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I used to be a christian until a few days ago when I met Insomniac. Every argument I had for God existing he was able to point out a fault in it. Eventualy I ran out. Is there maybe one's that I've missed? I'm really confused at the moment. I'd never really thought about it before meeting Insomniac. What is your best argument?

2007-06-21 02:56:44 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

And I mentioned the fact that faith is the main reason I did it but he said that faith is just belief without logical reason and that you can have faith in there existing "an invisable pink unicorn that lives in space, rests on the rings of Jupiter, and occasionally visits Earth in order to tell him what's going on in the sitcom Friends", but that doesn't mean it's true.

2007-06-21 03:08:15 · update #1

I mentioned that the feeling of love can't be explained scientifically too, but he just said that love is the result of chemicals in the brain and hormones and comes from psychological and physical stimuli.

2007-06-21 03:11:42 · update #2

When I mentioned miracles he came up with scientific ways of explaining most of them, like Moses parting the sea (apparently it was because of a high salt concentration and the moons gravitational pull and happens all the time). He said that there's some guy whose name I forgot that goes around disproving miracles all the time and is offering a ton of money to anyone who can show him a real miracle but hasn't had to give anyone anything yet. He also told me about mother teresa and how she was only a saint because of Kodak.

2007-06-21 03:15:01 · update #3

He also has a very logical theory on te origin of existence that "I" can't find fault with.

2007-06-21 03:16:56 · update #4

And Marilyn, he's NOT Satan, he's the most intellignet and charming person I've ever met.

2007-06-21 03:18:00 · update #5

Jesus M, I DIDN'T have any doubts about God or anything until I met Insomniac.

2007-06-21 03:19:35 · update #6

Thanks Dani, that DOES help a bit, but Insomniac believes in an afterlife that actually makes a lot of logical sense as well.

2007-06-21 03:21:26 · update #7

Insomniac has proof of his not existing as well. He's been thinking about this all for a very long time.

2007-06-21 03:22:37 · update #8

I want good arguments people, not help believing again. I'll believe again if I can prove Insomniac wrong, but I can't. And I know it's always possible that I'M wrong, after all, I am only human.

2007-06-21 03:32:36 · update #9

35 answers

Oh wow, Locust. This very same thing happened to me when I was about the same age you are. I got so swept up by this very charming man (now my husband of almost 2 decades) and his very convincing arguments against Christianity. I became so disillusioned because of the obvious logic in his words that it caused a major crisis of faith for me. I became an Atheist for a while, and I refused to even think about God for years, because it just hurt too much. Eventually though, there came a day that I had to admit that even though I logically knew it was unlikely there was a god, I couldn't get past the fact that my heart knew there was one. I decided to do some spiritual searching and not let anyone else tell me what I should believe. I came to a place where I realized my spirituality leaned towards Paganism and New Age beliefs. I decided to pursue these spiritual paths with the decision that I would not base my entire identity on them (like I did when I was Christian) so that if they turned out to be wrong, I wouldn't be crushed again. I have been happily Pagan for over 11 years with the full knowledge that there is no logical reason to believe, but that I feel very unhappy when I don't acknowledge that I do believe anyway. What does that tell me? I have found that I would rather listen to my heart and be happy than to trust only my head and be miserable. It's all about balance between logic and intuition.

The biggest bit of advice I can give you is to take this opportunity to figure out what YOU believe and be careful not to allow your admiration and attraction for this new man in your life to cause you to lose yourself in the process. Be careful not to replace one authority who is telling you what to believe with another one who is just as willing.

You do not have to prove anything to Insomniac, because it is obvious that he does not have the same type of spiritually intuitive feelings that you do. If he did, it would be very difficult for him to continue fighting them. Remember that balance can only be reached in life if we not only listen to our brain, but our natural intuition as well. In general, Atheists are just as imbalanced towards logic as Christians are towards blind faith. Find a happy medium between the two and you are unlikely to go wrong. Good luck to you, Locust. Trust yourself!

2007-06-21 04:27:34 · answer #1 · answered by Tea 6 · 1 1

What is insomniac?

Why is your faith shaken so easily?

How old are you? Have you studied every book in the bible in depth taking into consideration the time and style it was written in?

Next, what denomination are you? Some of the Joyce Meyer, Joel Olsten Christians really do not get into depth of faith; they work more on feeling good. I consider them more motivational speakers than Religious leaders. Not that what they say is wrong, in my opinion it leads to a shallow faith if not backed up by real study.

For me as a Catholic, we have so many tools, besides the Sacraments that Jesus gave us to keep us in the Grace of God; we have the Bible, and Sacred Tradition. On top of that we have volumes and volumes of great books.

Even if you are not Catholic, I would suggest you do a read of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, there will be some points that Protestants will not completely agree with, but it explains our beliefs and gives references as to why we believe what we do. Most applies to all Christians.

It is relative easy to take scripture out of context and mis-lead people, especially ones that are young in their faith.

Be patient, I have asked or been asked every question imaginable in my 42 years of life, and the faith holds up. I did find that the Catholic faith was better for me than the Protestant, so I became Catholic last year.

One minor suggestion, spend as much time reading about your faith as you spend talking to the ones attacking it and you will never leave.

Be strong, an eternity is a terrible thing to waste.

By the way, God's laws are there to bring us true happiness on this earth, look at the suicide rate among the actors and famous rich people that supposedly have it all, look at their divorce rate, their rate of alcohol and drug abuse. Looks, Money, Fame, Free time, Homes, Cars, Sex has not made them happy. Happiness is what God wants for us all. Including Insomniac, whoever or whatever that is.

Good Luck and God Bless!

P.S. Just because a person is smart and their arguments seem logical, that does not mean that they are right, and I suspect that all of his arguments are taken off of an anti-Christian web-site. Copy one of "his" replys to you and paste it in the Google search. Most of the time, it will direct you to a site where it was copied from word for word.

Hope this helps!


2007-06-21 03:25:42 · answer #2 · answered by C 7 · 3 1

Dear Child, Please don't be offended by what I am about to write. you need to understand what being a Christian is all about! And you don't! First of all it is important to realize this, when you have asked Jesus Christ into your heart, the Holy Ghost enters into you, and communes with you. You are become new, the old is washed away by the Grace of God, through the Blood of Jesus, the Blood that he shed on the Cross. Once this has taken place, it is your responsibility to become a better child of the King, to everything you do, is done to make your life more like Christ's life, to Serve God with a heart pure and to speak to him often through your day, this makes you stronger in faith and in spirit. Christianity is a lifestyle and you should read the Bible prayerfully everyday and to walk in the light of God's amazing love every moment of everyday, Don't try to understand in your thinking, but let the Lord mold you to his! Insomniac has never known the Lord and his an unwitting servant of Satan. He is bent on steering as many people away from God as he can. You need to get down on your knees, and ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins, and to believe it has happened! Then walk in the Lord everyday, every decision you make, involve the Lord! Ask him to guide you. As a true Christian, people like Insomniac, cannot take Jesus from YOU! But the Choice is your's, and your's a lone. You can either go with the lies he has given you or you can go with the redeeming love of God.
You were never there Child,

2007-06-21 03:26:25 · answer #3 · answered by fsh3i1 3 · 0 1

I refuse to argue with you or insomniac...You must have faith. Being a christian does not mean that sometimes you will have doubts or have questions that cannot be explained. That is why you must read your bible daily and you can battle atheist and non believers. All the answers you need are right there. What you should be doing instead of arguing with Insomniac, is praying for more faith, and his redemption. Love in Christ, Italy

2007-06-21 03:06:25 · answer #4 · answered by exslidergirl 4 · 3 1

The devil will have people believe him concerning this so call big bang theorise. People all over the world are either not smart or allow them selves to de deceived by the workings of the devil. How can something be created with out a creator it cannot .for this cause we have a creator that created all that we see humans create thing god can create even more then man can imagine. For with God ,words alone he created the heavens and the earth and all that we see in it. By word alone he created man in his image, but with man they must use tool to build and create. our heavenly Father is all power and all doing what so ever he desires, and man be limited to what they can do. Remember that with out a creator nothing can be you nor I would be nor this earth nor the heavens. Now are people going to dispute Gods words, or come to understand that he is right, there needs be a creator.

2016-05-21 10:13:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no proof of of the existence of god.

There can never be a proof of the non-existence of god.

That is why it is called faith, and why atheists and theists butt heads here.

Personally, I see no proof for a lot of things, dragons, mermaids Santa, the tooth fairy, etc. and the consensus is that people do not have faith that these things exist.

So lacking any evidence for god, why should he get treated differently from the tooth fairy?

As for the Christian version of god. I feel much more definite. An all powerful, all knowing and all loving god is incompatible with the current world. It is incompatible with the bible.

Welcome to the world of rational thought.

2007-06-21 03:11:04 · answer #6 · answered by Simon T 7 · 0 2

Who needs a God. Buddha seemed to do just fine without one. The important thing is how you live your life and not whether a God exists. Live each moment for that moment and nothing else. Through that you will find your answer.

2007-06-21 16:27:01 · answer #7 · answered by The Violinist 1 · 1 0

There are numerous things that can't be proven.

The FEELING of love can't be proven but we all know it exists. It exists in spirituality which Science can't claim.

(Science is bound to mathmatics. Mathmatics holds 0 and infinity as "not real numbers" hence Science itself can't deal with spirituality)

There are numerous feelings and thoughts that can't be "proven" or put into Scientific control groups. There have been millions of witnesses to angels and supernatural things through the years.

There have been millions of miracles reported by people too which Science has ignored on multiple occasions.

Tens of thousands of witnesses to Jesus Christ.

There is a flood story in every nation society and culture throughout the world.

Cities such as sodom, Babel, Jericho are all well known in location.

However more directly, to prove there is a God is like proving there is Love. You can't becuase it exists outside the bounds of Math and Science.

2007-06-21 03:03:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

If God didn't exist - neither you or I would exist.

Who was it that said, "Let there be light"? Was it Insomnaic? I don't think so!

If you are searching for evidence of God, take a good look around you. Every natural thing you see was made by Him. (The artificial, man-made items were too - because He made the men and women that designed them!)

God is like the wind. You can't see the wind physically - but you can feel it when it comes upon you. You can hear it as it moves past. God is the same way. You can't see Him, but you can see and feel His effects when He touches the lives of people.

By the way, even if you have turned your back on God. He still loves you dearly. He will wait until you return. (If you accepted Christ, God will never let you go.)

2007-06-21 03:03:57 · answer #9 · answered by Oklahoman 6 · 5 3

Apparently while you were a Christian you didn't receive the Holy Spirit.

Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit who reveals the Truth.

Jesus is the ONLY Way to God, He reveals God to us.
There's NO WAY you can have doubts about God's existence if the Holy Spirit lived in your heart.

2007-06-21 03:25:26 · answer #10 · answered by Spoken4 5 · 1 1

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