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I have an eight month old German Shephard Dog and she's really funny.
We have an old WWI jeep in our backyard and she dug her own little fortress under there. Does anyone know why? I'm sure it's just boredom, but she sure seems to love to dig more than dogs usually do.
I also had another question.. does anyone have a German Shephard that DOES NOT like water?
She despises the stuff. If she didn't have to drink it, she wouldn't!
Well maybe hate isn't the word, but it's like a million degrees where I live and she refuses to be wetted. Baths are super hard.
I tried using the hose, I tried introducing her to a tub-like thing full of standing water.
Does NOT like the stuff.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to help her be less afraid of water, and maybe even mold her into a water-oriented dog?

At first she hated car rides, but now if the door's open she hops right in. I'm not sure if the same thing could happen with water, so please, any advice is appreciated!

2007-06-21 07:19:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

12 answers


2007-06-21 07:26:45 · answer #1 · answered by SeXyBeastFromSomeWhereInTheUsa 1 · 0 0

Okay, well I once had a German Shepherd myself, but never did it have these problems. How long have you had this pet? It sounds as if she is still getting used to her new habitat. Digging holes is just a dogs way of hiding or protecting some object, maybe she just wants it to be safe, but also digging can just mean that they are sad, or want to be alone. Now, with the water problem, I don't know what will help her, does she drink anything else? If she doesn't drink anything, then this is not a good sign, but at least if she is drinking something, she will not easily die of dehydration. But if you really, really, want her to drink water, then i recommend putting her water dish in the burrow she made under your jeep. Maybe then if she sits under the jeep in her digging spot, and she sights the water bowl frequently, she may in turn drink some, and if she likes it, she will more then likely continue to drink it and your problems will be solved. But if not, just continue to give her what you have been for a beverage. Does that help any? -shan-

2007-06-21 14:35:33 · answer #2 · answered by Shan 2 · 0 0

I have 2 German Shepherds. While they are not particularly fond of water - if we have them with us and I go into the water, they will follow.
As far as the digging under the jeep, she is just trying to keep cool. That the jeep is there and not moved - the earth under it is probably cool.
Why don't you try getting one of those kiddie wading pools and fill it up with water. Go put on a bathing suit or old shorts and shirt. Since most dogs want to please their owner, get into the pool and try persuading your dog to get into the pool with you. Don't splash him/her. Just let the dog walk around in the pool. Praise the dog when it gets into the pool with you. Maybe you can get the dog to relax after a while and it will join you with out hesitation once it realizes how good it feels in the pool.
If baths are that tramatic, try a groomer and remember to praise the dog for being good and standing still while getting a bath.
Hope this is of some help.

2007-06-21 22:13:52 · answer #3 · answered by Su-Nami 6 · 0 0

I have a GSD and he's wonderful!!! When I first got him the breeder told me he was like a really bad 13 year old boy, at that time he was 7mos old. It takes awhile for GSD's to mature. My dog used his crate like your dog uses the Jeep. It's quiet and cool. Some GSD's love water and some don't, mine happens to love mud, but we live by a lake and he's never shown any desire to get into the water. You might try using her dislike of water as a training tool. Fill a squirt bottle and give her a little squirt when she does something you don't agree with. Don't try and force her to like swimming, she may in the future learn to love recreational water, but I guarantee she never will if you try and force her now. I'm sure you have a lovely dog, especially since your only worries are the Jeep and the water issue. Remember the car issue, now she loves riding, her mind changed.
As far as digging goes, my dog used to dig, as he got older he quit.

2007-06-21 16:56:14 · answer #4 · answered by DUKE 3 · 0 0

I own GSD's
Your gsd has dug under the jeep as a little den some place for itself to chill to keep cool etc.
I done this to keep mine cool, was not to sure of it @ 1st but now loves it & is always in it.
I got a little kiddy sandpit, you know the type you can buy it has a lid & a base usually comes in different shapes.
I got one of those & filled one side with water straight from the hose & the other with sand for it to play & mess about with.
I sat there for a little while kicking my foot about in it & messing with the water with my hand etc so he knew it was just water & would not harm anyone, then he started being nosy stepping in it & getting straight out, now he loves it

2007-06-21 14:27:42 · answer #5 · answered by ♪¥Nicole¥♪ 5 · 1 0

They dig.Alot.
They like to dig holes in the yard to find a cool spot in the ground,it's just their nature to do this.
Word of advice,don't tie them up,let 'em run in the yard.They get stronger after awhile from being tied up because they are working against themselves.

Most dogs like to dig but I find shephards are very good at it. I have a shephard/chow mis and he won't waste time digging if he sees dirt. He digs to sit in the hole especially on hot days. He digs to get at my flower roots, he digs to bury his bones, toys, anything else he can find.

I found a bone three years later while planting a tree. My shephard buried it there and forgot.

No dog likes baths, you need to bath him on a regular basis in order for him to even get close to being used to it.

Once a month. In summer weather, outside is a good place if you are in a cold region then you need to bath him inside or take him to a doggie groomer. Cost is about $40 depending on the will be done. Usually cutting toes, cleaning ears, clipping alittle here and there, full bath and brush is included in the price.

find a website on how to bath a dog, get a few and read on what is best for your conditions. good luck and never give up on him. he will do what you want in time, as long as you make it a habit for him.

2007-06-21 14:32:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know about the fortress, but some dogs are afraid of water when their little, I have a lab and she would not go in are pound when she was little we had to resort to getting in the water, dragging her in with us, and helpping her swim(even water breeds like labs have trouble swimming the first couple of times). Now we can't keep her out of the water.

2007-06-21 19:01:52 · answer #7 · answered by Sarah 1 · 0 0

I would go to the local pet store or go online and buy a waterless dog shampoo. Also she probably dug her fortress thing for her to have a little cave like she would naturaly. She is a little digging dog. Be sure to clean her ears or it might lead to infections.

2007-06-21 14:26:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i have a dobermann that doesnt like CLEAN water. just bought a paddling pool and he will now get treats out of the clean water in it. i throw something realy tasty in it and he has even put two feet in it to get them out! Early days with him, but he LOVES smelly muddy water! her den she made is probably lovely and cool. try using a wetted bandana around her neck, just watch she doesnt catch it on things or on her feet trying to remove it.

2007-06-21 14:27:29 · answer #9 · answered by lucky j 2 · 0 0

maybe if you go to the lake a lot take her with you or get her a kiddie pool for get in. when she gets in give her a treat and praise her. repeatedly put her in the pool for longer amounts of time and give her treats. you never know, she might learn to like water. just give her time and patience and see how it all works out. good luck with your dog.


2007-06-21 14:27:52 · answer #10 · answered by Heather 3 · 1 0


2007-06-21 14:50:23 · answer #11 · answered by gypsy 2 · 0 0

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