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The question was asked ealier if a Christian can be for the choice of abortion and gay marriage. Can a Christian be for ANY SIN without compromising their beliefs? Abortion is murder, that is a sin. Homosexuality is a sin. So what is next? Should a Christian support men who like to have sex with little kids? These people are out there so don't act like I am saying crazy things here. I would ask about the whole getting drunk thing but there are probably more closet alcoholics in chruches than you could imagine. Christians have already compromised so many beliefs. It seems to me that Christians don't emphasise the importance of boys and girls to abstain from sex until marriage. Have Christians given to the safe sex for teenagers idea? Christians what do you think?

2007-06-21 06:19:49 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

I think we have gone lax in our faith. It seems like we try to hard to be "seeker friendly" so we change our beliefs so others will come to church. I think abortion is murder, and not just because my faith says so (ten commandments) but because we put people on death row for killing a woman who's pregnant. I'm okay with drinking as long as you don't get drunk, and your not addicted (if you can't go a night without at least one glass of wine, you have a problem). One glass of wine is fine every so often.

2007-06-21 06:27:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I as a Christian will not compromise my beliefs. However, Christian is not universal. There are so many denominations, and churches claiming not to be a denomination, but all have different views. Some say this, some say that, but in the long run, we believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I hate that denominations have split Christians.

The Bible does clearly say homosexuality is a sin, look at what happend to Sodom and Galorah. (I appolgoize for incorrect spelling). The bible days say abortion is wrong, because murder is wrong. God creates no accidents.

I believe there are many luke warm Christians that exist today. These are the types of people who do not want to cause any chaos or stir among others. The Bible clearly states that the luke warm Christians will be spit out of the mouth. God wants us to be either hot or cold. I perfer to be hot.

I have been bold with those who ask my advice. I was in a dating relationship that I had to break because I was not going to compromise my Chrisitian beliefs against his Christian beliefs. (very long story)

It's not easy being a true Christian who is willing to stand up for what is right, and to correct those who are wrong.

2nd Timothy 2:24-26
"And the Lord's bond servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind, top all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repetence, leading them to the knowledge of the truth, so that they may come to their sences and escape the snare of the devil having been held captive by him to do his will."

2007-06-21 06:32:53 · answer #2 · answered by kicking4jc 4 · 0 0

I like Claudia's answer in that God does give us the choice to make regarding anything we do. The Christian faith is first and foremost supposed to share the word and message of God through Jesus Christ. All Christians, regardless of their denomination, beliefs, or source of their beliefs from the teachings of thier particular church are supposed to have this central theme the primary part of their lives.

From there what you will find is that there are many roads within what is known as the Christian faith. This denomination believes one thing while that one another and yet another is "non denominational" and there for worship, sharing, etc.. You speak of specific things but must understand that asking about beliefs is to broad a question to be answered properly.

The discussions around abortion and homosexuality alone could fill the servers here and you would not come to one final all inclusive definition of beleifs.

What you see is public and political debates that don't begin to represent the efforts of Christians all over the world down in the individual churches. I have spoken out many a time about the "public view" vs the realistic view of our faith. Unfortunately, and I think your question represents it, the public view causes division, dissension and apathy within the faith and certainly cause apathy and "why would I want to be a part of that" attitudes from without. Don't take the word of the tabloid press to come to conclusions. Don't take the specifics of one denomination or church or pastor. If one groups "beleifs" are not what yours are, then find the group that matches and become an active part with the understanding that below the main charge of our faith it is ok to have diversity as long as it does not create division.

God Bless

2007-06-21 07:10:35 · answer #3 · answered by mikeytj 2 · 0 0

If you have faith and truly are Christian, then you can not be for any sin. God knows we will sin because it is our nature, but making a mistake is not the same as saying that mistake is ok, hence the need for repentance. Your question is like asking if an athiest can believe in a "higher power". That would make him an agnostic and not an athiest.

So, no, a Christian can not compromise what Jesus taught and still be a Christian.

2007-06-21 06:36:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yeah unfortunately this does happen with Christians and I include myself in this. We all make mistakes. Some just dont think their wrong and thats when you have a problem. So long as you realize the fault and ask forgiveness truly then you can still continue with your Christian walk. But if Christians choose to follow the things of the world that are clearly not right by Gods standards then obviously we have a problem.

2007-06-21 06:31:28 · answer #5 · answered by pony 3 · 2 0

You are sooooooooo correct that we have given in to far to many sinful things, in fact one sin is far to many. NO Christians cannot compromise their beliefs and remain a true Christian. Did Jesus ever compromise a single belief, if not then we are not to either. I sure wish more people would catch this truth and quit walking around saying I can live however I want, I prayed a prayer once so I can do anything I want and I will be fine.

Be Holy as I am Holy!!!!!!!!!!

2007-06-21 06:30:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

That's a good question.

I don't go about promoting and advocating for gay marriages, abortions, or anything else that promotes sins. i personally believe that they are wrong and that they are a sin.

Although, i do believe that people should have a choice. As a matter of fact God gave us a choice by giving us free will.

didn't he? he gives us the choice to accept him or not. he didn't make us like machines to do only what he wanted and expected us to do.

we live in America the home of the free and although we are Christians we are also Americans that need to protect our rights. thanks to those rights we are able to chose what we want to and follow whatever religion we chose. look at all the problems that taking away rights have had in the past... countries have gone down and millions have been killed just because of the fact that their choice was taken away.

i teach my children what is right and what i believe they should do.... then i give them the choice.
is that compromising my beliefs? no. nobody is forcing me to do anything that i don't want to do.

but why would you want to force anyone to do what they don't want to do? isn't that judging? isn't that also against what you believe?

2007-06-21 06:33:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Should a Christian support men who like to have sex with children?? Are you kidding?? Closet alcoholics?? Maybe recovering alcoholics if they are truly Christians and have put off the "old self". True Christians do not compromise God's word. Christians absolutely do teach the importance of abstinance, it's the entire world that teaches the opposite. To believe, means to "LIVE BY". True Christians don't just believe "in" God, we "believe" God.

2007-06-21 06:32:02 · answer #8 · answered by Ron D 2 · 0 1

Yes, and We & U do so every day!!! Christ said He "Forgave" all our Sins. He did Not say He "Made Us Perfect" as Ur question indicates Graphically!!! Ur statement although I'm sure made in Anger with Passion and Love for the state of a Fetus is Sin in & of itself!!! First U have placed Urself in Judgment of Others by engaging "Keyboard" before "Thought Processes"!!! U see, "THERE IS NO HUMAN LIFE / SOUL LIFE IN THE WOMB PERIOD!!! Read Genesis 2:7 which is Explicit that God (NOT Us) "Breathes Life" (Human & Soul) at the TIME OF BIRTH NOT BEFORE!!! therefore Except for "Partial Birth Abortion", there is NO MURDER and IT IS Between a Woman & Her Dr., Period!!! Once Alive, the Genetically Imparted Original Sin is made Active so that we are Born Physically Alive & Spiritually Dead!!! Do U Really Think God would Entrust Us to the Creation Process of Soul Production??? WHEN PIGS FLY as the saying goes!!! I too am against Abortion as Birth Control, but I Don't Engage in the ARROGANCE COMPLEX CREATING MORE EVIL in trying to Stop it!!! Evil IS IN THIS WORLD True!!! But when Christ was here did He do as the Jews wanted & Build an Army to Destroy their Oppressors??? NO NO NO!!! EVIL IS CHRISTIAN ACTIVISM & ARROGANCE PERIOD!!!!!!! God hasn't given Us control of this World!!! Satan has been granted some time here as the "Ruler" as part of the Angelic Conflict True, BUT God is in Total Control of Time & History and He knows what He is doing!!! To think Otherwise is Also SIN!!! John

2007-06-21 06:50:52 · answer #9 · answered by moosemose 5 · 0 1

I love it when I see YOUR questions, as i know we are in agreement. thanks for being a true Christian.
A true Christian, and not just someone wearing a fake label will never compromise on thier beliefs for any reason, even to please just self, let alone to be popular. God tells us clearly what is sin and say we must repent and turn from it to be saved. Obedlience leads to blessing and disobedience leads to curse , hell and death. IF we are Christian, GOd says we will be like Jesus and desire more and more to be like Him. ANd we know that grace wont cover willful deliberate sin, no matter how you slice it. I see all that you see in churches the closet alcoholics and drug addicts, all of it, those prideful and too good to talk to the little ppl, all of it, and you know what, we can only forgive them and pray . But, yes ppl are compromising more and more on their believes, as God said it would be. He said that the closer to the time of Jesus return, ppl would either become more Like Jesus or less like Him. This is the time where the saints are being seperated from the sinners, and I agree with you, I know which side I am on, with the Lord, and we cannot compromise on any of the word of God. I had a girlfriend recently start shacking up with her boyfriend, in their fifities, even no youn ppl here, and they were strong christians and yet say its ok now. What did God chagne? No God says He never changes. What was wrong a long time ago, still is. It is ppl that change , not God. I get mocked for many of my beliefs and called names, its ok. They did the same to Jesus. He gets us thru it all, and as long as He is pleased with us, we are happy little campers. PPL can make themselves believe anything is ok, but compromisng and listening to the devil. He doesnt want us to obey, cuz he knows what obeience leads to, and he wants noone saved. NO real Christian will ok adultry, homosexuality, abortion, lying, stealing, or any of the other lists of sins God gives us. Who are we to deceide what He is right on and say He is wrong about other stuff. RIght now, God is seperating the wheat from the tares as He calls it, and many will be lost and some saved. Press on with JEsus and keep speaking truth even if ppl mock you and hate you. Remeber God is pleased with you, and so many of us that are Chrsitians, are so encouraged by you. We all need each other. YOu are a blessing to many.... PRess on boy.

2007-06-21 12:03:16 · answer #10 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 0 0

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