He's a mixed breed dog, about 5 weeks old, and I know he's not quite ready for regular dog food. I tried bread and milk to help him out. My mother suggested baby cereal, but as not having babies around, I don't have that food. Any other suggestions for such a sensitive young tummy?
15 answers
asked by
➔ Dogs
I know he's too young to be away from his mother, but apparently his whole litter was away from their mother. I have helped my mother with puppies before, I am looking for any extra advice to help her help him get big and strong. I have 4 dogs of my own and I didn't feel comfortable with her getting him at 5 weeks either. Thanks.
14:32:59 ·
update #1
Soak any dry dog food in warm water til softened,then place a small amount of canned puppy food mixed in with it,make it sorta this consistancy and try it on that.If it won't eat that try mixing some baby rice ceral mixed with canned milk half water,half milk to a thin consistancy,or boil some chicken ,cut in small pieces,put in blender with small amount of water and puree,most will eat this when they won't eat anything else.
2007-06-13 14:26:36
answer #1
answered by Help 6
Hey, I have a great suggestion from what I would do. I would feed the puppy goat's milk and put out dry food as well. This way, the puppy still gets milk, as it wasn't weened off (and goat's milk is way better than reg. cow's milk), and can get itself aqquainted with the food. All you have to do is leave the food to "free feed" and when it's hungry will go there. I suggest no more than 3/4 cup a day of dry food, and feed the puppy about 1/4 cup milk 2x a day :) Slowly make the transition to just dry food, then when that's all the puppy eats, stop free feeding and have the schedule (about 1/4-1/2 cup a 2x a day) the same as the time you fed the goat's milk Thanks for reading and hope this helps :)
2016-03-13 22:36:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
While 5 weeks is young to be away from his mother, he'll be fine. I got my boxer pup when she was 4 1/2 weeks old because the idiot backyard breeder I got her from was feeding the whole litter (all 7 of them) 1 can of crappy dog food a DAY and keeping them in a box too small for the mom to get in to nurse them. She did fine and lived to a ripe old boxer age of 10! Don't start feeding baby food - it won't give him the nutrients he requires. A good quality puppy kibble moistioned with warm water will work - goats milk is good too if you can find it.
2007-06-13 14:28:48
answer #3
answered by kingstonedanes 2
puppy food hard you moisten it with water to a soupy consiatncy for now after a week dont' us ast much water and after you moisten put a small amount of just the dry so he can lean to eat it.
also you can leave a small bowl of dry food so he can pick at it.
At 5 weeks is when they are usually just starting to get weaned teh pup should have stayed with his mom until he was 8 weeks--even if mom doesn't nurse him she trains him manners at this age like when and how hard to bite so you will have extra work in training him since mom isn't going to be there.
Good Luck
I would also suggest you bring him to teh vets in a week to start on shots in teh meantime DO NOT LET HIM OUTSIDE AND MINIMIZE EXPOSER TO STRANGERS.Since he was taken from his mom so early he wont keep his immunity up but can't start shots until 6 weeks. Letting him out he may get something and letting others hold and play with him can bring in something.
Again good luck and consider dog obedience as soon as posible.
2007-06-13 14:31:48
answer #4
answered by Kit_kat 7
Use a wet food for puppies, my puppies were beginning to eat at 5 weeks old. However you may need to go to the pet store and get some puppy formula if he doesn't seem to be eating a lot of the wet food.
2007-06-13 14:52:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Try getting a puppy milk replacement. Use it about half the time.
For solids wise, try special puppy dog food, and wet it with water (or even the milk) to make it softer.
I've also heard of puppies eating baby food (like the mashed stuff), but you need to be careful of the ingrediants. Baby food often has onion in it, which is dangerous for dogs.
2007-06-13 14:26:29
answer #6
answered by Mariah 4
They do have a puppy formula at pet stores or also your vet, but enfamil works fine too. Just mix the appropriate amount with water and soak a good puppy food, one with added DHA preferably, in the formula. When it gets soggy, put it down for the dog to eat. You can begin with just water at about 8 weeks, and then start moving to dry food at about ten. Don't give the puppy cow's milk. This could seriously upset his stomach. Stick to puppy food.
2007-06-13 14:22:17
answer #7
answered by Robyn M 2
Puppy food will be fine. Pour some warm water over it until it is soft. Milk is not good for a pup and milk and bread alone does not give him a good quality diet. My chihuahua puppies are eating puppy food by 5 weeks old.
2007-06-13 14:26:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
no do not give milk you can ween a puppy at 5 ozs 4 weeks take puppy food puppy chow,iams whatever soak in water get the dog food full of water so you are giving pup water and food. sqash it up with clean hands and the puppy will lick it from you fingers. keep karyo syrup around if his/her blood sugur drops you will need to put some on finger for pup to lick off. keep pup fed every 2-4 hours and sugar should not drop
2007-06-13 14:28:29
answer #9
answered by shihtzusrmyfav 1
He should still be on his mothers milk as well as either canned puppy food or moistened dry puppy food. If you don;t have the mother use puppy milk suppliment from your vet, Petsmart etc. Get a good quality one. He's old enough to lap it from a bowl now. He does not need a bottle.
What happened to the mother or did the breeder let the pup go too soon?
2007-06-13 14:21:30
answer #10
answered by Mr. P's Person 6