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About a month ago a coworker brought up an error I had made to my boss. As humilated as I was I decided that I needed to pay more attention to detail as a result of this. I was angry because this coworker and I work together daily and when she makes errors I correct them without making a scene or even telling her sometimes. Of course, I could not use this argument with boss so I decided to start documenting. In the last 30 days this coworker has made 13 errors. Each error I alert the coworker to make corrections and return to me via email. Instead of pointing this out to my boss I alerted my coworker that there were quite a few errors being made on their end. I said this in the most tactful way. Now my coworker is saying that I changed their information to look like they've made these mistakes. I've got solid proof including emails from her that this is untrue. She is threatening to report me. Should I tell my boss first and show her the emails or wait and see what she does first?

2007-06-21 07:23:46 · 8 answers · asked by Rainey 4 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment Other - Careers & Employment

Thanks for the great advice. Unfortunately the errors I find I have to document before I correct because if I dont it looks like I was tampering with information. And if I correct it wrong then it all falls on me. I work in accounting and we get audited regularily, She is not the only person I document errors from she just happens to have the most errors. Most everyone else appreciates wjhen I ask for correction because they know we are all humans and make mistakes. Plus its inevitable that if its not fixed now it will bite them in the butt later. So I'm definitely not just targeting her.

2007-06-21 08:59:43 · update #1

8 answers

You kept your documentation for a reason-it looks like this is the reason. I would go to the manager first, though I would likely inform the co-worker that I was doing so - right before I did so (as in on my way into the office) so that she didn't have enough time to try to do so herself.

2007-06-21 07:27:41 · answer #1 · answered by VitaminDude 2 · 1 0

Stop the drama, your coworker is being immature don't join her.
Do your job the best you can if you make a mistake learn from it. If she is a tattle tail it will look bad on her not you. No boss expects perfection just that you learn from mistakes and not hide them or blame others. Being more careful is fine but setting up procedures so it won't happen again is better. Say you have a weekly task and you forgot to do it, you could be more careful or you could set up a task list in your email or calendar program to notify you a day a head and leave a post it note on your screen for morning. Then go to your boss and say I made a mistake, I forgot to do my task but I have set up reminders so it will never happen again. Ask if there is anything you can do to mitigate the damage and do it.

2007-06-21 14:33:18 · answer #2 · answered by shipwreck 7 · 0 0

It is apparent you were up set about the first incident. I recommend that you
finish what you started. The information, proof and everything should be forwarded
to your boss. Right away, before this coworker makes the claim that you doctored

It is enough to say that you did not appreciate the child like action of your
coworker. Once the die is casted all will go wrong if you try to change the

2007-06-21 14:47:30 · answer #3 · answered by whatevit 5 · 1 0

Go to the manager immediately. But don't tell her that you are, it can only cause her to make a scene. Talk to your manager about things that you are witnessing and the threats that she is making. Just let him know that you wanted to bring it to his attention. Don't say anything to your co-worker and I imagine your manager will talk to her in his office to find out where the whole problem is coming from. Just know that you have proper documentation.


Your co-worker may feel that she is under attack. She corrected you on 1 mistake. You corrected her on 13. maybe only 1 correction to her attention should have been made if you were looking to get revenge.

Either way the damage was done and you must now face the boss. Talk to him about how you see your side of the problem. He may suggest they fix your mistakes without telling you and you fix their mistakes without telling them. Remember it is always good to double check our work!

For her to accuse you of changing their info so it looked like they were making mistakes is a very sad thing to say. She probably feela threatened. I would suggest double checking your work before sending it forword.

Good Luck!!!

2007-06-21 14:48:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

you should definately go to your boss as soon as possible otherwise she will try to spin the story her way. When it comes to their work people can be highly manipulative. Show your boss, tell them what happened and say how it got to be this bad, if they're a good boss they will hear both sides of the story and will determine the truth. You should report it also since the errors could be of a material nature and the boss should know about them, as they might be thinking that there is no problem and might be thinking of promoting her or you, but they should make an informed decision. good luck.

2007-06-21 14:37:08 · answer #5 · answered by Mezee 3 · 1 0


Best to take action yourself. Chances are that she is just bluffing and will use the information on a later time against you.

My advice, report to your boss the mistakes she constantly makes, tell him you tried to help her to correct her mistakes but she will not listen to you, she is given you the blame of it.
Tell him you can prove your worries and that you suspect that she will deny everything and that she probably will blame you for it.

Be polite and calm when you report is to your boss, tell hem that you act in companies best interest.

-I wish you the very best.
rgds, R.

2007-06-21 14:39:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No, don't wait. A boss has to know what is going on. Ask for talk with your boss, tell your boss that you don't like to do this (telling on co-workers) and then tell the whole story. (Also that the other girl has threathend you with a report.) Also tell that you are walking around with this for days and that it beginning to effect your work.

Never wait until it has escalated!

2007-06-21 14:34:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think you should. Not to get her in trouble (even though that's what should happen,) but to save your job.

You should keep an eye out for another job, just incase.

2007-06-21 14:43:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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