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Are you for the death penalty? Do you feel that American society must do more for the homeless, for the poor, for working men and women living below the poverty line? Are you against a higher minimus wage? Are you against affirmative action? Do you believe racial and class prejudice still exist in the USA?

2007-06-21 06:34:32 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

Well, I can't speak for all Christians, but here is what I feel about these issues:

Human and civil rights: I'm for both of those, 100%!

Rights of gays and lesbians: I'm fine with rights for them, too. They are citizens, too. They can even get married if they want. Doesn't make any difference to me.

Death penalty: I am utterly against the death penalty. Two wrongs don't make a right, and I don't believe that it deters criminals. The studies that have suggested otherwise have used some very faulty statistics.

Homeless and poor: Yep. I think we need to do a LOT more for the homeless and impoverished. It is sick that so many people live below the poverty line in a country as rich as ours.

Minimum wage: This is a complicated one. On one hand, I think the minimum wage should be higher. It certainly should be high enough to keep people above the poverty line! That said, there IS a point at which a minimum wage will be high enough that it will ruin businesses. What good is a high minimum wage if businesses close and people are unemployed instead? Truth is that I don't know how high of a minimum wage can be without crushing business, so I am not qualified to go much further on this issue than what I've already said.

Affirmative action: I support it. When it is proven to me that people are not discriminated against regularly for their race, then I will stop supporting affirmative action, because it won't be necessary. In the meantime, I don't have any problem with affirmative action.

Race and class prejudice: Both are alive and well in the United States. They are more subtle, but they are still thriving. Anyone who spends any time at all here at Yahoo! Answers should be able to see that. Still, we have made big strides in the past 40 years, and I am optimistic that things will continue to improve.

Hope that answers your question. Have a good one!

2007-06-21 06:44:34 · answer #1 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 2 2

I cant say yes or no because the Bible says to obey the law of the land and if the law is to use the deth penalty then so be it. But on the flip side wouldnt it be nice to just let them sit in their cells so they can think about what they have done and hopefully repent. Unforutnately though some dont repent. So thats a tough question.

I do support some human and civil rights it just depends on the situation at hand.

I do not believe in the rights of Gays and Lesbians because the Bible says homosexuality is a disgusting sin. Dont get me wrong I have gay friends but I do not support some of their actions but they are none the less my friends.

I definitely believe more should be done for the homeless etc... They should start up some sort of program to get them back on track instead of worrying about people in other countries who dont even want us there.

Of course I want higher minimun wage.

No I am not against Affirmative Action.

Sadly racial and class prejudices still exist. Why cant people just get along and realize that everyone is human no matter their skin color or the class status.

2007-06-21 06:51:11 · answer #2 · answered by pony 3 · 0 0

I support human and civil rights, gays and lesbians are humans, they have rights, I am against the death penalty b/c I feel it doesn't deter anyone from crime, and I am against how the entire American justice system works, at least on the punishment side. I feel society does a lot already, but could do more for people below the poverty line, I think minimum wage is alright right now, could be higher, I am against affirmative action because I feel it bolsters racism of all types, If anyone doesn't think racial and class prejudice still exist in the USA they are not very attentive, or they have blinders on...

2007-06-21 06:48:38 · answer #3 · answered by chavito 5 · 0 1

i believe that all men and women are equal, and should be treated so, for that reason i don't believe that gays should have special rights that straights don't, and i don't believe that minorities should have rights that majorities don't i.e. affirmative action,

i do support the death penalty, (no one has sat in the electric chair and then became a repeat offender)

i don't believe we need to do more for poor homeless or poverty families, i believe they need to do more for them selves,

i am against higher minimum wage that just raises inflation,

i do believe that racial and class prejudice still exist, and i believe every race and class is guilty of it

but im not a christian

2007-06-21 07:19:13 · answer #4 · answered by eyesinthedrk 6 · 0 0

I am a Christian and I:
-Support human, civil, and gay rights
-Am very against the death penalty
-Think that America and especially the church should help out the poor and homeless more
-Am for a higher minimum wage
-Affirmative Action I'm not too sure on, it was just banned in Michigan and I've seen a lot of negative effects for that
-I do believe that racial, class, and gender prejudice are all alive and well in our country

Thanks for the question!

2007-06-21 06:38:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

So we're basing whether something is right or wrong on how much support you can have? I suppose if a majority of people thought it was a good idea to run every homosexual out of town like they were nothing but animals it would be considered morally okay? When people get so clouded by their "strong religious values" that they can't even see how they're hurting the right for a little girl to be treated like a decent human being, there's something very wrong with religion these days. What did the principal do wrong? The girl was being taunted and he added insult to injury by making her into a example. If he had any strong family values he would have firstly realized that sexuality, especially that of a TEENAGE GIRL, is a private and personal matter and to go announce to everyone like that was very unprofessional and wrong. He was a trusted adult that she sought guidance and comfort in and instead he used her an example of his anti-gay beliefs.

2016-05-17 03:53:58 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

1. Yes, I support Civil rights, but not for Gay Marriage.

2. Yes, I am for the Death Penalty.

3. yes, but not to the extent that it leads to communism.
Reason for the most part for the homeless, is because of laziness, (I have a simple solution, if you don't want to work, then starve, ) don't make the Government have to support you while you sit around in your section 8 housing getting tax exempts for having a bunch of kids you cannot support, taxing the WIC programs, and running up hospital bills you cannot afford.

I have worked at the greyhound bus terminal in Downtown Dallas for a while and seen many homeless people, who are so because they want to be, they can get jobs, they are just too lazy to do it.

Higher minimum wage? ridiculous!, what do you think that will solve? the prices will only go higher and higher to offset the wage increase,
Example: you raise min wage let say to 7.00, so that a person making that can afford to fill up the car to go to work with gas, ok, the Oil producers will just raise the price of gas again to get it back, you raise it to 7. they will raise it to 3 dollars a gallon, you raise it to 8.00 they will raise it to 4, you cannot win.

Racial Class prejudice? That has always been there, and will never go away, there will always be rich and poor, so what are you suggesting? Communism? were everyone is the same, the Soviet Union tried it and failed, Cuba will fail too only Castro keeps it going

2007-06-21 06:55:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I am a Catholic.

I believe in and support human rights laws and activities.

I believe that gays and lesbians have the right to do as they wish provided that they, like all other world citizens, obey the laws of the countries with which they are involved. If they or their supporters believe that the laws are incorrect then they have the absolute right to lobby and seek a change of the law(s) in question.

I am against the death penalty. Totally and without exception.

I believe that our country MUST do what it can, within the boundries set for it, to aid those in need of help, especially within the groups that you have named.

I believe that the minimum wage should be monitored by elements of the governments involved and new wage alterations enacted where obvious unfairness exists.

I am for affirmative action where it belongs. By this I mean that those who are obviously discriminated against should be given the opportunity to better themselves.

I do believe that racial and class prejudice, in BOTH directions (those 'with' and those 'without') still exist now and will exist in the future. Why? We are human beings and imperfect - a 'sacrificial lamb' will always exist for us upon which will we exercise our prejudices and biases. This must constantly be watched for and eliminated to the best of our combined abilities.

These are principles which I hold dear. There are exceptions, of course, but any exception must be treated without bias and with the common good in mind.

2007-06-21 06:50:20 · answer #8 · answered by Pete W 5 · 0 1

I am confused, are you talking to all Christians or just Republican Christians? I support human & civil rights; I do not care what homosexual people do in their own homes, I am against the practise of homosexuality but I do not feel it is my place to judge them. If asked on the matter, I will state my opinion. I am for helping those who are homeless by circumstance and those who are homeless by mental illness; I think the poor should be helped to climb out of the catch 22 poverty brings; I am for helping people climb out of poverty, working or not; minimum wage should be raised, it is at a ridiculous level; surprisingly on the fence for affirmative action, it can help and hurt; many prejudices are alive and well in the US.

2007-06-21 06:46:46 · answer #9 · answered by future dr.t (IM) 5 · 1 0

1. I am against the death penalty, not because of "death" but because the richer you are, the easier it is to get good lawyers and avoid it. Most people on death row are way below the poverty level.

2. I believe Americans do quite a bit for homeless, poor, etc. Our government, however, wastes the money we give them for these areas.

3. Yes. I believe it hurts those that it means to help.

4. Yes. Same reason as above.

5. No question. There are HUGE prejudices in the USA. I can't change that--except for me, my family and my influence on the people around me.

2007-06-21 06:42:02 · answer #10 · answered by Gregory B 4 · 1 2

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