents.

Judah used the services of a prostitute whilst he was traveling. (turned out to be his daughter in law) but that is a whole different part of the story.

Just shows you that it isnt religion, its current cultural acceptance.

2007-06-21 08:55:42 · answer #8 · answered by cindy 6 · 0 2

Drugs and prostitution are morality issues and should not be legislated by a civil authority.

What a person does with / to their body is their own business and no one should have the right to tell them what they can, and can't do along those lines...as long as they do not harm or deprive another human of their life, health or possessions.

2007-06-21 08:54:42 · answer #9 · answered by Always Curious 7 · 4 0

Yes, the should both be legal. Laws should be created and enforced to ensure equal opportunity and individual liberty. Anything that does not infringe on another's liberty should be legal. As far as I am concerned, it is a violation of the US Constitution for the Federal government to create and enforce drug laws.

2007-06-21 08:54:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

well, whether they are legal or not, people will still do drugs, so i guess it would make the "crime" rate go down, but then we would have all these stoned people every where, driving cars and such, and the police couldnt do anything abou it. what about when that guy on cocaine runs over the little girl in his car, technically, he didnt do anything wrong because it was legal. it would jsut all get out of hand.

2007-06-21 08:54:55 · answer #11 · answered by lins 5 · 1 2

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