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Which way?

2007-06-21 05:19:31 · 44 answers · asked by anil m 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

44 answers

My grandmother,grandfather,dad and mom. I witnessed their dreams, things they wanted to do, and achieve . They put some of those down to look after family, with love. Love teaches you great things, and imparts all universal goodwill to creatures that inhabit this planet and beyond.Dreams and kindness live on into the next generations just by being shown to the children.
I had some unforgettable teachers along the way.Not all teachers will like you, yet even those who dont can teach you a lot about life and how to get over the bumps and falls.
A few may call God and a God spirit a cliche, but it is an undeniable and powerful path, which guides and looks after you and me.
May your God bless you and keep you safe wherever you go. and may you find some teachers which will inspire you as well.

2007-06-21 05:25:14 · answer #1 · answered by QuiteNewHere 7 · 1 1

Is there any one who is ready to give his life for Charles Darwin..!

Is there any Leader on earth who has a 2000,000,000 ardent followers .

Ofcourse Islam is there with a 1500,000,000 followers ( that too collected by many means including wars and violence.

But I am a fan,follower and ardent believer of somebody and I have been inspired by his Unique Teachings also.

When a question was commonly asked " What looks so beautiful to you? ",
one man answered " It is a donkey ",
and an another man said ," It is an ape" ,
and an another man said ," It is a buffalo ( a bison),

and an another man replied ," It is a beautiful cobra".
and yet another man said it can be nothing other than a an animal called sloth.

Some one said ," It is the criminal who was hanged to death last month",
and somebody said ," It has been the prostitute with whom I have been acquainted with for the past five years",

And some one said ," It is the begger who is just begging in the market Place ".

And some idiot said ," It is a peacock ".
This idiot became an object of laughter and humiliation before the common people because of his foolish answer.

The best answer award also was given to some body other than this wretched idiot.

I dare say here, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that the person who inspired me the most is Jesus Christ, who at our present world has his followers more than 2100,000,000 in number.( He has won this much number of followers by remaining just totally unarmed.

You are asking again ," Which way" .

No one enjoys a better sleep now a days.
Because every one thinks ," Any thing may happen any time "
Humanity has come across millions of wars from the very beginning of the world.

We have come across the Two bloody World Wars also which just wiped away a very considerable portion of the World population.
Now we have witnessed the 9 /11 event also.

Almost every religion on earth pemits people to handle weapons and fight in wars in timems of need.

Any one can see with his own eyes how even gods remain on their pedastals fully armed.

The Jesus Whom I have mentioned above is the Only Leader and his Teachings on Love ,Forgiveness,Tolerance ,Endurance ,Purity and Non-violence alone is the Need of the hour for the world to escape the forth coming Dangers and Destructions.

When I was just 7 years old , I was crossing a particular house .
People in that house were cutting Sugar-canes in to pieces and were eating.
They gave me too a small piece of sugar-cane.( It was the top portion f it ,which won't generally be tasty at all.Only the below portions will be tasty .
That was the first time I happened to taste Sugar-cane .It was not at all tasty.
I just hated it.I would never eat Sugar -can at all thereafter. .
But when I was 13 years ,my friend compelled me to taste it , and then only I could understand the taste of sugar-cane.Then I just wondered , I appreciated it and praied God for His marvelous creation.

Like wise is the case with many people towards Cristianity.

The Bible says," Taste and see that the Lord is Good"
( Psalms 34:8)

I have given the most Logic and Scientific Answer .
There are still some sick people on earth who will never agree with you if you say 2+2 = 4. They can't even understand such fundamental logics.
My Christian love makes me just sympothise with them .Thats all.

With Love ,

sundar r


2007-06-21 08:40:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

My childhood inspired my life. Growing up I was an abused child physically and mentally. I grew up watching both my mother and sister get abused as well. My father worked shutdown work and we were very poor. We never knew what was going to happen from day to day. Now that i am 30 I have went to college, became a Pastor, gotten married to the most wonderful woman in the world and i have a son that is the most awesome little man in my life. My childhood showed me that we all have the capabilities to make our life something if we just take a stand and realize that we can change our futures...God bless.

2007-06-21 05:24:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

of course existence conjures up paintings. in case you look down during the an prolonged time you will locate how the two correlate. severe occasion grow to be during the darkish an prolonged time there grow to be infrequently any style of paintings being created yet as quickly as society began to emerge from that era, the Renaissance befell and additionally a renewed outlook on existence customarily. and additionally paintings conjures up existence. have you ever been moved to tears with the aid of a stunning song? think of roughly how inspirational song would be. the respond is confident to the two they inspire one yet another. there is not any longer one over the different. they are the two significant.

2016-10-02 21:31:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

After the death of my father at the age of 88yrs I got disturbed then I came in contact with a Baba ji who was about 95 yrs living in a thick Jungle of Himalayas lonely I got inspired with His Thoughts/ Teachings & Experiences I learn lot of Spirital things from Him. He totally changed my life my eagerness to money becomes Zero. Since 1990 after His death "Samadhi" I never met such a person.
Second time in my life your questions having very deep spiritual touch inspired me but now I have adjusted myself .

2007-06-21 23:53:41 · answer #5 · answered by P S 4 · 1 0

Who has inspired me the most in my life has been my Gramma. She taught me so much and not just in explaining faith and spirituality to me, but by living her example. She was my best friend, Godmother, Grandmother, mentor and the list goes on. I watched her do for others, when she was trapped in her wheelchair. Sometimes I would tell her to let others do it, this work is hard on you. She would smile her quite smile and tell me it was for the glory of God not man. The most important lesson I learned from her was it was better to let people judge you by your actions than sing your own praises. I miss her so very very much.
Peace be with you.

2007-06-21 10:13:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That has changed throughout my life. Growing up my Grandfather War Eagle was a major inspiration for me as was my Mother. They taught me the traditions of our people and encouraged me to question everything around me. They taught me to be strong and to love without condition.
Now as an adult , with most of my family passed on, my Husbands determination, love and strength has become my inspiration. I don't know what I would do without him.
I am so lucky to has such wonderful people in my life!

2007-06-21 05:31:22 · answer #7 · answered by ? 6 · 1 1

Robert Anton Wilson - To question EVERTHING and only act on what I'm sure about.
"“Intelligence is the capacity to receive, decode and transmit information efficiently. Stupidity is blockage of this process at any point. Bigotry, ideologies etc. block the ability to receive; robotic reality-tunnels block the ability to decode or integrate new signals; censorship blocks transmission.”

Charles Fort- To believe EVERTHING and only act on what I'm sure about.

"But my liveliest interest is not so much in things, as in relations of things. I have spent much time thinking about the alleged pseudo-relations that are called coincidences. What if some of them should not be coincidence? If there is a universal mind, must it be sane?"

2007-06-21 05:40:29 · answer #8 · answered by hairypotto 6 · 0 0

Inspired me the most in my long life? My fellow players in the classical theatre; and the works of Will Shakespeare; my grandchildren; Paris, where I was a student in the 'sixties; and Papa, the old street carpenter in Atlanta whose large mountain clan took me in after my teenage mother abandoned me at age 2.

2007-06-21 05:29:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am inspired by Femina, a fortnightly which I have been reading since school times, Mrs. Kiran Bedi's professional life and Legend Singer Asha Bhosle. When I think of them I get energy to move on.

2007-06-21 20:21:53 · answer #10 · answered by sudershan Guddy 4 · 0 1

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