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The church has wronged in the past.

Child molestation cases, the Spanish Inquisition to name the worst to.

But why is it many liberals(I can't believe I used that word since I consider myself one) and evangelicals bash the Catholic Church?

The Catholic Church is against the death penalty and abortion, all life is sacred.

The Catholic Church believes the acts of homosexuality a sin, not the people, unlike some Christian denominations.

So why is it, particularly on here, the Catholic Church's failings are popular and its good points are overlooked.

2007-06-21 04:03:44 · 15 answers · asked by eorpach_agus_eireannach 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I do not like being referred to as child, it is condescending and does not help you with your point.

In terms of homosexuality i just pointed out the difference between Catholic dogma and other denominations, i do not agree with the Church on this point.

I left out present in my first sentence, i should have proofed it better.

The Catholic Church existence is based on conversion, the 1 Billion people that profess to be Catholics wouldn't believe in it if conversion never happened. As long as it is done peacfully it is good. And it would look quite poorly on a belief if you do not believe it should be spread to all. Catholic does mean universal.

Pope Pius XII did help countless jews during the Second World War. Or didnt you know that. Did you also not know that the Catholic Churches in Germany and the occupied countries also tried to save Jews from the Nazis.

2007-06-21 04:25:16 · update #1

Mary is not worshiped more than Christ. She is adored as mother of Christ.

A priest doesn't forgive you, he absolves you of your sins. You are forgiven only if you are truly remorseful. The priest represents the community who is also hurt by sin.

But tell me this, if a priest is not required to aid with confession, why do you need someone for a wedding or baptism. Priests are representatives of God and the community.

2007-06-21 04:34:29 · update #2

The church is bound by dogma in regards to abortion. I myself do not know if I agree with this teaching. Early Christian theologians gave the fetus the same spiritual grade as an animal. The church most find when consciousness and therefore the soul is developed within a pregnancy to determine whether abortion is in line with dogma.

Those who target abortion clinics vioently are disgraceful as Jesus never used such violently intimidation. If someone does not agree with you and knows all the facts harassing is no way to win an argument. And as a Catholic I am deeply ashamed of that, as well as those in the church have done or are still doing.

2007-06-21 05:08:53 · update #3

15 answers

Becuase of those that have taken the time the time to answer negatively to your question. It is because people love dwelling in the past, and living the past when it is to their benefit. The Church did not do those things people did, priests are human, popes are human and sadly in the church's past there have been very bad ones. The Church itself has always stood for righteousness and love above all things because the Church is the body of Christ.
People have their own agendas and they have to make themselves feel better by attacking that which they have little or no understanding about. Even those supposed "I was Catholic" have no understanding because if they did they would still be Catholic.
God bless you and continue you efforts to promote truth, knowing that even Christ got spat on, tortured and crucified because they didn't believe in Him either.

2007-06-21 04:13:56 · answer #1 · answered by Perhaps I love you more 4 · 4 1

The catholic church does many wonderful things (and a few horrible ones.) The catholic people aren't expected to be perfect, so it is easy to excuse the actions of a single catholic, or even a group of catholics. It is harder to excuse an edict by an "infallible pope."

But if they are the "one and only true Chuch," and if the Pope speaks for God, and then the Church officially takes a completely erroneous stand, that is infallible proof that the Church is NOT the "one and only true Church," that the Pope is NOT infallible, and that the times it gets it right, are just the result of having a form of the truth--without the sanction of the divine being--God.

The Catholic Church really didn't get its start until the Roman Emperor Constantine (who worshipped Apollo) decided it would be less expensive on the empire to have only one Church. So at that time he "decreed" that upon his death everyone in the Roman Empire would "become" Catholic. This didn't require baptism, acceptance of the doctrine, or any other "rite" or acknowledgement. Today, that would set a little odd with most people on the planet.
Catholicism is a result of empirical decree--not the "kingdom of God on Earth."
That said, it is still the largest Christian demonination on Earth, and in the United States. All those Christians do much good.
The only problem is their claim of infallibility. Oops, they are often wrong. Yet, the people, and the church both do many good things. This is true of most religions though (all, I'd imagine, except whichever Church really is God's one and only true religion.) In the Old Testament, the "chosen people" routinely goofed up--isn't that the entire story of the Old Testament? Here "God's people" sin; This is how they sin; learn from their sin; and when they still don't get it right, I'll send my son down, and surely the people will see how to do this. Oops, they killed him--they stoned the prophets--they sin.
And, when you are dealing with religion--many people end up getting very defensive. Some people believe that the 400 or so people that attend "their church" must be right, because that's the only form of religion they've ever witnessed. Their minister has spent hundreds of hours "proving" to their congregation his view point. Everyone that person knows attends that church. Therefore, they come to the conclusion that their church is the only righteous thing on earth, and the other 6,000,000,000 people on Earth just don't get it.
Religous tolerance is a tough thing to teach.

2007-06-21 04:07:05 · answer #2 · answered by Lorenzo 6 · 0 4

Not to be inflammatory, but, what good works ! So, being against the death penalty is a 'good work'? I don't think so. It is written that there are some (esp. who have the mark of cain) who are to be killed. And, being against abortion, is a good work? Give me a break !! As Paul wrote, the Church should mind its own business and leave the 'world' alone. When I had my abortion, it was a tough choice ! To carry to term a thing that I did not want and did not have the money nor other resources to care for; would have been a sin !! And then, to be called a murderer !! Shame on you !! I say - mind your own business. If members of a particular sect make no abortion a part of 'their doctrine' that is one thing; then I can choose to join and give my approval of that rule as something I will live by. In all other cases, mind your own business. The catholic priest's bumper sticker: 'God is pro life' offends me.

Hmmmmm, you didn't mention celibacy as a 'good work' and that is good. As it is anti life and a total failure. It spawned the majority (if not all) of the child molestation by priests (and it has brought profound shame to the Kingdom of the Most High God).

Never forget that the catholic church brought 'BINGO' to the world...and if you want to see the machinations of dishonesty, self will and corruption of the Word...study how they rationalized gambling.

I have probably stepped on your toes and I want to let you know that I really mean no harm to my fellows, including you. But, I also sincerely believe that you need a much better argument than what you posted.


2007-06-21 04:28:16 · answer #3 · answered by Bill S 4 · 0 3

Most people, not all, have not researched into what the Catholic Church actually believes in, practises, etc. They (most of them, not all of them) base their criticisms on what they have heard, get outraged by it, and 'bash' the Church. If they (most of them, not all of them) will take the time to find out about answers to these criticisms of the Church, they may not criticise the Church after all.

The unfortunate part is most (not all) Catholics too do not know that much about their own faith, and hence cannot provide adequate answers, which lead to further 'bashing' and 'justification' by these critics.

Of those who do know about the Catholic Church, have done research, and criticise the Church, they don't 'bash' the Church, because they know exactly what's wrong with the Church, and their criticisms could be valid. Like everyone else who would do well to recognise the truth, Catholics should take cognizance of such criticisms and find where the remedy is.

Perhaps, like you, everyone would do well to not be so prejudiced or quick to criticise, but to examine and be objective about the Church, just like everything else in life.

2007-06-21 04:29:49 · answer #4 · answered by autumnleaves 3 · 1 2

Martin Luther is the beginning of why Good Works in Catholic Churches are overlooked. As you might know, its because of him that we have Protestant churches today. Luther stated that Good Works don't get you to heaven, so whether or not you do them, won't make you better than anyone else because in God's eyes we are all sinners. Most Americans are Protestants and stick to these beliefs. But personally, I still think a person should do Good Works or there wouldn't be the need to read the story of "The Good Samaritan"

2007-06-21 04:12:10 · answer #5 · answered by A.P. 4 · 2 1

I believe most of the Catholic bashing comes from those estranged from the Church. They are either Catholics who left worshiping the proper way or others who have heard twisted versions of what Catholics believe. It is unfortunate that a lot of Catholics don't even work on their faith to know what it states.

Will you receive "hate" comments here. Probably. Would you receive "hate" comments anywhere else you profess your faith outside (and sometimes even in) Church? Probably. Jesus said that the world will hate us as it hated Him.

Jesus also said that we are blessed if we are unjustly persecuted because of our faith. When people attack you because of your faith, there is something in them that needs to get out. Airing it is God's business. We just help it happen. Correcting it is the person's business through the grace of God. Words once aired cannot be taken back. Hopefully the person will reflect on those words.

Even if no good comes of it for others, persecution is good for us. In our little way we can please God. He rewards us for this.

Rejoice when you are persecuted, yours is the Kingdom of God!

Yours in Christ Jesus, Grace

2007-06-21 04:32:48 · answer #6 · answered by Grace 4 · 3 0

I agree with "Perhaps I love you."

I just wanted to respond to "cuteboy" who stated that "most Americans are protestant." I'm not sure where you found your statistics, and I really doubt that you've looked beyond your own personal opinion. However, most Christians in the United States are Catholics. Not only does the Catholic Church encompass the largest number of Christians in the United States, but also all over the world.

2007-06-21 04:23:07 · answer #7 · answered by The Raven † 5 · 1 1

How far "in the past" do you consider those examples child? Cuz there are still people coming forward today.

By believing the act of homosexuality is a sin, not the people, your church endorses homosexuals, as long as they don't act on their natural urges? Come on, that barely passes a semantics test.

All life is sacred, especially all catholic life, or those that you can still "convert" read brainwash.

By the way, the Pope endorsed Hitler, or did you miss the apology earlier this year? The church has the majority of the "missing" art and money from the Jews that were sent to death camps in the Vatican's basement, did you know that?

2007-06-21 04:10:44 · answer #8 · answered by mikalina 4 · 1 4

Because Yahoo R&S is primarily a place of abuse, especially of theists. No matter what good you do, the people here will attack you in order to provoke a reaction. If you want real discussion, you will need to find a place where people actually listen to what you have to say and respond rather than knee-jerk responses that heap bile on you each time you ask a question in good faith that is in the R&S section.

Watch. You will be called illogical, irrational, immoral, deceitful, a money-grubber, a fool and any other name they can think of before this thread is closed. You will also likely be accused of spreading superstition, propagating lies, robbing the poor, trying to find an easy excuse for your wrongdoings, and devaluing life and sexuality. Sorry. That's just the way it is here.

2007-06-21 04:09:02 · answer #9 · answered by Runa 7 · 2 2

Same as any other, people tend to see the failures and overlook the good.
Christ alone can tell what is what. When He spoke to the churches in Revelation, He first began by telling them their positives, and then warned them about their negatives. A good pattern to follow, but it should always be done from a spirit and motivation of love, with the intent of helping, not just condemning.

2007-06-21 04:38:49 · answer #10 · answered by Jed 7 · 2 1

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