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Keep in mind I am overweight and out of shape so I can't run for very long without getting tired. I plan on running to an outdoor basketball court and then running laps (walking when I can't run until I catch my breath) for about 30-45minutes and then following up with shooting some hoops for a solid 45 minutes. Then I'll run back home. Sometime later in the day I'll do pushups/situps (Unsure on how many/number of sets) and lift medium-weight dumbbells. I'll also cut down on the amount I eat and drink nothing but water as opposed to drinks like sodas.

Think this will give me decent progress at losing weight after 2-3 months? Also open to any suggestions/tips/help at all. Thanks!

2007-06-21 08:05:04 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

44 answers

Push ups and sit ups actually build muscle beneath the layers of fat rather than burning the fat itself. It's important to do lots of cardio. Do something that will build your stamina so you can exercise more. I would suggest riding a stationary bike for 10 minutes a day and build it up to 20 minutes the second week and so on. Running, in my experience, isn't good if you're out of shape because you have so much extra weight on your ankles. Plus, if you're in a humid area, you could cause more damage than reaping of benefits. It's best to start out small and build up--walk for 30 minutes instead of run. Weight lifting also builds muscle so if you're trying to lose weight rather than bulk up, always go for the lightest weights. In addition to cutting sodas try to limit your sodium and animal products for optimum energy. It sounds like you're making a great effort and time will show how great you're doing.

2007-06-21 08:14:01 · answer #1 · answered by Missy K 4 · 1 0


2016-08-16 10:59:14 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

your program is ambitious which is definitely a good thing, it shows you have a bundle of determination.

it doesn't have to be that hard!!! You're program involves a lot of anaerobic exercise. This means you aren't using oxygen efficiently when exercising, hence the reason you'll be breathless.

AEROBIC EXERCISE is the key if you want to get slim. It means doing exercise using oxygen efficiently. It means that you don't run until you're breathless but run at a level you're comfortable at. You should be able to do exercise and still be able to talk. This shows you're body is using oxygen efficiently to get energy and at the same time BURNING FAT.

CRUCIAL: you're body is using oxygen to burn the fat. If you do aerobic exercise 3 to 4 times a week after a few months you will have conditioned you're body to burn fat.
It speeds up your metabolism so that you are burning fat and don't have to worry so much about eating a chocolate bar and immediately feeling heavy!!!


Just do some more research into the benefits of aerobic respiration. I recommend Tony Robbins but there is a lot more choice out there. I urge you to research Stu Mittleman, his system is amazing and it shows in his achievements!

Please, I insist you do your own research because I haven't got all the answers. I can only point you in the right direction. I hope this helped.


2007-06-21 08:19:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

excellent! I went from 201-115 in 2 months by doing something similar to that, but in addition to what you did, here is what I did:

I became a vegetarian (you'd be surprised how much weight you IMMEDIATLY shed just by cutting meat out your diet. Besides rotting flesh staying in your colon, adding to your girth it made me lethargic and lazy. Vegetarian diets are naturally low fat and give you energy.

I cut out fried foods (no french fries, chips) sweets (cakes and pies) and I limited my processed foods (try to buy fresh as often as possible, sugar increases your insulin levels which is what indirectly affects your metabolism, and you want your metabolism to work FOR you not AGAINST you.)

Once I reached my desired weight- this is not recommended- but I took supplements. At the time it was Xenedren FX or something like that but now I take TrimSpa which I love. I am gonna give NV a try when I'm done with this bottle though.

But like you, when I was overweight, I ran/jogged/walked (just keep moving, dont stop when you are tired, speed walk, not walking slow) to the park then I played some soccer with my friends then I ran home. I also went bike riding and did laps in the pool when I had time. I used an exercise tape called Lotte Berk that uses your own body weight as resistance so instead of going to the gym to lift weights, I did that tape that was AMAZING. (Balancing 200+ pounds on one leg will definitly give you muscles lol)

Good luck, you will make it- just dont give up and dont get discouraged, its not a quick fix and keep your routine changing and fun so you dont get bored. Email me if you have questions or want more advice :)

2007-06-21 08:22:44 · answer #4 · answered by uiucsmith 5 · 1 0

Well if you are used to running it sounds like a plan, but if you haven't been working out too much it sounds like you are really reaching for a goal that is too high and you may give up quickly.

I lost 60 lbs in 1 year by cutting the carbs and walking, started slow but worked my was up to 8+ miles a day (when it was too cold or rainy I walked inside). A few times a week I go to a 5 level parking garage and walk up and down the ramps. I also bike ride up to 2 hours a morning on the weekends and lift 5 lb. weights for the upper body.

Good luck!

2007-06-21 08:09:39 · answer #5 · answered by justme 2 · 0 0

I used to be in your shoes. I found its not always how much your doing but at least you are doing it. Don't kill yourself because if you burn yourself out on just one day, you can't do anything the next. no good. I started out running 15 mins a day for the first week until i felt ok. The next time frame was 22 mins. Continue to with 30 and 45. Once you get to 45 you should be conditioned enough to run as far as 7 miles a day. Don't push it though. Try to make it a goal of 3-5 miles a day. Basketball is a great way of exercising because you are working out more than you think you are. For lifting, you want to aim for either big muscles or lean muscles. High weight, low reps for big muscles and low weight, high reps for lean. If you want to loose weight, go for lean muscles. Be sure you do a total body workout, not just dumbbells. if you only have dumbbells to work with, find ways to use them on your mid and lower body. As for food, you don't have to eat less as much as watch WHAT you are eating. Soda is a big step. Your condition will hurt if you still drink carbonated water. Eat mostly carbs and protein such as spegetti. Carbs give you energy to keep going and protein help repair your muscles after your workout. For a final note, trying to loose weight by yourself is difficult. Try to find someone who is looking to do the same thing so both of you can keep pushing you to take a few more steps or a few more reps after you can't keep going. good luck.

2007-06-21 08:21:36 · answer #6 · answered by Adam G 2 · 0 0

Especially if your overweight, it may be worth a trip to the doc's just to make sure your body can handle an intense exercise program such as one you've noted above.

I think it sounds quite ambitious so make sure its not too much that you'll get frustrated too quickly and give up. You may be more motivated than I, I certainly don't want to knock your determination, but you don't want to wear yourself out right away.

My suggestion would be to ease into this plan gradually? Cut sodas right away and eat lots of fruits and veggies of course... but maybe start by powerwalking to the court and than shooting around for a bit... than start running once you feel stronger and less winded.

Also, my biggest suggestion is to find a buddy. Someone with similar goals as you but that aren't too familiar with. This way you will be less apt to cancel your work out dates.

Also, subscribe to a monthly fitness magazine. It will give you tons of tips, recipes, exercises, & monthly motivation.

I'm no expert so these are all just my little tips but I admire your ambition and willingness to go improve your overall health.


2007-06-21 08:14:19 · answer #7 · answered by dmarie1314 2 · 1 0

You might be taking it a little too fast. Now I have never seen you, but jumping into a work out routine with out easing into it can cause major sports injuries (shin splits to stress fractures).

I also suggest you set a goal of running a 5k race so you have to train. And racing 5k's are fun, trust me.

Here is runner's world's guide for beginner runners -->


I hope this works and good luck on race day!


2007-06-21 08:21:13 · answer #8 · answered by m c 2 · 0 0

This sounds great! like you said no drinkis like soda. You should take the amount of food you eat in a daya nd spread it out over 6 meals so your body knows its constantly getting nutrients and doesn't have to store fat. Just try and see if you are burning more calories then you are taking in and your a on a golden path.

Good luck!

2007-06-21 08:21:01 · answer #9 · answered by Male16 3 · 0 0

sit ups wont help you losing belly - they build muscle but do not burn any fat so your belly might look even bigger.
weight training is enough 2-3 times a week and usually you have to do 15-25reps 2-3 sets
cardio is what you are focusing here to lose weight (its the only fat burning exercise) and you should do it 4-6 times a week for 30-50min (ideally 45min).

2007-06-21 08:14:04 · answer #10 · answered by Natalie 7 · 0 0

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