The type of vision he described had to do with what type of LDS he was doing that day. If it was blotter- he used vision 1. Microdots- vision 2, blue star- vision 3. The LDS pick their favorite vision by their favorite type of LSD.
2007-06-14 10:30:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is often abbreviated the LDS Church or the LdS Church. LDS and LdS can also be used as adjectives associated with that sect (though LDS could also mean The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which is a different sect).
The version found in Joseph Smith - History (part of the Pearl of Great Price) is the most comprehensive of the six or so versions. It is neither the earliest nor the latest of the versions that Joseph himself told.
Each version is slightly different based on who the entended audience was. Since this version contains all the major points of the others it was chosen.
2007-06-13 17:55:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First To "IndianLight": LDS is kinda like LSD but better you feel great and your health improves and you see the light! full Emerson baths and laying on of hands gives a generalized good feeling also a pre disposition to say that this here is the place!, and there's no bad feeling the morning after.... it is ingested by eating a special Jello -green to be exact treated with floating marshmallows or the more popular carrot slivers.....ha ha ha.
As for the vision. Sacred things may be related in differing ways due to the audience....pearls b4 swine...and I can see a few oinkers have responded here!
to trebor namyl hcaeb of the empty handed people....
The text has nothing to do with the crusades(Aramaic) was written on a different continent.... The Bof M history starts at the tower of babel,The language of the Jaredites which was not confounded at the Tower of they had original adamic language. The Nephites, and possibly the Lamanites, might have spoken a modified Semitic language and had written in reformed Egyptian characters(due to its brevity- takes up less space)up to at least AD 400, where the Book of Mormon stops. when you translate some thing it means you take the ideas presented in the first language and present it in another. The people in jo smith's times learned their English from the bible....every one had read or heard the bible was their cannon or common book. Thus the English and manner of speak was in old english as it had been translated last in the king James version. there are answers out there...just keep an open mind.
2007-06-14 09:45:26
answer #3
answered by Firemedic 3
You are mixing up the First vision and the visions of Moroni to confuse people.
they get more detailed as they go on.
The 1838 version is the official version of the church as he started writing the church history. The 1843 wentworth letter is practically the same as the 1838.
As for the book of mormon being written in Kings James English. Joseph Smith lived in the backcountry of Upstate New York. He didn't have that much education and neither did his neighbors. They were farmers. They only read the bible. So He translated the book of Mormon in the language spoken in upstate New York of the late 1820s. Which was close to kings james english. If you go to a mormon church today you can still here those thee, thy, etc. in prayers, scripture reading etc. That's the english spoken.
2007-06-14 08:21:31
answer #4
answered by Brother G 6
Joseph was visited many times for different reasons.. He explains them in different ways to different audiences...
And by "visited" do you mean Joseph saw each one?.. if so.. where is the one where he saw the Holy Ghost?
Edit: Indian.. LDS means Latter Day Saints.. meaning people who belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.. or Mormons to some.
2007-06-13 17:55:09
answer #5
answered by ♥Tom♥ 6
Sorry, but I have to add my two cents, even though I'm not an LDS member! Let me ask *you*: Why did Joseph Smith write his translation in Seventeenth Century King James English instead of Nineteenth Century English, or better yet in Greek and Aramaic?
To "IndianLight": "LDS" means the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints", more commonly known as "Mormons".
2007-06-13 17:59:46
answer #6
answered by trebor namyl hcaeb 6
I concur with cadisneygirl. I've read the Book of Mormon, the New Testmament, and much of the Old Testament, and I find that there are doctrines of Christ's gospel that are more clearly spelled out in the Book of Mormon, like teachings about the resurrection and the atonement. There is a lot of amazing counsel given, and a wonderful story of Christ appearing to the inhabitants of the ancient American continent. Both the Book of Mormon and the Bible, hand in hand, have brought me closer to Christ. They're not opposed to each other, or competing- they're both witnesses of the same Savior, and both proclaim his gospel!
2016-05-19 23:23:19
answer #7
answered by mozelle 3
Luck Mack Smith didn't seem to mention Joseph's vision during the time it was supposed to have occurred, and even Joseph himself couldn't recall the exact day. Plus, the first time he mentioned it was many years after the fact, and Brigham Young was evidently unfamiliar with the story.
Everyone and their brother had "visions" during the 1820's, and there were all sorts of rumors of buried treasure. Smith just put the two together.
Has anyone noticed that the most important dates of the church seem to occur on vernal equinox's? How very devilish it seems
2007-06-15 08:16:30
answer #8
answered by Dances with Poultry 5
Each time he gave an account of the vision he was giving it to different people under different circumstances. I wouldn't explain the pythagreom therom the same way to a genius child the same way i'd explain it to a grown adult who can't read or write.
I don't get it. People can leave the church, but they can't leave the church alone.
2007-06-14 20:29:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i guess joseph smith never paid attention to 2 corinthians 11:14, were it talks about satan appearing as an angel of light, so either it was satan or Joseph made up the whole story.
2007-06-14 05:27:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous