Because there was only ONE church for over 1500 years. These other religions came along way after the catholic Church.
How Did Your Church Begin?
33 A.D.
Roman Catholic Church (moved to Rome by Peter after he fled Jerusalem) was founded by God-made-man, Jesus Christ. He said: "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it... Feed my lambs; feed My sheep" (Matt. 16:18,19; John 21:15,17). He also said: "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who gathers not with me scatters" (Matt.12:30).
9th Century Marked The First Official Schisms Within The Church
827: Eastern Schism began by Photius of Constantinople. The primary difference in Faith at the heart of the schism was the argument over the addition of the filioque statement (Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, not just the Father) to the creed. This schism eventually healed.
1053: Eastern Schism began by Michael Caerularius of Constantinople. The primary argument was the Latin practice of fasting on Saturday and the use of unleavened bread for the Holy Eucharist. Theses two points were more for challenging the authority of the Roman Pontif. This schism eventually healed.
1378: Death of Pope Gregory XI on 27 March, 1378 began the Western Schism. The schism came to an end in 1417.
1472: Present Schism of the Eastern Church begins with the repudiation of the Council of Florence.
1517: Lutheran Church was founded by Martin Luther, a former priest of the Roman Catholic Church. This marked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation
1521: Anabaptist first appeared in Zwickau, in the present kingdom of Saxony. Initially, they were primarily against infant baptism.
1525: Schwenkfeldians were founded by Kaspar of Schwenkfeld, aulic councillor of Duke Frederick of Liegnitz and canon. At first he associated himself with Luther, but later opposed the latter in his Christology, as well as in his conception of the Eucharist, and his doctrine of justification.
1531: The Socinians and other Anti-Trinitarians attacked the fundamental doctrine of the Blessed Trinity. Chief founder of Anti-Trinitarians was Laelius Socinus, teacher of jurisprudence at Siena, and his nephew, Faustus Socinus.
1536: Mennonites founded by Menno Simons, a former Catholic priest and later an Anabaptist elder. They deny infant baptism and the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
1534: Church of England (Anglicanism) was founded by King Henry VIII when he threw off the authority of the Pope and proclaimed himself the head of the Church in England, because the Pope refused to declare invalid his marriage with Queen Catherine.
1560: The Presbyterian denomination was begun by John Knox who was dissatisfied with Anglicanism.
1608: The Baptist church was launched by John Smyth in Amsterdam, Holland.
1620: The Swiss Mennonites split into Amish or Upland Mennonites and Lowland Mennonites.
1671: Quakers were founded by John George Fox of Drayton in Leicestershire. He favored a visionary spiritualism, and found in the soul of each man a portion of the Divine intelligence. All are allowed to preach, according as the spirit incites them.
1744: The Methodist church was launched by John and Charles Wesley in England.
1774: The Unitarians were founded by Theophilus Lindley in London.
1784: Episcopalian denomination was begun by Samuel Seabury who was dissatisfied with Presbyterianism.
1787: The founder of The Salvation Army is William Booth, who quit the Anglicans, and then the Methodists, and set up his own version of Christianity.
1822: Mormons founded by Joseph Smith, who made his appearance with supposed revelations in 1822.
1872: The Jehovah's Witness Church was developed by Charles Russell.
1879: Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy began the Christian Scientist religion basing it upon an outright denial of Original Sin and its effects.
1896: Ballinger Booth, the son of William Booth, quit The Salvation Army and started his own church.
The Seventh-Day Adventists, the Church of Christ, The Church of the Nazarene, or any of the various Pentecostal Churches, etc. are also among the hundreds of new churches founded by men within the past 150 years or so.
Over 33,000 Sects "Scattered" Outside The One Church Founded By Christ
There Was Only ONE Church Founded By Christ
2007-06-13 15:56:17
answer #1
answered by tebone0315 7
Well, think about this. Jesus was called the faithful and true Witness and God's name is Jehovah. And Jesus came to explain his Father and teach the good news of the kingdom. Don't you just love how the Catholics claim to be the original church started by Christ? The Apostles said that an apostasy was setting into the congregation and would take over after their deaths. So that makes the Catholic church the start of apostasy in their own words. The book of Daniel says that the truth would be re-established during the last days.
2007-06-13 15:58:41
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
in accordance to the object, that replaced into the advance fee in 2006. Our advance fee for 2007 replaced into even larger. the object replaced into no longer written by Jehovah's Witnesses. we are actually not praising ourselves. All compliment is going to Jehovah God and to his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. we are purely "fellow workers" with God and Christ. (a million Corinthians 3:9) the reality nevertheless resonates interior the hearts of honest people. they are able to be sure that different techniques do no longer artwork, and are turning to God's way of doing issues. somewhat, it is not approximately numbers. we are chuffed to be sure the upward push, yet what somewhat brings us excitement helps others, even regardless of the undeniable fact that many or few, to appreciate and love and serve God and Christ as we do.
2016-10-17 05:00:30
answer #3
answered by serravalli 4
Jesus established the Christian Congregation as the only acceptable form of true worship. The only real controversy is which modern religion best adheres to the form of worship practiced by the apostles and other first century (CE) Christians.
The bible makes it clear that the early Christian congregation was focused on preaching the good news. The Christian Scriptures specifically call Jesus himself a "Witness".
(Revelation 1:5) Jesus Christ, “the Faithful Witness
Largely (but not exclusively) based on the commitment of literally every active adherent to preaching, it seems that the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses restore primitive Christianity.
Learn more:
2007-06-14 01:34:52
answer #4
answered by achtung_heiss 7
The Church founded by Yashua in the 1st century was basically considered a sect of Judaism until the Church of Rome apostatized and thru the power of the Roman Empire Constantine became the dominant false religion of the era, and down to this day. {Revelations 17:1-6} The other apostate churches you mentioned came out of or were spawned by the catholic church. {The Harlots in v:5}
The Bible plainly identifies this false church:
Revelations 17:9
Daniel 7:25
Which is the first church to abandon the true 7th Day Sabbath of the Law of God and abandon His Holy Days? Who substitute Christmas and Easter and Halloween for the true worship from the Bible? Catholicism did. And Protestantism perpetuates that deception.
The Church founded by Yashua the Christ is identified from Genesis to Revelations by the same basic set of beliefs:
Genesis 26:5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.
Exodus 20:6... And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
Psalm 111:10 The fear of the Lord is the best part of wisdom: all those who keep his laws are wise: his praise is eternal.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 ¶ This is the last word. All has been said. Have fear of God and keep his laws; because this is right for every man.
Think that those are only "Old"testament commands?
Isaiah 42:21 The LORD is well pleased for his righteousness’ sake; he will magnify the law, and make it honourable.
Matthew 5:17 Let there be no thought that I have come to put an end to the law or the prophets. I have not come for destruction, but to make complete. 18 Truly I say to you, Till heaven and earth come to an end, not the smallest letter or part of a letter will in any way be taken from the law, till all things are done. 19 Whoever then goes against the smallest of these laws, teaching men to do the same, will be named least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who keeps the laws, teaching others to keep them, will be named great in the kingdom of heaven.
What church teaches this? Certainly not the Catholics!
John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
1Corinthians 7:19 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.
1John 2:4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
1John 3:4 Everyone who is a sinner goes against the law, for sin is going against the law.
God identifies the end-time chruch, and it is not the Catholic Whore of Babylon or any of the Protestant Harlots she spawned:
Revelations 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelations 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Revelations 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
2007-06-13 18:09:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Christ establish His Church during his ministry. It was set up as God wanted it.
The Catholic came along after all the apostles were killed and they appointed a Bishop to run things - that's one reason they call the Pope the "Bishop of Rome."
Later the Protestants "protested" against the Catholics and started a church. Lutherans broke away from the Catholics were started by Luther. Don't know about the Baptists, Pentecostals, JWs. My understanding is they are all Protestant churches since they "protested" against the Catholic church.
Joseph Smith (LDS) was confused about what church to join since they all seemed wrong to him. After studying the Bible he read in James, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to him liberally, and abradeth not, it shall be given him." In other word, if you don't know something, have faith and pray. God won't chastise you and He will tell you.
We believe that God told his that all churches had fallen away from the truth. (The Catholics didn't have the priesthood authority since everyone had been killed and the Bishops didn't have the authority to ordain the new leaders). The LDS church was the "restored" version of the original Church that Christ had established.
2007-06-13 16:20:27
answer #6
answered by JessicaRabbit 6
Those denominations had not been created at that time. During the 1st century after Christ, there was simply Christianity, although doctrines differed slightly depending on who the primary teacher for the city was. My pastor just spoke on this last Sunday; apparently Paul had to send some letters to various groups of people to help them understand some core truths about Christianity.
2007-06-13 15:55:55
answer #7
answered by Iamnotarobot (former believer) 6
The was no "official" name. It was DISCRIBED by several terms such as the Lord's church, Christ's church, the church of Christ, the church of God, the kingdom of God, the body of Christ, etc. These terms still scripturally discribe the the church today. There was no central ruling authority or hiarchial structure as seen in denominations today. Christ is STILL the ONLY head of HIS church.
2007-06-13 16:01:05
answer #8
answered by JayDee 2
Listen to Jessica Rabbit and Fotomania.
2007-06-13 16:25:19
answer #9
answered by Brother G 6
It would have been the original Church which Jesus Christ established. (The Catholics lay claim to it.) All the other churches are breakoffs of the Catholic church....except for the LDS church, which is a restoration of that which originally existed.
2007-06-13 15:55:33
answer #10
answered by Fotomama 5