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theres is loads of people giving rotties and pittbulls bad names on here it makes me mad that there is alot of people who hate these dogs well do you now what you are all wrong its the owners who bring them up they have made a bad name for them thats why they have got a bad rep now, i have a male rottie and a female pittbull, and they are the most gentle dogs i have ever seen they both protect me and my 3 year old daughter. they have the bad rep because the owners are bringing them up to fight with other pitts etc they build there muscles up with streoids which is wrong and now it is unfair to the really good owners who want to keep there loving pets you shouldnt go off the news and the papers about these dogs because they make everything sound worse than what it really is i just want to get my point across to those who are bad mouthing these to dogs they are the most inteligent animals and i wouldnt get rid of mind my little girl loves her to dogs thanks for reading

2007-06-21 03:57:41 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

18 answers

aggressive baby killers? wow!!! i own 2 pitbulls, one is a mix: a pitbull/boxer! as for aggressive baby killers? uhm yeah the most they'd do to you is cover you in kisses! pitbulls are the most loving dogs, it's the owners that are in the wrong. if you train them to kill then they will kill. if you train them to fight, they will fight. i take my dogs to petsmart, it's filled with kids, and puppies, and cats, and all kinds of people and animals and what do they do, they heel, walk by me, they listen, they sit when they are told to, they approach people and there dogs in a friendly manner, and have never been aggressive and never will be because i trained them to be family members. if someone broke in the house i'm sure they would attack, but that's a good thing. self defense isn't wrong!

2007-06-21 04:07:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First - why the Phillipines??? LOL Second - you have? All I have been hearing is that pit bulls are a menance to society and they should all die. That ignorance drives me insane more because people are misunderstanding what type of aggression these dogs have bred into them. I have no comment on Rotties because I have never worked with one. I can only say that my trainer has one among his dogs that he uses for SchH and he says he's a great dog but the most stubborn breed. You also can't compare the average Rottie PET to what you see at an ADRK sponsored event or even on any SchH field really. What you're talking about is the same thing Doberman owners talk about - the breed being diluted, ruined...does that mean every Rottie/Doberman out there is a wimpy coward? Absolutely not. There are still people importing and breeding for what the breed was supposed to do. BUT the majority of these dogs that every day people see are PETS. Not always from the same bloodlines as the dogs you speak of and don't forget that most every day people will never step foot on a SchH field or any sort of field where these dogs have to do what they were bred to do.

2016-05-21 11:33:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow, you win the prize for being the 100000000th person on Yahoo Answers to ask this exact same question.

Your prize is: The ability to search through the archives and read all the other generic responses to this question.

People have different opinions, people have different types of dogs. People have different experiences with dogs. Some people hate pitbulls, but just as many on here seems to hate chihauhaus and other little dogs.

If you love your dogs, don't worry about what everyone else thinks.

And it's not just here that people feel strongly about pits and other powerful breeds--it's everywhere so don't blame us!!

You are exactly right too, it's people who make these dogs mean and give them a bad reputation.....not the dogs. So we need to work on changing the people who do fight pits etc rather than trying to change people's opinions!!

2007-06-21 04:38:24 · answer #3 · answered by 2thedogs 3 · 0 0

REASON 1.............A police horse was injured and its rider thrown after it was attacked by a pit bull dog Tuesday evening.

The dog was later shot by officers and died. The oficers
came across a dog that got loose from a yard, police said. The pit bull attacked both the officers and their horses, police said, biting the police horse several times. When the dog could not be captured without jeopardizing the safety of the officers, it was shot with a firearm. Animal Control officers were called and transported the dog away for treatment, but it later died. Police said the dog was not chained up or contained inside a fence.

A father's plea to keep his daughter and other children in his neighborhood safe from aggressive dogs got the attention of city officials Monday evening.

MR X addressed the city council regarding his neighbor's two Rottweiler dogs. Mr. X said his seven-year-old daughter X X was attacked by one of the dogs, which left its enclosed yard and took the girl down as she walked along the public sidewalk late Friday afternoon.

Mr. X estimated the full-sized dog to weigh approximately 100 pounds, while his daughter weighs about 70 pounds. He said the girl was knocked down and received bites to her face, left hand, upper torso and puncture-like tears in her upper right arm, indicating the animal attempted to drag or shake the child as it mauled her. The location of the attack was around the corner, but on the same block where Mr. X resides with his daughter and the child's mother, X X

Three men and a young boy in a parking lot 3 pits came out of nowhere and attacked. All caught on security cameras.

My cousins little girl she was 3 got attacked by their own pit bull, it was raised around kids and very well trained and very friendly. She was sitting on the couch with her grandma, whenthe pit came in and attacked the little girl. This attack was unprovoked. My cousin his wife and the grandma all tried to get the pit off the girl. They tried everything nothing worked, my cousin finally went and got a pry bar, shoved it into the dogs mouth and twisted like hell. Finally the dog let go. That little girl almost died. She was in the hospital for 2 months, had many blood transfusions because she lost so much blood. Her face is scarred from just above her left eye to under her chin. The scars have faded some over the years, but they are still noticable. When people ask her what happened, she will come right out and tell them.
Yes this dog was put down as it should have been.....

I am sure I can come up with many more.....How many more do you want?

Question for you...........1. If your pit or other breed or mix dog were to attack someone unprovoked or provoked , would you........
A... Still take the chance of keeping your beloved pet alive so it can attack again.
B.. Would you have it put down so it would not do this again?

They can and have killed children and other pets.

2....Also if your pet got out and mauled another dog,adult or child, would you....
A.... run and hide
B.... say it was not yours
C.....would you say , "oh my dog is well trained, he /she would never attack anyone.
D..... Or would you actually step up to the plate and take responsibility for the actions of your dog.?"

2007-06-21 05:59:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Alot of people discriminate against Rott's and Pitt's, I personally think it's unfair. A dogs behavior starts with it's owner. The people that own agressive dogs, no matter what breed, are responsible. I have seen small dogs that would put a Rott or Pitt in it's place, so to speak....they have just been stereotyped for being mean but this is not their true nature. Rott's are just babies in big bodies, same way with Pitt's. It's all in how they are trained. It really is a shame that Pitt's are usually picked for "underground" fighting because of their powerfull jaws and it all comes down to greed of money and the dogs suffer. It really is sad and they get a bad name because of stupid people. Discrimination is just stupidity in any form.

2007-06-21 04:12:31 · answer #5 · answered by sunseteve_65 2 · 0 0

because they have a reputation for being aggressive and unsafe,i find it hard to believe to didn't realize this.And they aren't anymore intelligent than any other dogs.Im glad you've made good safe pets out of your animals but that doesn't change anyones feeling about them in general. My neighbor has a pittbulll that he keeps locked up all the time and his own children can't even go near the poor animal with out it going nuts and growling at them.im sure with a more caring owner this dog would make a good pet--but the majority of these dogs are bred to fight and be aggressive they are not even supposed to exist

2007-06-21 04:19:50 · answer #6 · answered by lsp 5 · 1 0

Most of it is ignorance. They know nothing about the breeds. The are caught up by the media hype. Who wants to hear on the nightly news that a Chihuahua bit off little Johnny's nose? But a Pit that bit little Johnny on the leg, front page. Nobody seems to look up information on the breeds. And it turns out that most of the Pit Bull attacks are due to wrong identification of the dog. Here is a little test to see if you can identify the APBT. There are 25 pictures and only one is an APBT. Give it try. I have one, sweetest dog I have ever had, so I got it first try.


Good luck.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the picture of the Pit looks like they took my dog and took a picture of her, dead ringer.

2007-06-21 17:08:35 · answer #7 · answered by Tin Can Sailor 7 · 0 0

The only dog I have ever been bitten by is a rotti, but I don't hate or blame the breed - I blame the owner, who didn't properly train his pet.

There are many dogs that can have a more aggressive personality quite naturally. My own dog is a dobie / german shepherd mix, and people are scared to death of him, and he too, is the sweetest baby in the world.

But unfortunately, sweet creatures like ours don't make the headlines. It's poor animals that have been mistreated and have no training, who do end up harming or even killing that make the news. Therefore that is what most of society sees, and uses to draw their conclusions.

2007-06-21 04:03:15 · answer #8 · answered by buggsnme2 4 · 0 1

You are right... to a point. The problem is definitely the owners, BUT... the daschund or beagle of a bad dog owner is not likely going to kill someone. The rottweiler or pitbull of a bad owner might. I don't think it is fair to blame the dogs, but until some kind of rules or regulations are legislated to require only qualified people to raise these beautiful, but powerful dogs, then people are going to continue to get seriously hurt when so many idiots want these big canines. So long as the majority of dog attack fatalities are from dogs like rottweilers and pitbulls, they are going to continue to garner a bad name.

2007-06-21 04:04:15 · answer #9 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 0 0

ok...you want to know something?

I used to have a pittbull and her name was Suie. she was the best dog ever and she was brought up right and she never bit anyone. she was well trained and she was great with children.

I loved that dog. my parents have had her ever since she was a puppy. after she turned 8 years old I remember I was laying my head on her watching the TV and the all of a sudden she turned around and bit me right in my arm. she cut my skin all the way threw the tissue into the bone and her top teeth were stuck in the bone. I was only 6 years old. I have scars still on my right arm and I have to write with my left hand now.

I did some research on the internet on why she bit me and it said that rotties and pits are smart dogs and they were bred for fighting. so they had to be bred to have smaller heads. and so since they are so smart their brains keep growing and developing and it gets to the point that they're brains are getting compressed against their skull and eventualy they go senile(crazy) and they start to bite, hit their heads, chew threw things, and most owners think that they are just being weird and they don't take them to the vets and eventualy they bite someone or they kill someone.

now I agree that some owners do train their dogs to be "bad" dogs and to attack people on comand and I know what you are talking about. but still you can raise your dog to be great and they can still turn on you.

I don't have big dogs anymore they scare me but I do have small dogs now like chihuahuas.

2007-06-21 04:18:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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