"Would anybody in their right minds do something so dumb?"
I guess that tells you something about Jesus....
2007-06-13 11:23:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You say you are not a Christian now? Technically speaking if you truely think like that you never were a Christian. There is still hope for you. God's punishment for sin is eternal seperation from him in paradise (Heaven). The only thing that can remedy this punishment is for a perfect, sinless, infinite man to die for our sins. Thus came Jesus Christ. Jesus had no beginning and he has no end so he is infinite. Jesus was perfect and sinless. Jesus also came to earth as a man and was concieved of a woman so he went through every thing phyisically and emotionally that a human does. When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He was the sacrifice acceptable for the sins of all mankind. Bible doctrine teaches that Jesus presented His sacrificial blood to atone (pardon) the sins of all mankind. The good news is not only did God accept the blood sacrifice of Jesus but Jesus arose from the grave. By Him arising from the grave this means that all those that believe in him will one day also rise from the grave and be with Jesus in Heaven. My friend this is the honest truth. It is not cruel and it is not dumb. It is the only thing in a world of religions that makes sense. Jesus is the only True Way to eternal life. You must believe this. I will pray for you.
2007-06-13 18:27:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Your heart is closed to the truth and therefore you have no understanding. But scripture tells us that there will be many that just won't understand, maybe you're one of the lost. But if you want to have understanding, then may you understand this: God is Holy and cannot adhere to sin, the world is filled with sin. Jesus being completely without any sin is the only One that could make an atonement for our sins. In other words we're dirty and God cannot look at us, but Jesus' dying on the cross cleaned us up so that we can have the opportunity to have a relationship with God.
God Bless You
2007-06-13 18:27:38
answer #3
answered by B Baruk Today 6
All have sinned.
The wages of sin is death.
Without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sin.
Those are all in the bible....
Since all have sinned we were apart from God with no way back. Since Jesus lived a sinless life He was able to take on the sins of the world and pay the price that we could not thus redeeming mankind and restoring our path to the Father.
1John 2:2
And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for [the sins of] the whole world.
Why would anyone do that?
Love. Pure and simple.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
2007-06-13 18:27:50
answer #4
answered by NickofTyme 6
You're right no person would do this. Jesus is God, He doesn't think with a self centered nature that a human does.
God set the rules, He said from day 1 that the price of sin is death. The only way that God could be 100% fforgiving, is if He paid the price Himself. (This also proves that Jesus is God, why would God have a 2nd party pay the price for the world's sin???)
2007-06-13 18:29:51
answer #5
answered by 87GN 2
"Would anybody in their right mind do something so dumb?" Um...Jesus, the Son of God did and He did it voluntarily. He didn't fight the guards that arrested Him, He didn't speak during His trial before Pilate, He didn't budge when the solider pushed the crown of thorns on His head, He didn't argue about having to carry the cross to His own crucifixion. Jesus did this out of love. He knew we were all sinners. He knew that without the gates of Heaven being open, we would all go to hell because over the centuries people kept straying away from YHVH and He wanted to give us a chance. YHVH could have choosen many ways to redeem our sins, to give us a chance to save our souls. This was the way He choose to go with and to be saved, we are to believe and accept it. There's no need to question why He did it this way. What if He destroyed the earth again with volcanoes and saved one family that was faithful and started the human race over again? Then 2000 years later people still sinned and He destroyed us again by meteorites and saved one family to start over again. THEN finally people listened and stayed faithful. Would you be questioning Him about the volcanoes and meteorites now? What if, instead of Jesus dying, He came down to earth as a man in a cloud and His voice trumpeted over the earth to announce His Father and the laws. After He rose back to the skies, some still didn't believe and continued to sinned. But there was millions of eye-witnesses to Jesus on a cloud talking to us. Would you be questioning Him why He choose to save us that way?
What I'm trying to say is that YHVH could have done whatever He wanted with our souls, He can show us His love in any way He chooses, He could have sent His Son in any form, by any method He choose. Jesus didn't HAVE to die. BUT this is the way the YHVH choose, He told the early Hebrews about the Messiah and the prophecy is in the OT. The Messiah came. It happened the way YHVH said it would happen, the way He choose it to happen. So why question Him? Just deal with it. Accept it or not. Those are the only two options you have. Accept Jesus or not. The rest is up to YHVH on judgment day.
2007-06-13 18:40:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I understand where you are coming from. In the days before Jesus, the only way to be forgiven of you sins was to sacrifice an animal. You see when Jesus died on the cross, he died for our sins, because he was the perfect lamb, if you will. So the fact that someone PERFECT died for us, we don't HAVE to sacrifice and go to hell, because he payed the price for us. The Lord lived to die. He knew he was going to die for us. But he did because he loved us so dearly. Now regardless of whether you believe in him or not. The idea of that is amazing. So that is the factual biblical reason. I hope I helped!
2007-06-13 18:29:03
answer #7
answered by Un2ChristTheKing 1
If you never understood Jesus' sacrifice, then you weren't really saved. It is the preeminent doctrine of the Christian faith. That mankind is inherently sinful. That the penalty for their sin is death. But God loved the world so, that He decided to send Jesus Christ to die, and lay their sin on them. All who accept this great gift will be saved, but all who reject it will be lost. Jesus willingly offered Himself up in obedience to God.
That's the astounding measure of God's love for us. And which is more cruel? That one man die for the sins of the whole world? Or the whole world's death and eternal punishment?
2007-06-13 18:30:21
answer #8
answered by singwritelaugh 4
Please read this "cut and paste " answer which I gave in a recent question:
The Bible speaks of different kinds of death.
Physical death is the least weighty.
The Bible teaches that men are dead in their sins.
What that means is they are cut off from the only source of Spiritual Life in the universe, namely God.
Jesus died to restore men to spiritual life by dying their death for them on the cross.
When Jesus died He suffered infinitely because He is an eternal Spirit. That is why He was able to suffer for all sins for all time. Time is contained in eternity. There is a temporal realm and there is an eternal realm.
When men die in a state of spiritual death, they enter into a fixed state. If they are spiritually alive they enter into eternal life. If they leave this life in a state of spiritual deadness, they remain that way awaiting the Final Judgment.
At the Final Judgment all who ever lived will be resurrected in eternal, indestructible spirit bodies.
Those who are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life because of having put their faith in Christ will face the Second Death. The Second Death is the lake of Fire and Brimstone. There they will suffer eternal punishment for their sin and rebellion against God.
Because God is perfectly just, whatever men would have suffered has already been suffered by Christ.
This leaves you with making a decision. Do you want Christ's sacrifice to pay the price of your redemption, or do you want to try to pay it off yourself in the lake of Fire?
Choose wisely. Repent and believe the Gospel.
2007-06-13 18:27:29
answer #9
answered by wefmeister 7
When you break the law there is a consequence. Speed down the freeway and the highway patrol will give a citation which requires you to pay a penalty. God is moral, he created the universe with laws. Those laws reflect who he is. His perfect character. Violation of his laws is what the bible calls sin.
Jesus dying for our sins simply means that he paid the fine (death) for our violations, all of them. He himself never sinned. He was therefore qualified to pay for the sins of others.
The cross of Christ is the most beautiful demonstration of love known to the human race. God himself, in the person of Jesus, taking the penalty due us, so that we no longer need fear judgment but can live in the light of his love for us.
2007-06-13 18:38:41
answer #10
answered by enoch 3
It was his whole purpose of being, Back in the day it was gods law that a unblemished lamb be sacrificed to attone for ones sins. Altho no lamb was perfect and completely without flaw. God did not want to kill everything again, he vowed he would not after noah, until the end. So he sent his very own son, who was made perfect by god to be the perfectly unblemished lamb to be the sacrifice so that we may live on and not die. He loves us that much.
2007-06-13 18:28:18
answer #11
answered by Ryan J 3