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All Christian's that I know of fear death despite the fact that they all believe that they'll go to Heaven afterwards. All atheists I know don't fear death although most of them don't believe in an afterlife. Is Heaven something to be feared or something? Or is it perhaps the main man himself who happens to be residing there that they all fear?

2007-06-13 22:42:01 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Hey, about somenice shiney stars for this question? I did a lot of observation and questioning people for it you know. C'mon!

2007-06-13 22:50:40 · update #1

I have no fear of death either by the way, so Uncle Under, the reason I'd be screaming for help is becasue snakes have a tendency to bite you in the ***, which hurts like f**k or so I'm lead to believe anyway. But if someone told me that giving up my life would result in more good happening in the world I'd do it gladly, secure in the knowledge that I kick as's.

2007-06-13 22:54:06 · update #2

I was speaking to a priest before by the way who was nearing life's end and he wasn't exactly overjoyed at the fact. I actually know some atheists who don't worry about death because they'd get to see what happens next. Curiosity didn't kill the cat, the cat killed itself out of curiosity. LOL! That's good actually. I need to remember that one.

2007-06-13 22:58:15 · update #3

Hey does anyone know whether or not Emmanuel answered my question at all?

2007-06-13 23:25:05 · update #4

28 answers

Everyone fears death, but at least atheists have the balls to face their fears instead of deluding themelves with fairy tales.

2007-06-13 23:10:04 · answer #1 · answered by Ginger Ninja 4 · 1 0

Fearing death is normal human behaviour, it is the fear of the unknown, and the fact that none of us can do anything about it, It's going to happen.
I think it's probably that Christians talk about it in Church all the time, and the fact that they believe when they die, they are judged. It's usually this that scares most people, even if they don't know it.
The atheists I know don't seem to fear death either, but they have their own ideas about what happens, and are perhaps more resigned to fact that it will happen to us all. They also don't seem as able to handle it when others die that they know, because they don't believe in heaven.

Happy topic :D

2007-06-14 05:48:37 · answer #2 · answered by Smurf 3 · 1 0

See, this is why organized religion should be banned. It makes people crazy. The churches are no more than cults that brainwash people into believing their inane theories. Do you really believe there is a place up in the sky with little winged ex-people flying around in total bliss ? Or that there is a fiery underworld where Mr. Pitchfork tortures you every day ?
You are born (a biological process), we just happen to live in a place that has the right conditions to sustain life, then we age and die. After that we either get buried in the ground to rot, or get cooked into ashes. The End. No afterlife, no angels, no devils, just dust.

2007-06-14 05:51:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Christians need not fear what is after death although, having spent time in palliative care wards as a chaplain, I can assure you that the process of dying can be unpleasant.

It is difficult to answer your question about atheists fearing death since I have the opposite experience. In conducting funerals I find that those who do not believe in God or do not have a secure faith in Jesus, are those who fear God. I have conducted many funerals over the years. It is however difficult to extrapolate from this since a convinced atheist would believe that there is nothing after deat and so nothing to fear.

The evidence points to a different reality. Specifically, the historically certain fact (see reference below) that Jesus came back from the dead points to his words having athority on this subject. He speaks in the Bible about this, say that he has a place prepared for those who followed him. The word used for this place, usually translated as "room" means a temporary place. It was used in Jesus' day to describe the place in a tomb where a body was left for a year to decay and then removed for the bones to be put in a secure box. Jesus is saying (see reference) that when you die you will be be temporarily with God in another dimension before Jesus returns to rule on earth. Then you will return to live again forever. That is to say, the Christian hope of heaven is of new life on earth no some sort of ethereal existence on a cloud. We know it is true because Jesus led the way he died and came back in a new eteranal, spirit powered body.

Atheists and Christians need to trust in Jesus, he is the only true experte on death and how to cope with it.

2007-06-14 07:29:39 · answer #4 · answered by PETER COOPER 1 · 1 1

Death is not to be feared, as the next stage of the human experience is on the other side of it. I know plenty of atheists that fear death, who honestly wants to live a life believing that everything just goes black when you die?

2007-06-14 05:55:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It makes perfect sense why atheists do not fear death:

Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which cannot exist when I do?
— Epicurus, (ca. 341-270 B.C.E.)

As to why Christians (at least the ones you know) fear death, have you thought to ask them? Maybe they have some doubts about the fairytale. Who knows?

2007-06-14 05:57:14 · answer #6 · answered by HawaiianBrian 5 · 2 0

I guess you don't know many true Christians. A Spirit filled 'born again' Christian will not fear death at all as it is just the next step in the Eternal life promised by God.
I guess you don't know a lot of atheists either as most of them fear death as they get older.
Perhaps you need to get out a bit more and find out the truth about people instead of drawing on your own experience, which seems pretty small at present. I guess you must be quite young as you lack real understanding of the truth about people.
Growth and maturity will come your way....enjoy it.
Best wishes, Mike.

2007-06-14 05:53:36 · answer #7 · answered by georgiansilver 4 · 2 2

I really wish you would introduce me to these death fearing Christians. I have yet to meet one and have been saved for almost ten years.
(WOW) After reading some of the answers I am blown away. If a person has accepted Christ as their Lord and savior and fears death then there is a major malfunction somewhere in their walk with Jesus. Great question. I have learned a lot this morning. I will have to investigate this more.

2007-06-14 05:51:09 · answer #8 · answered by Bye Bye 6 · 2 2

Sorry, Insomniac...talking to priests as a source of Bible knowledge? .
Did they show you this scripture;
(Ecclesiastes 9:5-6) For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.

Its in their Bible and they should KNOW it.

Also this one, the only scripture mentioning people being taken to heaven...
(Revelation 20:6) Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years.

(Revelation 14:1) And I saw, and, look! the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.

these are chosen PEOPLE.
they are NOT angels BECAUSE heaven has MYRIADS of angels.
these are a very specific number with a very specific job. To assist Jesus in the judgement.
And God himself, Jesus' Father, does NOT judge.
(John 5:22) For the Father judges no one at all, but he has committed all the judging to the Son,

So just WHERE are the other billions who have died?

(Psalm 13:3) Do look [upon me]; answer me, O Jehovah my God. Do make my eyes shine, that I may not fall asleep in death,

Asleep, awaiting resurrection.

2007-06-14 06:25:32 · answer #9 · answered by pugjw9896 7 · 0 1

60 percent of the Christian belief is baseless and stupid. To keep people in the clutches of belief, they scared people by injecting the idea of heaven and a god sitting somewhere up there, judging you, and punishing you. There is no heaven up there in the sky. It is within our mind. God is within us. There nothing called death. It is just a transformation of energy and mass into another form. Life energy is eternal. Man has the power to decide whether to live in heaven or hell.

2007-06-14 05:48:10 · answer #10 · answered by Master's Grace 2 · 2 0

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