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I recently quit smoking and gained 20 lbs... what is the best diet to lose the weight??? PLEASE HELP.. I cannot fit in half my clothes... : ( .. thanx

2007-06-21 01:55:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

11 answers

Fantastic! You took a great first step toward improving your health and fitness. Just keep going. Make sure your daily diet includes a lot of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Also include a little meat and dairy. Drink lots of water. And get some exercise daily. Try for 40 minutes of aerobic exercise (swim, walk, dance, play basketball, run, bike, etc.). That's the most important part of your exercise routine. Then, if you can, also add about 20 minutes of stretching, toning, and strengthening exercises. I promise you'll feel better, look better, loose weight, and it will be the perfect way to extend your new, healthier life style!

Please, please go for it! It works. I'm speaking from personal experience.

2007-06-21 02:04:34 · answer #1 · answered by leslie b 7 · 0 0

None of those answers are specific enough. I just lost 18 pounds and here is how I did it.
1) Do not eat carbs -- breads, bagels, pasta, cookies, etc. Period. It will be tough the first few days so perhaps just start cutting gradually. But they are all weight gainers.
2) Eat lots of protein -- it burns off quickly AND it increases metabolism to burn off fat.
3) Plan to exercise EVERY day. Build it into your daily habits.
Okay, now for the kicker. What happens when you mess up -- eat pasta, don't exercise.
4) Fallback Plan -- if you have daily exercise built into your plan, you can fight any cheating on your diet. Craving sweets -- I eat sugar-free pudding, works for me.
5) Finally -- if you really are serious, join a club or find a friend to do this with. Most people don't hit their weight goals because they are only accountable to themselves. But if you have a group or a friend to account to every week with a weigh-in, you will be more focused.

This worked for me.

2007-06-21 02:14:23 · answer #2 · answered by rcpubtree 1 · 0 0

Best way for you to loose weight is to do all of the following:

Eat healthy: eat good meals. Watch your calorie intake. Intake enough protein. Eat vegetables and fish. Eat a snack every 2-3 hours (a healthy snack like carrots, yogurt, peanuts, etc) - this will increase your motabolism, which will help you lower your weight. Examples: For breakfast eat a bowl of healthy cereal (such as Special K Protein Plus) or oatmean and a glass of lite OJ. For lunch eat a lean cuisine meal (you can buy them at any store) and a glass of water. For dinner eat some baked fish, steamed vegetabls, and water.

Exercise: be sure to exercise at least THREE times a week for 30+ minutes. You can do exercises such as: walking/jogging, sit ups, crunches, areobics. Be sure to stretch before you perform any exercises.

Upon doing the above you will start to loose weight without realizing it. Make it a habit to do the above and within a few weeks you will see a nice weight drop.

2007-06-21 02:03:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try the magnetic diet - It is the best diet for consitent weight loss:

2007-06-21 08:33:17 · answer #4 · answered by Nick Smith 4 · 0 0

You shouldnt diet at all... to lose weight fast and forever you have to change your lifestyle and the best way to do that is to look a t bob greene's diet here:
http://www.nowloss.com/bob-greene-best-life-diet.htm or
this plan here:

2007-06-21 02:00:02 · answer #5 · answered by prom_muh 2 · 0 1

Push backs are the best thing. Push yourself back from that food and get moving. I know what you mean but when you think about eating do something even if it is sitting in a chair and moving your legs back and forth. Up your activity and stop the elbow bending.

2007-06-21 02:05:35 · answer #6 · answered by dependon1 2 · 0 0

All of the most popular diets of our time --- Atkins , South Beach , The Zone , Bill Phillips and others --- have at the core of their message a basic commonality : weight loss is achieved by the management of calories .

How you manage those calories , those units of energy and the foods you choose to supply your body with its caloric need , is vitally important .

How you divide those calories --- the ratios of fats , carbohydrates and proteins --- plus your exercise plan will determine the weight you lose .

Protein is essential for robust health . Protein is the main ingredient in our cells and , next to water , comprises most of our skin , hair , eyes , nails and muscle .

On your diet or better yet weight-loss plan , you'll provide your body with a continuing supply of protein , from morning till night .

The object of your program is to force your body to mobilize your stored fat for energy . For this reason , you should not add any supplemental fat --- no butter , no cheese , no fat meat , no sausage , etc .

Under no circumstances should digest what are called trans-fatty acids --- these are the fats normally used in fried foods in fast-food restaurants .

A landmark study , conducted at the University of London England in the 1950's , found that the patients who were given a 1,000-calorie diet high in fat ( 90 % ) lost significant amounts of weight . While the same patients , when given a 1,000-calorie high in carbohydrates ( 90 % ) , lost virtually no weight at all .

Eating good fat does not make you fat ; it actually helps your body burn fat more efficiently .

It's in the area of carbohydrates that most confusion occurs concerning healthy eating . Adding to wrong choices is the misleading and inaccurate information regarding the so-called '' food pyramid '' .

You must understand that our bodies have a very small and limited ability to store carbohydrates . Your body will burn carbohydrates as fuel of energy . But it will convert excess carbohydrates into fat and store it as fatty tissue .

But that's not the whole story . When you eat a high-glycemic food --- you raise your blood glucose rapidly . In order to counteract that rapid rise in blood sugar , your pancreas secrets insulin into your bloodstream . Insulin's job is to find excess carbohydrates and store them as fat . Not only that , insulin signals your system not to release any stored fat . Basically , think of it this way , '' insulin stores fat and won't let it go '' .

When you continue to stimulate the production of insulin , your adrenal glands begin to be exhausted and , when this happens , adult-onset diabetes may result . It is the eating of so much sugar , sweets , white bread , and other high glycemic foods that is believed to be the principle cause of the epidemic of adult onset diabities in people over age 35 , and even children .

The speed at which carbohydrates enter the bloodstream is called the glycemic index . The more simple the sugars , the faster the entry rate and the higher the glycemic index . Our goal is to avoid high-glycemic carbohydrates . One slice of white bread has a glycemic index of 100 . Sugar , honey , jams and jellies exceed that mark , while peanuts and soybeans have a glycemic index of 15 . Most fruits and vegetables are low-glycemic carbohydrates and rich in fiber .

I recommend that you visit http://www.glycemicindex.com/ for index listings and a searchable database of food index values . White flours , breads , grains ( including cereals ) , pasta , rice , starches and all bakery items are high-glycemic carbohydrates .

These foods spike your system foods spike your system with insulin and those calories are converted to fat that won't let go .

Note - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In order to maintain your weight you have to supply 15 calories for each pound of body weight . So , if you weight 200 pounds , that comes to 3,000 calories , or 15 x 200 = 3,000 calories . Take a moment to calculate your maintenance calorie total . Multiply 15 times your weight . That is your maintenance number of calories . Now aim for 800 - 1,000 calories below that maintenance number each day .

Let's use a 200-pound man as an example :
3,000 daily calories
2,032 exercise calories burned
( 968 ) deficit calories

In addition , it is essential that you add exercise to your daily routine . I recommend ( at least ) 30 minutes of exercise daily . Vary walking three times each week with resistance or weight training three times each week ...

There are 3,500 calories to a pound . Now if you add the 968 defficit calories ( the eating plan ) with 360 calories ( the 30 minutes of exercise ) , you get a calorie defficit about 1,328 and if you get a 1,328 calorie defficit per day you lose one pound in about 2.64 days .

Formula - 3,500 calories to a pound
1,328 per day = 2.64 Days to Lose One Pound

Food Portions

( After you lose weight I strongly advise that you choose whole grain rice , bread , etc over white ones )

One easy way to size up portions if you don't have any measurements is to take a look at your hand .

A clenched fist is about a cup — and a cup is the amount experts recommend for a portion of pasta , rice , cereal , vegetables , and fruit .

A meat portion should be about as big as your palm .

And limit the amount of added fats ( like butter , mayo , or salad dressing ) to the size of the top of your thumb .

2007-06-21 02:54:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

do your best to ensure you re not eating after 7 o clock at night you re more likely to make unhealthy choices and less likely to sleep as well after a late meal

2015-12-22 10:12:18 · answer #8 · answered by Alina 3 · 0 0

walk five minutes for at least every two hours

2016-04-21 08:16:16 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

when sitting draw in your ab muscles and tap your toes

2016-04-21 02:22:46 · answer #10 · answered by Mariann 3 · 0 0

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