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DO you think Chinese is rich?Chinese life is great?They could enjoy their life?

2007-06-21 03:46:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Asia Pacific China

10 answers

What people know of China would fit in a thimble, what people think they know would fit in a barrel. The answers above are typical hate fare from uniformed people.

I live in China, an ex pat from the USA and what I see is nowhere near what we've been taught.

Here are a few examples.

According to the CIA book of world facts, China has 10% living in poverty while the USA has 12%. But, comparing USA poverty to China would be like trying to compare the Eskimo diet to that of a Saharan wonderer. If you compare China to the USA then it is true, the percentage would be far higher. If you compare China to itself and its accustomed standard of living, then I would agree with the CIA world facts book. Also, in China and the USA both have 1.8% of the people who make up the bottom 10% of income and consumerism while the USA has a lower percentage who make up the top 10%, 30.5% vs 33.1%. Another fact, almost half (45%) of the people in China are farmers vs our .03%. Food is plentiful and cheap here and I see no indication of people going hungry. Even the poorest of the poor can eat for pennies a day. The city I live is surrounded by farms. Chinese farmers, by USA standards are poor, by China standards they are lower middle class. There are some homeless people here, but nowhere near the numbers I see in the states.

Mao the mass murderer:
Upwards of 60 million people died under Mao, this is widely regarded as accurate, even with the Chinese government. It is the reasons that are in dispute. The assumption in the west that Mao simply had people rounded up and shot is not accurate. Albeit, post revolution I am sure tens of thousands died in prisons and were shot as being enemies of the state. The carnage under any leader in China, regardless of who won, would have been massive bloodshed. In research I did after my first visit to China I found that most of those 60 million starved to death. The answers are two fold. We have recently learned in the west, that Truman threatened to use nuclear weapons if China didn’t stop its advance down the Korean peninsula and he also used that as leverage to end the war. Post Korean war Mao was afraid of the west and in exchange for much needed weapons technology he sent massive amounts of food to the Soviet Union. I reiterated that to my friend Xioping and she said that was only a small part of the reason. It was the result of the failure of collective farming. The farmers were no allowed to make a profit from their work and were given quotas with little incentive to hit those goals, so they let their fields go fallow and the local officials sent inaccurate reports back to Beijing stating they had met their crop quota. Simply put, there was no reason for the farmers to produce a bountiful harvest and they became complacent and lazy. Result, mass starvation. Those failed policies were reversed and the harvest went up. What about the bloodshed that went on during the cultural revolution? This was largely the result of lawless Cultural Revolutionary thugs taking the law into their own hands. Therefore, is Mao really the mass murder we’ve been all lead to believe? In one sense yes, after all it was his failed policies and selling of food to the Soviet Union that resulted in that. But did he do it like a Pol Pot, Hitler or Stalin? Apparently not, although the candy coated version from the east vs the carnage version from the west makes it all very suspect, I would rather err on the side of caution and say the truth lies somewhere in the middle.


Dictatorial totalitarian one party rule:
First, China is NOT COMMUNIST, communism and capitalism are polar opposites, therefore that label is misleading and wrong. Even cold warriors like Henry Kissinger agree to that. China is communist in name only, even my students’ laugh at the very mention of China being communist. The only way I can describe their system is to say it is one that is in transition from communism to democracy. As of now non party members can hold positions as high as mayor. Albeit that is rare, nevertheless only a few years ago that would have been unheard of. There is an election system in place, but it is very low key and only goes up to the province level where party members are elected by other party members to represent the people in Beijing. The elections are held at different times for each province. There is no such thing as national elections in China. All of that can be found at www.china.org.cn. Is China totalitarian? We often hear of it referred to as such. The definition, every aspect of life is under strict state control, often through coercive measures. Since individuals are free to travel, open a business, quit their job, find new employment, and pretty much do everything we Americans are accustomed too, then the definition is inaccurate. What about dictatorial rule? The definition doesn’t fit since President Hu is elected by their legislative body, he must answer to them as well. The one party rule system however is firmly in place and will be here for a long time. There are other parties but they are controlled by the Communist Party. However, looking at it in a different way, the party consists of hard liners to capitalists. The one thing I see, it’s working for China.


There is more current Chinese answers found through my profile.




2007-06-21 12:29:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Yeah, very true. Did you know that China and India combined make up 1/3 of the world's population? In about 3 years I'm going to India as a physician's assistant.

2016-05-21 11:23:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

chinese are pretty rich if they are rich. and of course their life is great because labor are so cheap there. if you are rich you can have households, nanny , driver etc. at a very cheap price compareing to US money. i'm not so sure if they could enjoy their life. most of the time they don't because the richer you are the busy you are. but their family get to enjoy it. There are also alot more poor people in china comparing to the rich.

2007-06-21 07:49:49 · answer #3 · answered by aznjenny28 3 · 0 1

I just found this news on the web. Please tell me it is not true. My heart is very fragile, and I will have a mental collapse if the news is real.

additional information:

Chinese child slavery not limited to brickyards

by Karen Meirik*


China was shocked by the recently televised images of weakened children and adults that were forced to work as slaves in Shanxi province brick yards. But this particular scandal, which even made it to state-run media, may just be the tip of the iceberg. All over China, children and young men are missing.

Last week, the police freed 568 people that worked as slaves in Henan en Shanxi provinces. Some of the liberated slaves are suffering from mental illness. 168 people were arrested in the case.

But this local success story does not solve China's slavery problem. China's increasing demand for building materials and fuel is causing a need for cheap labour in brick yards and often illegally operated coalmines. Previous investigations show that males around the age of fifteen are considered to be the most suitable to be forced into slavery. They are physically strong but can still easily be intimidated.

But it's not only the brickyards and coalmines that make use of young slaves. Male babies are sold to childless couples. And it's not males only either that are victimized. Young girls also are sold as domestic slaves, prostitutes or child brides.


So many thumb downs. Now I believe the news is fake. I am relieved now. Thanks!! Even animals won't treat each other so bad, right? Only evil would commit a crime like that. China is such a civilised and wealthy country. I don't believe Chinese people would do such a horrible thing.

2007-06-21 04:43:55 · answer #4 · answered by sel_bos 3 · 0 6

if you are rich in china it is paradise!
all you need to be a king in china is USD$2000 a month.

2007-06-21 07:40:40 · answer #5 · answered by perkinsonline 2 · 0 0

1 - some are most are not
2 - some have a great life some do not
3 - some enjoy their lives and most don't

2007-06-25 03:11:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it is rich in culture and history.

and also, some people are now (in the last 30 years) starting to increase the # of middle class.

2007-06-21 12:43:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

yeah right Doc Hudson.
China is hardly the best example in the world, totally controlled including Internet, no freedom, most of the people mired in poverty, total corruption, pollution so bad they have now overtaken the US by a mile.
Executing thousands of prisoners every year on flimsy evidence, torturing animals like extracting bear bile from caged brown bears in horrendous conditions.
Yeah great country!
So trying to think about something positive about China but sorry cant!

Oh yeah just one shining example of courage I never forgot, that brave Chinese man who stood in front of the tanks and wouldnt move, just before they massacred hundreds at Tiannamen Square!

2007-06-21 04:04:36 · answer #8 · answered by t p 2 · 1 7


2007-06-23 09:31:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If China is so flipping great, why are thousands and thousands of people risking their lives every year in attempts to sneak out of China and into the US, Australia, and Britain.

It is a Communist Dictatorship, so it can't be a great place to live.


2007-06-21 03:49:58 · answer #10 · answered by Doc Hudson 7 · 1 7

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