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For all those who believe in Darwinian theories; it must create problems in your beliefs to not bear witness to the ongoing ape/man transformation(the foundation of darwinian beliefs). The transformation by which we apparently are lucky enough to exist.(If you believe that!)
P.S. I am not religious. I just find it curious to know that so many people hold a belief with such a gaping hole in it.

2007-06-21 05:59:49 · 43 answers · asked by anthony m 2 in Entertainment & Music Jokes & Riddles

It seems as though I may have upset those who respond to evolution as a religion. I am not trashing your religion, so please do not get irate because I have not read every piece of literature relevent to this subject, I really expected at least one Evoloutionist to remain calm, refrain from fundamentalism and accept that there should be further literature, written for your religion to explain the 'missing links' in this ongoing process you call evoloution.
Please dont let your religious beliefs colour your rational thinking, some details are missing from your little story.

2007-06-21 09:06:34 · update #1

43 answers

Evolution is a religious idea no different than any other. You must believe in what the practitioners and 'authorities' of this belief/value system tell you. If you do not agree or hold on to their developed system then you are not a member.

We have been told that we must use this word to describe how life changes and continues to change.

If you want an example of how things can change just look at a house cat or a chicken. It is highly unlikely that they directly act like or resemble their ancestor from 100,000 years ago much less 100 million.

None of it is relevant to living and does nothing to help you live now in any way.

2007-06-21 06:31:18 · answer #1 · answered by @@@@@@@@ 5 · 0 6

Lets start with this; evolution doesn’t say man came from apes. Evolution says that organisms adapt to meet their needs of their surroundings. Now through the theory of evolution by natural selection, we see how the organisms could change and evolve into new and different species. Such as a proto type monkey, and the hairpin turn, that led us to the evolution of two animals the human and the gorilla. The modern day apes and monkeys are an evolved version of the same animal we evolved from. You can take any animal and go back in its line, and meet the animal that intersects us. The monkeys and apes were just our earliest evolutionary animal, but we could go back with rabbits and keep going till we find the proto type animal that connects us. It would probably not look anything like a rabbit, or a human, but you could follow it back down the line, and see both of us standing there, the products of evolution.

2016-04-01 09:57:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Human/Ape transformations are not a key tenet of Darwin's theories. Maybe you should read more.

It seems that, rather than being a constant, generation by generation process, evolution (a word Darwin never even used by the way) happens in quite sudden spurts, probably brought about by environmental changes- followed by long periods of inaction. This explains why there are no 'missing link' types around today. It also explains why, when looking at remains of early man, there seem to be a number of variations over a relatively short period of time, before Homo Erectus becomes dominant, and the others disappear.
Anyway, to say that we can see no signs of on-going evolution is fallacious. We as humans are gradually changing in average size, build, height. We have vestigial organs which now serve no purpose, but must have been there for a reason at some time, and we still have a vestigial tail (the coccyx, or tail-bone). Animals adapt to changing habitats all the time- and this process seems to be accelerating in the face of global warming: we are approaching one of those environmental crises- the major habitat changes which trigger the process, and the signs are there aplenty.

Further to your 'additional details'. Evolution is not a religion, we are perfectly calm, and if you just want to rant, start a blog; don't ask a question if you don't want to hear the answer- I for one have better things to do- DICK!

2007-06-21 06:22:17 · answer #3 · answered by nealo d 5 · 3 2

All the semi-evolved ape-men have already evolved. If you think of an evolutionary step as breaking through a boundary, and that we all start of as weird little ediacara stuck in a multitude of bubbles (ediacara are regarded as the first complex organisms), each of us has tried to break through as many boundries as possible. Different ediacara break of in different directions. Some ediacara broke off in the best possible direction and have sense been proceeding rapidly through each boundary as a result. It is entirely possible that another species will enjoy the same breakthrough. Also, because each species has gone in a specific direction, you can't say that humans are the furthest out from the starting point. After all, cockroaches are highly resistant to radiation, ostriches can eat more or less anything, rats can reproduce rapidly and have a higher chance of surviving a nuclear holocaust than we can. We just broke through the boundries that led us toward great intelligence, but that doesn't neccessarily make us superior. As humans, we're very susceptible to desease and also very nimble and poorly equipped to handle wilderness survival.

2007-06-22 01:03:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Evolution doesn't "end." It is happening right now. It is a gradual process that takes centuries and cannot be gauged into simplified observations like it is some magic show transformation.

Its evolution. You can't expect a gradient of inbetweens to be walking around. That's why they are "inbetweens" --they failed. The better versions survived and adapted to survive further.

Where are the ape-men you ask? Look into the DNA encapsulated in every human. There you find the proof of deprecated DNA data of the former creature refined into the modern version.

Next time do a little more research into the facts before you declare suppositions of "gaping holes" and errors in a well-supported theory. ;)

2007-06-21 06:18:03 · answer #5 · answered by Philip K 3 · 2 1

99.9% of species that ever existed are extinct today.

If you think evolution has ended, why don't you take penicillin the next time you have a bacterial infection, and try to qualify for a Darwin Award.


Edit: I'm re-reading your question, and I'm amazed at how many ways you could go wrong in such a small number of sentences. Humans did not evolve from apes, human evolution is not the foundation of evolution theory, evolution is not directed to produce a specific species (humans are not the ultimate result of natural selection), natural selection pressures have been all but removed from modern human society (hence why many have theorized that the evolution of the human species has all but stopped), and your gaping hole is non-existent.

In other words, it's clear that you did not put the slightest effort into learning anything about evolution before reaching your conclusions. Why would you do this?

2007-06-21 06:08:35 · answer #6 · answered by 006 6 · 8 2

What about Bigfoot? Just kidding. I don't believe we evolved from apes or that all life evolved from a cesspool of slime that contains the "ingredients of life" ether. Every plant and animal has a definite design and purpose. I believe the living organisms that are present now are what's left. There is evidence of evolution but, on a small scale. As a matter of fact I think I'm sprouting a USB cable right now.

2007-06-21 06:17:26 · answer #7 · answered by Larry 4 · 0 1

did not evolve from apes, to suggest such is ridiculous. The Great apes which include chimps, bonoboes gorillas and orangutans share a common ancestry along with humans and neanderthals. We are all just sub species of one or more common ancestor. Monkeys are a sub species of a previous common ancestor and have very little in common with humans other than this ancient common ancestor. Humans have evolved as a separate species with separate abilities mainly due to our brain power. This has made us the top predator with all other animals subservient to us. Several million years ago humans were not the top predator and had to fight for their survival along with all other animals but due to our adaptability we were able to out think adverse situations and end up as we are now. We are still evolving, a good example of this is the people of the Himalayas have a thicker blood to combat the low oxygen levels, the Inuits of the Canadian Tundra have very Small ears and noses which protects them from frost bite in these two areas.

2007-06-21 06:12:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Apart from the fact that many ordinary, informed men and women all over the globe would answer that these semi-simians not only exist, but one has even been chosen to lead the world's best informed and wealthiest democracy.

But it is true that when selective factors are changed, human gene pools change accordingly. For example, third generation Japanese American men are seven inches taller on average that their grandfathers.

The cephalic configuration of American Italians had changed substantially. We know this as a certainty because a cultural anthropologist named Boaz industrially measured the skulls of willing subjects at Elis Island in the late 19th century and recorded his meticulous findings.

There are other examples, but as someone said, man not only descended from apes, he is evidently still descending. Bottom is nowhere in sight.

2007-06-21 06:31:56 · answer #9 · answered by john s 5 · 1 1

Even the most intelligent of apes, is limited to ----wait for it, prying out a grub with a stick, And yet we go to the planets, invent this computer, and so on, and the Darwinians people still insist we come from them, In the order of apes There is no grey areas between us, And if we come from Aliens, many millions yrs ago, Why have they not found traces of d,n.a in humans different from all other species. And they call Christianity fairy tales.

2007-06-21 06:31:22 · answer #10 · answered by denis9705 5 · 1 1

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