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Most Americans are Pro-Comprehensive Immigration Law Reforms.
Pro-Smart Borders

Republican and liberal anti-Immigramnts
Anti-Indigenous groups
Anti-Aryan groups
Anti-Latino groups
Anti-Muslim & Catholics...
Isreal lovers:

Listen up! Immigration is not a problem and immigrants are not criminals.
Why are you obsesed in criminalizing Immigrants and blaming on people instead your failures?
You don't even Speak Spanish!
Most immigrants from latin-America do...
Soon Spanish will be the most spoken Language in America.
Not beacuse Immigration is a problem but because Immigration is all about America.
America is dynamic not static! America ia a country of Immigrants and built on immigration.
Neocons want to conserve odd and old British rules because they fear progress!
Republicans are liberal and their beliefs are retograde!
oink oink!

2007-06-21 07:34:01 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

Most Americans are against Bush
Against war on Iraq
Anaist the wall in the Mex-USA border
Most Americans are Pro-Democracy, Pro-Comprehensive Reforms!!! and Pro-Smart Borders!

Get it straight!!!

2007-06-21 07:45:49 · update #1

Most Americans are against Bush
Against liberal-corrupt and hypocrital Republicans!!!
Against war on Iraq!!!!!
Against the shame-wall in the Mex-USA border.

Most Americans are Pro-Democracy, Pro-Comprehensive Reforms!!! and Pro-Smart Borders!

Get it straight!!!


Impeach Bush!

2007-06-21 07:49:10 · update #2

21 answers

Not criminals?
Illegaly enter the country.Often used fake/stolen I.D.'s to procure jobs,social benefits.
How many laws here are broken?
What definition of criminal are you going by?

2007-06-21 07:40:06 · answer #1 · answered by Your Teeth or Mine? 5 · 7 4

Hey dude, what are you smoking? I agree with "rss27!" And, you are over the deep end and are totally clueless about that is REALLY happening!

You claim, "Most Americans are Pro-Comprehensive Immigration Law Reforms." It is estimated that only 20% want the amnesty bill to pass. 20% is not "most Americans!"

Where's your proof for this ridiculous statement? Are you using the biased rag called the "LA Times" as a source? I assume that you discount reputable groups like Rassmusen. (Remember an LA Times poll said Grey Davis wasn't going to be recalled and Arnold wouldn't win.)

1) "Immigration is not a problem and immigrants are not criminals." If you are meaning LEGAL you are correct. If you are blurring legal and ILLEGAL, you are WRONG! ILLEGAL aliens are criminals becasue they are breaking our laws!

2) "Why are you obsesed in criminalizing Immigrants and blaming on people instead your failures?" HUH? We don't criminalize LEGAL immigrants! ILLEGAL ALIENS, you bet! They are criminals!

3) "You don't even Speak Spanish! Most immigrants from latin-America do..." SO WHAT! Why do I have to speak Spanish? This is an English speaking country.

4) "Soon Spanish will be the most spoken Language in America." I doubt it! This is an English speaking country!!!

Dude, get a life! You are wrong in everything you are posting. Get some FACTS instead of biased nonsense! Stop combining LEGAL and ILLEGAL! There is a huge difference. We welcome LEGAL immigrants. ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS DON'T BELONG!

2007-06-21 07:56:05 · answer #2 · answered by JessicaRabbit 6 · 4 0

Stop using the term immigrants for illegal aliens who are criminals. My family members are immigrants...we came to the US legally and waited in line to get green cards and citizenships. We aren't criminals. My family was poor but not once did we get any help from the govt.

Here's a definition of a criminal from the dictionary.
1:one who has committed a crime

Very simple. The illegal aliens are called ILLEGALS for a reason! They broke the law! They are CRIMINALS. And not only do they break the law by coming into the US illegally but they suck down American taxpayers' money as if the money grows on trees! We, the middle class Americans have suffered the most because we let these criminals take advantage of us. It's time to stop them.

PS why do you want to impeach Bush? He is on your side regarding the illegal aliens. HELLO?

2007-06-21 08:01:34 · answer #3 · answered by giantph 3 · 2 0

Law states if you cross the border into the United States undocumented you have broken the law. Therefore you are a criminal. Illegal aliens are criminal regardless of racial makeup. Sorry but that ends your discussion.

"Why are you obsesed in criminalizing Immigrants and blaming on people instead your failures?"-This has everything to do with the failure of criminal immigrants to follow the law. Nice try.

"You don't even Speak Spanish!"-You are right I don't speak Spanish. I have no need to speak Spanish as I live in the USA. Those who are criminal immigrants don't speak English! LOL. Nice try.

Most Americans are "Anaist the wall in the Mex-USA border."-That is just blatantly false. Nice try.

"Most Americans are Pro-Democracy, Pro-Comprehensive Reforms!!! and Pro-Smart Borders"-Well you just contradicted yourself. Smart Borders includes a wall built at the border. So which is it most Americans are against a wall or most Americans are for smart borders which includes a wall? LMAO. Nice try. Go to bed junior.

2007-06-21 07:39:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 8 3

Immigration is a problem. At least in the sense of the hordes of illegals that are crossing our borders everyday without documentation. Although one has to love the melting pot of cultures we have because of legal immigration, people don't have the 'right' to come here whenever they want. There are very good reasons for our immigration laws, one of those being that we want people to be able to move seamlessly into OUR society. Not try to force OUR citizens into welcoming THEIR society and culture. I don't want to live in some pseudo Canada or Mexico, if i did I'd move there. And if you think progress is changing our society to be more like Mexico's, than why are so many of it's citizens coming here?

2007-06-21 07:53:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

the key word here is "illegal". if you break the law, you suffer the consequences, whether you are an american citizen or not.

and i agree with 'rssr27', America doesn't hate immigrants. My parents immigrated here from Asia LEGALLY, learned the language, and instilled their children with good values. We are all productive citizens here. It is when the immigrants are ILLEGAL, have NO vested interest in learning English and assimilating into the american culture that americans have a problem with.

2007-06-21 07:56:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Umm... What is "anti-smitism"? People who are against smiting others? I'm a pro-smitist in certian circumstances, but I don't agree that all people should smite or be smitten. It all depends.

And I don't think that Mexicans should be smitten, nor should republicans (although it's too bad Bush wasn't smitten in the last election - but he has been doing a fine job of smiting himself this term).


2007-06-21 07:54:46 · answer #7 · answered by nicholebeth 3 · 1 1

It's obvious that your one of the uneducated leftists who just CAN'T understand that what is objected to is the ILLEGAL ! ! immigrants, NOT those who come here LEGALLY ! !. And this never ending story of this country being built by immigrants, true, all legal ones ( yeah I know about the BS story about the "natives" That's history get over it , wake up and smell the coffee, Be glad you have this country to live in lib....................

2007-06-21 07:47:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Ironically: The undocumented Latino Immigrants are hated by those illegal Asian-Semitic Immigrants who were deported from Nazi Europe.

2007-06-21 08:03:05 · answer #9 · answered by Gunter 2 · 0 2

Crawl back under your rock.

You first statement is COMPLETELY untrue.

Look at the recent zoogby poll. You will see that more than 70% of American Citizens are against this Immigration reform bill. That include Repubs, Dems and a very high percentage of Indies.

After reading your first statement, I just figure that anything else you have to say is just words of on out of touch wingnut.
I recommend you do some research, and when you discover that you are wrong, then move over to the correct side, and be a winner in life !!!

2007-06-21 07:40:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

You are without doubt, full of crap. Americans don't hate immigrants, we hate "illegal immigrants". So why can't you bleeding hearts jerks get this straight? just remember the key word, if possible, "illegal".
If these damn ****'s are so good at work, and so smart, how come Mexico is slime trap, and why don't these "great hard working immigrants" stay home and make something good of what they have?

2007-06-21 07:44:00 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

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