Yes , Jesus will reunite with all of his loved ones and all will be given the chance to follow Him , either in this world or the next . I don't think it's important what religion you claim to be . It's only important that you accept Jesus as your savior .
2007-06-13 16:17:31
answer #1
answered by opinionated 4
It is unfortunate that people are saying that others will "burn in hell" just because of religious affiliation. All that is required to enter the kingdom is BELIEF in the saving GRACE of Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross for our sins, and rose again on the third day to prove His claim to deity. Will Jews be there? If they trust Christ. There will be some Jews there that lived prior to Christ, of course, such as Moses, Isaiah, Abraham, Mary and Joseph, and of course David. Those that trusted in God before Christ, I believe, were credited with righteousness. Jews who reject Christ today will be lost, I'm afraid. Don't blame me--read the Bible, specifically John 14:6.
As for Catholics and Protestants, so long as you believe in Christ ALONE for your salvation, not works, then it doesn't matter what denomination you are. Too many denominations make salvation about works (baptism, giving money, doing good things, etc) when the Bible is clear--check out John 3:16, Luke 23:39-43(the thief on the cross a.was not baptized, b.was not told to say a prayer, c.did not have to do anything but BELIEVE), and Ephesians 2:8-10(grace, not works, saves through faith, for the purpose of good works) and multitudes of others. Anyone who tells you salvation is through any work (baptism, good deeds) has obviously not truly read the New Testament.
If you have any questions about salvation, read the Gospel of John, which was written by John for the purpose of letting people know how they can find salvation. Pay attention to how many times John uses the word "believe" and how few times John talks about Jesus saying you have to be baptized.
God Bless You for your seeking heart!
2007-06-13 16:35:23
answer #2
answered by Todd J 3
we as Christians believe in the same God and the same revelation they do, plus the New Testament. As the Holy Father once pointed out, Christians are all "spiritual Semites" (spiritually united with the Jews and the faith of Abraham). Basically, Christians are what you could call "Messianic Jews", that is, we are "adopted" Jews who believe Jesus was the long awaited Jewish Messiah…the Savior. We have been grafted into the family tree. Of course, our faith has grown considerably from there as well. While we have significant theological differences with traditional Judaism (primarily revolving around Christ), our understanding of morality is of the same basic cloth.
We should never forget our roots. We should never forget that Jesus was a Jew (who attended synagogue), as were his mother and adoptive father, all the apostles and even the first pope (Peter). Almost all of the first "believers" were Jews, and they all attended synagogue as well. While it is true that some Jews called for His execution (particularly those threatened by Jesus as a potential leader who threatened their hold on power) , the Catechism reminds us that every human who has ever lived bears responsibility for his crucifixion. We are all responsible.
As Christians, we believe that, in rejecting Jesus, most of the Jews rejected their own Messiah, as prophecy foretold (Isaiah 53:3-4, Hosea 11:4). As the apostle Paul points out in Romans 11, this is part of a mystery, wherein God used their lack of faith-response in order to bring the Gentiles (non-Jews) into His family. While there continue to be Jews who come to accept Jesus as the Jewish Messiah throughout history, we prayerfully hope for the day when the Jews will most fully come to accept Jesus and be "grafted back into the tree" (which St. Paul also writes about in Romans 11).
2007-06-13 16:20:04
answer #3
answered by Gods child 6
I go a bit further. Whoever abides by and follows the teachings of Christ even if they have never heard of Jesus Christ will advance to a better after life. People often forget that Christ taught. He had a message and it wasn't just about being crucified by a bunch of Romans. Those who try to live in peace, help their fellow man when ever they are able and refuse to act on prejudice are honoring Jesus Christ and what he taught.
You don't go to heaven because your scared of hell. You go because you spent your life trying to make this world a better place for everyone. Thats what I believe.
2007-06-13 16:21:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First. Religion is a form of segregation that keeps us fighting for No reason. Everyone believes thier is a heaven and Hell. Different names for each religion. Everyone believes thier Most High wakes them up and takes them thru life. So what is the problem. Conflict. The more we fight the more **** they pull over our eyes. Christianty was put into play to control slaves and make them obey there Masters. It was more of a movement than a religion. Jewish is Not a religion, Religion speaks of people of all races and color. I believe we say **** it all and go to the source. The White House. Because as much as we want to live without sins, It will never happen in a Corrupt Country LIKE THIS ONE
2007-06-13 16:18:08
answer #5
answered by Gee 1
Jews don't believe in a concept such as "going to heaven". This is a Christian concept, not a Jewish one.
So no, Jews won't coincide in heaven together with Christians and Protestants, since there is no such thing as "going to heaven" in Judaism, and never has been.
Jews believe that THIS EARTH, perfected when the Messiah comes, is actually The World To Come. Not some up in the sky place called Heaven.
All of mankind will dwell together in peace, there will be no more wars, no more illness, and the knowledge of God will be Universal so that no man argues with another, no debates about it, and no man needs to teach another. According to Judaism. And no, it doesn't mean everyone has to convert to Judaism in order to be able to be in the World To Come. Judaism believes that ALL righteous people of ALL nations have a place in the World To Come.
Non-Jews fulfill this by following the 7 Noahide Laws (look them up on the internet if you don't know what they are )during their lifetimes, which are guidelines for being the best person you can be for yourself, your family, your world, and your relationships with all of these and with God. Jews believe anyone can do this, anyone can be righteous and the Torah is full of examples of righteous men and women. Even children.
Jews don't believe in the concept of Original Sin, Jews believe that all people are born pure and clean and choose througout their lives what paths they will walk for the better or the worse, free will choice.
So at any time we have the choice to become righteous people by taking responsibility for our own thoughts, speech, and actions, and that anyone of any of the nations on the earth can do this, and have a place in The World To Come. It's everyone's choice.
And we really don't care of people of other religions say we are going to burn in hell forever, as we don't believe in that either. That's a Christian idea, taken from Zoroastrianism and other old pagan religions. Judaism doesn't have that, never has. In Hebrew there is no word for such a place. Don't let anyone tell you that Sheol or Gehenna mean hell, neither one does.
Sheol (a word Christians say means hell in the Torah) means grave, and it literally MEANS grave, not hell.
Gehenna (another word Christians say means hell in the Torah) was a garbage dump outside Jerusalem which smoked and was hot with garbage burning all the time, also there was the Gehinom Valley which is where pagans burned children as human virgin blood sacrifices to their god Moloch. Again, Gehenna doesn't mean hell in Judaism, so beware of any Christian who tries to tell you it does. Jews don't have the concept of anyone burning in hell for eternity, God in Judaism is a kind, loving, compassionate and fair God, in spite of what Christians teach wrongly about that.
2007-06-13 16:52:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Okay, you're overreacting just a smitch. 1. Hell will never overpopulate. 2. Heaven will never overpopulate. If you accept Jesus There is always room for more (unlike one religion that believe heaven has limited space which is dumb because why would a loving God make limited space? God loves everyone, so he's not going to pick favorites.) 3. Christians are actually the right ones. But since all of us believe in God we all go to heaven (if all of the others ask God for forgiveness) One of the religions you listed ask God for forgiveness on a certain day (I think jews) which you don't really have to do you can ask for forgiveness any time,) One is like focused on Mohammed more than God (Muslim at least if you ask me i talked to one once and he was like talking more about Mohammed that God) and catholics really focus on mary and saints but you're really supposed to pray to God only not to saints. But basically we're all right IF all of us believe in God one, two, ask for forgiveness, and 3 do the ABC's of salvation. if you know what i'm sayin'...
2016-05-19 22:53:38
answer #7
answered by lupe 3
Anyone who has repented of their sins and, by faith, followed Jesus Christ will be in heaven.
For the Jews there is good news and bad news.
Good News: According to Romans, chapter 11, there is coming a day when all of the Jews will turn to Christ as Messiah.
Bad News: All of the Jews who have died up to that point and have not trusted Christ won't make it. I did, but there are relatively few who do.
As for Catholics, those who have trusted Christ will be in heaven. Those who have trusted the Catholic church to save them will not.
2007-06-13 16:16:44
answer #8
answered by Dave W 2
Humm Yes it is impossible to go to heaven IF you don't accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and IF you don't believe that he is the begotten son of our heavenly Father, who came to bear our sins and die in the cross of calvary for YOU, then it is impossible to go to heaven when you die. You can't go to the Father if you don't go to his Son first. I think that for the sake of this argument what matters is NOT your religious denomination. That is, being a Jew, Catholic, Babtist , Lutheran, Muslim, or Vegetarian doesn not matter to God. What he cares about is your actions, how you lived your life, did youo keep your faith?, did you make him 1st in your life? I don't think He is going to stand at the Gates of Heaven and say "Gee lets see, You are a Jew, please step to the left, and you are a Catholic walk right in my child!" He loves us all, because He created us all knowing exactly how we were all going to turn out. So I really think that we all can go no matter the religion name you profess to belong to.
Oh and to you who said heaven doesn't exist how are you sure of that? Have you been there yet? I know God exists because I feel him in my life everyday and because he left proof and some day he'll come show unbelievers like you that he is the one and only King. Good Luck buddy!
2007-06-13 16:22:10
answer #9
answered by EV 2
It's all been talked about in the Bible. In Zechariah 14 the Jews are going to recognize him upon His return. The Roman Catholics won't have anything to be Roman about, an the Protestants aren't going to have anything left to protest about. And the only one's of those denominations that will be there are those who trusted God.
2007-06-13 16:20:31
answer #10
answered by Christian Sinner 7
That is not for any of us mere human beings to decide. It is up to God. We believe how we believe, but ultimately, it is God who will decide who goes to Heaven and who does not. He alone is able to search our hearts, and He alone is the One who will judge. As for Catholics, Protestants or Jews, again, I say that God will search our hearts. He did not say one must be a Catholic. He didn't say one must be a Protestant, or a Jew. He said that one must believe in His Son Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour. Barring that, the rest is up to God. It is not for anyone to decide if someone has accepted Christ or to what degree their love of God is. Many faithful Jews love the Lord and serve Him with all their heart and soul. Many Christians who have accepted Christ as their Saviour, live as hypocrites. Again, God will judge our hearts. Also, God does say that the Jews are His chosen people and Bible prophecy fortells of Jews and Gentiles alike in Heaven. It's all up to God really, and His decision will be influenced by the way we conduct our relationship with Him.
2007-06-13 16:16:44
answer #11
answered by Chimichanga to go please!! 6