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can you follow jesus and still support choice of abortion and gay marriages?

couldn't taking away the choices of abortion, gay marriages, and other debated issues somehow affect choice of religion in the long run?

2007-06-21 06:07:48 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Pro-choice is not pro-death, it's simply pro-choice. It's saying, admitting, that you cannot make the decision to sin or not for another (and by proxy, you cannot have your government make that choice for another). Yes, you can be pro-choice and Christian at the same time.

edit: sarahkay, you got a chapter and verse on that definition of marriage? I assume you mean a literal definition and not just a reference to married people. Even the Mormons managed to read polygamy into legitimacy.

2007-06-21 06:14:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

having a choice , and making the right choice are 2 entirely different things- how about a choice to kill someone after birth? Shouldn't we support that choice as well, even though we would never choose to kill a born child? I hope this answer is NO. People that ask questions like this- I will answer with a question- What about us, can you support our choice, to say that abortion is wrong, and gay marriage is wrong? There should be no double standard here. When Christians, like myself say, you have a choice where you will spend eternity= you get all bent out of shape,

2007-06-21 06:22:29 · answer #2 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 2 0

Yes, of course you could. The question remains though if you really should, since these choices are quite inconsistent with one's Christian faith, if that faith is squarely in the Word of God.

If, say, we didn't ever legislate abortion or gay marriage, or struck both down, if we did legislate them previously, due to the majority of Americans traditionally holding to a Judeo-Christian ethic of living, does that then put us at the risk of legislating a particular religion, like Saudi Arabia does?

No, because 1) we didn't in all our previous history, for 200 years, here in America, up until 1973 with Roe vs. Wade, 2) the 1st Amendment clearly draws a spiritual boundary line regarding our choice of religion and denomination, by our right to worship as we so choose, 3) whereas, both abortion and same sex marriage violate the boundaries of natural law. What is natural is also described in general terms in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

2007-06-21 07:35:56 · answer #3 · answered by Tom 4 · 0 0

i think it's definitely a difficult issue for christians. Christians that say "God is on my side" probably have no idea.

We have to follow our hearts and our virtues, and where our compassion leads us. I believe this is what Jesus teaches. Finding loopholes and obscure passages in the Bible to justify one belief or another is a thing for the Pharisess to do.

So for a mother who is pregnant, scared and alone -- who cannot take care of a baby and has no where to go -- who with a beating heart can't help but feel sorry for her? And the same goes for the baby. Its mother doesn't want it. Who could help feeling sorry it?

The gay marriage issue too. As Jesus taught, loving our neighbor is one of the greatest commandments. If same-sex marriage was just an issue about carnal lust, it would be a much easier decision, but same-sex couples love each other and have caring relationships. And we know there is no greater gift from God than love. What's more, if we ban abortion, who will take all the babies? More couples looking to adopt will be needed.

I don't know what is right and what is wrong, but I will look to what my compassion for my fellow humans tells me.

2007-06-21 06:23:10 · answer #4 · answered by Rach 3 · 2 1

There needs be opposition in all things. But when a majority of the population supports abortion over abstinence, or cater to a minority at the expense of the good of the majority...a line needs to be made. Abortion is murder...no matter how a person tries to justify...it is still taking an innocent life whose only crime is that it exists.

Gay marriage...this opens things up to all sorts of things. Once we decide to change the meaning of marriage...then it looses all meaning, as well as opens it up for even less desired groups to assert their "rights".

Choice is good. And when we make a choice, we need to look and see where that choice is going to lead us. Look at possible ramifications for the individual as well as society in general. The issues you have brought up are 2 very selfish issues. In fact, how we choose to deal with these and many other "small" issues, shows us why kind of a society we are and want. You need to "Choose" , Each of us need to choose, what kind of society you wish to support. One that strives to help all its citizens responsible for their actions, or one that strives to justify irresponsibility?

2007-06-21 06:28:58 · answer #5 · answered by LDS~Tenshi~ 5 · 0 1

The way i see it is that the gays, lez and abortion thing is something they want to do. I'm a christian and i believe whatever the bible says. But it's not like i'm going to be in a protest banning gay marriages. It's really none of my buisness what they do. And it's not like i'll be attending a protest allowing gay marriages or anything. If you know someone gay or who's going to have an abortion, just support whatever they do, but just because you do don't say you're all for it. Personally i go AGAINST abortion.

2007-06-21 06:21:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Sure -- and while we're at it, let's support racial discrimination and sexism too.

I mean, I am against racial discrimination, ,and my Catholic faith is a big reason why -- but do I have the right to impose that view on others?

I am against spanking children -- but do I, or does the state, have the right to impose that view on others by criminalizing spanking?

I'm tired of this old "I'm personally opposed to abortion, but ..." line.

I'm tired of it because nobody ever applies that "logic" to racism or sexism or hitting kids.

I'm also tired of it because abortion is not one of those "different strokes for different folks" issues. You're either for it, or against it.

It's not something morally neutral like choosing the color you're going to paint your kitchen. This is life and death.

And a Christian should always be on the side of life. If we support "choice," we're really supporting the slaughter of unborn HUMAN babies.


2007-06-21 06:17:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

its up to you but no i dont think taking away the coices would effect religion in the long run. as for me i oppose abortion and gay marriage becuase the Bible says that marriage is meant for a MAN and a WOMAN not 2 men or 2 women! and i consider abortion killing but the baby does go to heaven and God can forgive people for these sins if they ask for forgiveness!

2007-06-21 06:14:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

In a Christian church I was taught God gave us free-will...then, I was taught what choice to make with that free will as interpreted by a White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant Elitist. Any other choice would ultimately bring damnation. So I ask my Catholic friends if it was the same for them. They said, Yes.

My favorite Mahatma Gandhi quote "My religion is Kindness." That one wasn't taught in the Christian Faith.

I like your point, but would like to add that I always find it surprising that some of the same people supporting the Death Penalty (even though some times wrongly convicted persons-the innocents-are put to death) also support ProLife. There is No reasonable explanation for this ... although my Christian church tried to sell me one.

Guess what? Thanks, but No Thanks ... I chose to not buy! It's my God-Given prerogative.

2007-06-21 06:23:00 · answer #9 · answered by ... 7 · 0 1

To be a Christian means to follow the Teachings of the New Testament PERIOD!

Jesus is Pro Life !
Jesus is Pro Heterosexual Marriage !

2007-06-21 06:16:48 · answer #10 · answered by williamzo 5 · 3 1

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