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You are not far from the Kingdom of God.

Do you: believe if you perform good works you are rewarded threefold? Accept suffering for a spiritual purpose? Believe there are spiritual powers greater than you? Find rest or peace in the spirit world? Seek knowlege of yourself, others and the world through the spirit world? Believe you can influence the spiritual and corporal world? Believe that with only a very small faith you can influence healing, the weather, and faith of others?

Christ wants us to believe these things too. I tell you, you will do even more as a Christian. A scribe once said that loving God and one's neighbor are the greatest commandments. Jesus told the scribe, "You are not far from the Kingdom of God." Mk12:18-34

After all of the leaps of faith you have made (most of what you believe in is "loving you neighbor") what leap of faith is left for you?

Believe in and love the one I AM with all your might. C'mon leap!

Yours more than you know, Grace

2007-06-21 06:51:27 · 12 answers · asked by Grace 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers


I have to admit, you get an "A" for . . . well, let's call it originality. That's a nice *neutral* term.

Beyond that, I'm sorta speechless. Why would I trade the freedom, beauty, and honor of my ancestral folkways and the holiness, power, and fecundity of my ancestral godhs for a slave religion that tells me I'm worthless, ruled over by a vengeful deity like yours?

Oh, and btw, having grown up AOG, and spent time in Vineyard and Kingdom Theology churches, where I "moved in the gifts of the Spirit" . . . hasn't it ever struck you as odd how much stuff y'all believe in that you can't make WORK?

2007-06-21 07:46:49 · answer #1 · answered by Boar's Heart 5 · 1 0

I don't do good things for rewards. I do good things to help others. No I don't accept suffering for a spiritual purpose. Suffering is brought on by us. We are responsible for it. So no I don't belief suffering is for spiritual purposes. Yes I believe in a God and a Goddess... or many of both. I seek knowledge for myself only. Other people have to find their own knowledge. Other wise they only have my knowledge and not their own. I don't ask the spirit world for knowledge. I believe we all have the ability to be healers, we have been told we can't therefore people don't believe it. I have influenced the weather. I never try to influence the faith of another. It's wrong to try.

Sorry hun but Jesus was a spiritual teacher with some wonderful thoughts. However his thoughts and beliefs have been preverted and no longer exist in their pure form.

I am perfect where I am in my spirituality and do not need to be led anywhere by anyone. I will not leap to a religion that was made up by man. Sorry, you can believe it all you want but I know my truth and it does not include christianity.

2007-06-21 14:40:06 · answer #2 · answered by Janet L 6 · 0 0

Here is why I will not take that leap.

1 - I don't wan to believe that my deity is vengeful.
2 - I want to believe that each individual has their own path to take, and that other's opinions won't matter in the end.
3 - I do not carry hate in my heart for anyone, not you, not muslims, not (gasp) homosexuals.
4 - the earth is the source of my power and my faith. It is real, you can touch it, you can see it.
5 - as a christian, I will be limited in what I am allowed to believe, think, do, say.

So, no thank you.

2007-06-21 13:58:56 · answer #3 · answered by mikalina 4 · 2 0

Thank Gods us Pagans still have free will.

*refuses to leap with all her might*

Obviously Christ was a Pagan then, because Christianity only became a religion after he died.

2007-06-21 13:58:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

so are you saying pagans that do good deeds are not rewarded? God is prejudice? He only loves certain people who believe crazy stories about him they were told as kids?? Im not a pagan but your thinking is off!

2007-06-21 13:58:50 · answer #5 · answered by cja752003 3 · 2 0

Many neo-pagans were once Christian. We know about your faith well, and have found we prefer the personal experience we have found in ours.

2007-06-21 13:56:33 · answer #6 · answered by Kharm 6 · 3 0

Yeah, it's easy to see how Christianity culled all its beliefs from pre-existing systems.

Go do a little readin, dear. PAGANISM came FIRST.

2007-06-21 13:55:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Pagans do not believe in your god. Sorry.

2007-06-21 13:55:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Your "Kingdom" is a lie.

I'll stay in the woods....thank you!


2007-06-21 13:59:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

you christians think you have an exclusive on god.
thats funny.

2007-06-21 13:56:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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