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comes from the bible and your religion? Athesits don't constantly walk around negatively saying that 'man is sinful' and 'we are not worthy' and all this other invented nonsense to make you believe! It is like me injecting you with a disease then offering you the cure as salvation and calling that a religion. Surely you can see that it is all in your mind?!!

(Wonder if this one will fall on deaf ears..)

2007-06-21 07:28:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Of course it will fall on deaf ears.... just wait till someone starts to copy and paste the bible as an answer in attempt to convert you.... its all a load of jibba jabba.

What makes me chuckle is that religious should be nice (thats what they think) but quite often get all high and mighty and self rightious and get nasty.... a bit like 'jan' down below.... is that the way your supposed to behave?

2007-06-21 07:31:26 · answer #1 · answered by 2 good 2 miss 6 · 2 3

You know, when atheists say stuff like this, and later protest that Christians wrongly equate atheism with amorality.... well, I think it is incumbent on atheists to decide where they are on this.

You may find the word "sin" itself quaint, but what about the idea behind the word? If you regard as "invented nonsense" the notion that there are things that are wrong and for which shame is an appropriate emotion, what can we conclude? Are Christians then right to wonder if perhaps morality and religion do have ties after all?

2007-06-21 14:37:03 · answer #2 · answered by evolver 6 · 2 1

No deaf ears here. I heard what you said. It is true that some Christians tend to rehearse their curse. Words are very powerful. Religion has given society a very bad taste and it doens't have to be this way. In my case, I have seen things in my life clean up. Hatred gone. Anger gone. Unforgiveness gone. Self-centeredness gone. Hopelessness gone. Depression gone.

Call it what you will. But I have freedom now that I never knew before I gained a relationship with Christ. Free indeed! Just like Jesus said he would do. That's not religion, it's relationship!

2007-06-21 14:35:33 · answer #3 · answered by michaelsav2004 2 · 2 1

I disagree. Then again, I'm a Christian whose denomination teaches very much that sin is real. Man's sinful state is a real issue to me, as supported by man's inhumanity to man. Human beings in every culture, including purportedly Christian cultures, spend their time inventing new ways to torture, maim, oppress and kill their fellow man. How can it be said that man does not possess a sinful nature when humanity is constantly embroiled in war, or exploiting one another for the sake of sheer opportunism and profit? My understanding of sin does come from my church, and from Biblical sources, but it also comes from simply opening my eyes and looking around. Ongoing war and other attempts at genocide tells me that there's something very wrong with mankind, indeed. You'd be hard-pressed to find a culture, current or historical, that hasn't been touched by people committing evil toward one another.

2007-06-21 14:37:22 · answer #4 · answered by solarius 7 · 3 1

My ears are wide open, listening to all that have something to say on here, and most times when people post a question like yourself you generalize and make accusations that are not founded on truth.
Sin and this supposed obsession you think we Christians have does not come from the Bible, it comes from us, we are sinful not the Bible. And due to this sinfulness we are not worthy to enter into the most Holy of places.
But God in his ever merciful love for us, gave us Jesus Christ, making us worthy to once again stand in His presence.
So we do not walk around negative, we walk with our heads held high, with our soul in the ready to praise God, Jesus and the Spirit for the rest of eternity, because we choose to not because of something that is written down in a book or on a piece of paper, or spoken to us by some person. We choose this because we truly love our freedom to believe in what we want to believe in. That is my destiny, Atheists dont have any because they dont believe in anything but the here and now.
God bless you, yes you, and love you till the day you see His most glorious face.

2007-06-21 14:37:57 · answer #5 · answered by Perhaps I love you more 4 · 1 2

Well you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I think any Christian who goes around stating "I am not worthy," has missed something important in his or her walk with God.

No your posting did not fall on deaf ears. I do see your side of things. I don't agree but I do see it. All Christians are not ignorant people who were force fed theology from birth. Many of us intelligently made up our own minds. It may not be something you agree with but we did have a choice.

2007-06-21 14:33:34 · answer #6 · answered by Patti C 7 · 3 1

Will this fall on deaf ears? Most definitely. However you have a great point. It seems that the Bible attempts to 'humble' man when really it seems that it actually belittles.

2007-06-21 14:35:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Of course an athiest won't - he doesn't believe there is any consequence to an action. You wanna be an athiest? Go be a damned athiest - you get to sail your own ship, and quite
frankly, if you want to sail it straight to hell, thats your business. We have no mandate from God to convince you to save your own stupid butt, so go do whatever you want.
I'm sick and tired of the whole freakin bunch of you - go live it the hell up. Teach the little kindergarten children about how great it is to have a penis rammed into their little butts - go
tear down all the symbols of God; have a blast. Give all those sweet little adoptable children over to gay couples;
keep on ignoring parental responsibilities - have at it.
This world is in such a mess that it would take GOD to fix it, thanks to people like you.
Deaf ears? Hardly - what its fallen on is fed-up ears. You want God out of your life? Go for it.
You will be EXACTLY THE ONE who is boo-hooing before
God: oh,i didn't mean it sob sob boo hoo hoo...the devil made me do it...sob boo hoo....i didn't know...nobody told me....sob.....
The freaking second you get your peepee stuck in a door,
all we hear is "OH GOD" "OH GOD HELP ME".
Evidence: 9/11
The Churches were full to standing room only; yeah, for about two weeks. Athiests were on THE TV CONVERTING.
GIVE ME A BREAK.... Sail your ship - Bon Voyage

2007-06-21 14:41:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I am a Christian and I'm not obsessed but thats like saying you think that spinach is gross but not everyone who eats vegetables hates spinach. And so i don't believe i'm obsessed and I think that if we don't see that we sin God cant forgive us for our sin and so he can't see the blood of christ and then let us into heaven therefore we wont live in christ after we die we will die spiritually.

2007-06-21 14:37:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I'm sorry that you feel this way. You know, the athesits and others who do not believe in Christ do believe in sin. They just call it by other names. Murder, adultry, stealing, drug abuse, lying and on and on.

2007-06-21 14:33:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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