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16 answers

If asking the Islamic community to help bring peace to the world is discouragement the Muslins must really be evil... Jim

2007-06-21 02:41:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Actually, the West doesn't really give Muslims much thought through the normal course of days. Millions of Canadians and Americans go about their daily lives and never think about Islam or Allah unless they have a Muslim as a neighbour or co-worker. In Canada, the Canadian people are against the Iraq war but our Prime Minister supports George Bush. What can we do? Wait until the next election.

There are many, many Muslims in the West. They must have thought it was a good place to move to.

So ... what do YOU think our purpose is?

2007-06-21 09:51:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let me take a pessimistic view of both sides.

According to Islam, the world consists of two parts: dar al-Islam and dar al-harb, the land of peace and the land of war. All non-Muslim countries are dar al-harb and it is the duty of a Muslim to make dar al-harb into dar al-Islam, by any means whatsoever. To follow Islam fully the world must either convert to Islam or be subject as dhimmi, second-class citizens, to Muslims. Any who are not people of the book do not even get that right. Therefore, there is an inherent basic imperative set into the heart of Islam that requires the subjection of the world as a whole to Islamic rule. Some may translate this as being accomplished by peaceful means and that is probably the majority. However, a sizable minority see that goal being accomplished by force. the trouble with theocratic cultures is that fundamentalists have great moral kudos, we can see this in America too, where the fundamentalist preachers with the most uncompromising dogmatic positions are seen as upright and incorruptible, (no matter how many times they are caught out). This is even more true in Islamic countries, the firebrand condemner of transgressors will always have more influence that the forgiving and merciful imam who would seek to assuage the more extreme for of social control and punishment.

Now let me am cynical about the west's motives.
There are some politicians, military people and political scientists who fully realise the implications of Muslim societies attempting to implement the program set out in the Koran for the subjugation of the world to Islam. They may view this as a struggle between Islam and western or Christian ideologies. Many of these people may be infected by pearl harbour syndrome and wish to snuff the problem out before it can truly affect the west.

I am afraid that I can see real resolution to this problem, as both worldviews are so diametrically opposed. The Koran can be interpreted in a peaceful way, but like so many holy texts, there is enough ambiguity to allow the men of violence justification for their acts and still engage the sympathy of the peaceful majority to some extent or another. Moreover, the same can be said for the west, many political and economic interests are move by pure materialism that sees any dogma as a restriction on the freedom to generate wealth. There are the pedantic ideologues who see any philosophy that impedes the freedom of the individual as evil and then there is the ordinary person who just wants to get on with their life, to do what they want to do, believe or not believe just whatever they want, dress however they want: the problem is that the umma would take this away from them. There will never be a real and full peace between the west and Islam as their world views are so wide apart. The best we can hope for is some optimum mode of cohabitation. However, as long as there are jihadis this will not happen. The west will continue to install and support secularised and authoritarian governments in Islamic countries and their military will have enough political leverage to be allowed to seek them out and attempt to destroy them. I am afraid that the twin towers lost Islam its best weapon against the west: public opinion. That is far more powerful than any bomb. Now any attack which involves chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, though it is no more than a gnat bite on the west as a whole, will release the politicians from the moral scruples of their constituents and the result will be terrible.

2007-06-21 10:57:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think that there is a big hatred towards Muslims and Islam because people are consuming blindly all the toxic information mainly through the media, but everyone is very far from knowing the truth. The purpose of the west is not a new one, it's a fear of this great religion, because Islam in its essence is a religion of peace, equality, and love. to be specific, Islam is not a religion that suits capitalists not communists or socialists, so it is very normal that it is facing such hatred, and attempts to represent it in the worst images
God is the greatest!!! and for people who say that Islam was spread through the swords you have to read history more carefully without any biased by hate or wrath!!

2007-06-21 10:00:43 · answer #4 · answered by yasmine 1 · 0 1

you have to give more details next time.
and if you mean discourage since 'discouage' is not a word
how does West discourage Muslims?
If you can answer that then perhaps I can answer what is the purpose of West.

2007-06-21 09:45:54 · answer #5 · answered by DannyLua 2 · 1 0

Assuming ur question is ".. discourage Muslims from doing whatever they are doing ? "

Firstly perhaps the west has a very stereotypical idea of muslims in general .. (ie: muslims = middle east = arabs and covered women) Hence , the west is trying to discourage THESE muslims .. who are still practicing exactlywhatever that was practiced(about men and women) in medieval europe, to be backdated in traditional male and female roles and encourage more modern roles for both the sexes.

Secondly, perhaps , to discourage them to be united ??
If they did .. the middle east would probably be controlling the oil by now .. and we'd be stuck with $10 per gallon haha .. or $5 per litre. aha

thirldy, discourage them from fighting with one another ? (ie Iraq ) .. why fight ? make love not war .. hehe

2007-06-21 09:51:30 · answer #6 · answered by oZzie F 2 · 0 0

Because most of them are Christians. Not to mention, the US is the most powerful, and influential, nation in the world... have you not noticed how they have suffered recently at the hands of Muslims? The reaction is only natural, even if the rest of us in the West think the US has reacted in the extreme direction.

2007-06-21 09:43:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have to be kidding. The Muslims come to America and build mosques and teach anything they want. They sue to wear what they want and to get special privileges. What Christian can go to Iran or Syria for instance and have free speech, wear a cross and build as many churches as they want and preach anything they want? Your question is incorrect.

2007-06-21 09:48:34 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

to justify what the west been doing and still doing with the nonsense they claim to be true about Islam and while im on it the culture that Islam brought totally against terror and deception and everything some ppl claim to be true about Islam

2007-06-21 09:51:14 · answer #9 · answered by MavericK 6 · 0 0

I dont want muslim extremist here blowing up buildings while yellig Allah is great, I dont want people here who discriminate against women just because they are female. I dont want a hateful religion here that tries to control your life.

We are already dealing with Christians and dont need another religion to battle.

2007-06-21 09:44:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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