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Asalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarkatu Dear brothers and sisters and respective readers, May peace and blessings of almighty Allah be upon you. I have one simple question to ask you. Firstly to the brothers and sisters, What does Islam mean to you? And Respective readers How do you see Islam, and the people surrounding you that are muslim how do you see them?

2007-06-13 11:04:44 · 22 answers · asked by Lyrical Peacemaker 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

I have nothing but deep respect for true Muslims and Muslimahs (those who don't use Islam as an excuse for hate and terror) and have had the honor of calling several my friends. Personally I'm Buddhist, but I've studied Islam in depth which is what gives me my respect for you, and the deepest respect for Muslimahs who choose to wear hijab or niqabis. I see everyone as people first, the rest of it, to me is mere labels that either are virtuous behaviors/deeds or not.


2007-06-13 11:13:31 · answer #1 · answered by vinslave 7 · 4 0

A respectful and honest question deserves a respectful and honest answer. I presume by "brothers and sisters" you mean fellow Muslims. This means I am one of the "respective readers" and you are asking how I see Islam and the people around me who are Muslim. I would like to answer the last question first.

I now live in a very remote part of the North Eastern USA and have seen no Muslims for more than 10 years. Before I retired I lived in a city and worked for a large American corporation. There I knew maybe 20 Muslims and all were very fine people. One of them, an Iranian, became a good friend and we visited each other's homes, allowed our children to play together, and shared many meals. Most of what I know about Islam comes from this friend and his wife. As far as I can tell, there is no difference between peoples of any faith. All people are human beings and this means we are all fundamentally alike and we share all the things that make us human -- love of family, friends, a good story, laughter, a quiet moment, a baby's smile. The things that make us different are less important issues of culture -- which language we speak, the music we like, the games we play. For people with open minds, our cultural differences only make us more interesting to each other. I love discovering how our human similarities are expressed in various different cultures. It always pleases me to rediscover we humans are more alike than we are different.

Now I must answer the first part of your question. I confess that Islam terrifies me. I have read parts of the Quran (in English) and it seems to encourage the murder of innocent people simply because they are different. Every page (sura?) seems to require that someone be killed in some horrible way for an offense that isn't even a crime. Stoning a woman to death because she has been raped is pure evil. In my country we punish the rapist with a very long prison sentence and give the woman victim our sympathy and support. Suicide bombers are another issue that makes my blood boil. I can understand, in a war, the necessity of killing one's enemies. I cannot understand killing innocent people. What does this gain, except to make your enemy hate you even more? In Christianity, suicide is forbidden, the only sin which cannot be forgiven, and those who kill themselves will burn in Hell forever. In Islam, suicide murderers are martyrs who go straight to Paradise and enjoy the attention of 72 virgins. What kind of a religion rewards evil murderers and punishes the helpless victims of rape? I am the only American I know of who has actually read parts of the Quran, but I can assure you, if my fellow Americans read what I read, they would be outraged. Please understand, there are parts of the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, which are also unspeakably evil and which are generally ignored by civilized Christians. Neither the Quran nor the Bible will ever be changed. The question now becomes, how can men of good will learn to live in peace, despite religions and holy books that would have us murder each other? I do not have the wisdom to answer this question.

2007-06-13 13:05:21 · answer #2 · answered by Diogenes 7 · 1 0

I am Wiccan

I see the Muslim people as no different than anyone else - they work hard, have families, love, strive to be good people.... The Muslim people in my community are good people. I don't talk with them about their faith and don't share mine. It isn't necessary.

It alarms me that there are Muslim factions and Muslim countries that are promoting the level of violence against their own brothers and sisters in faith. It alarms me that some extremeist Muslims belive that the Western World needs to be converted to Islam or destroyed. After all, the Christians have been doing that for centuries and it has not helped anyone on the planet come closer to God by one iota.

2007-06-13 11:37:24 · answer #3 · answered by yarn whore 5 · 0 0

I want to see them as peace-loving people, as I am told by the main stream media and leaders of the Nation of Islam, but it has been difficult. The reason dor this is the fact that it is extremely rare to hear either leaders of the religion or its members denounce the actions of the extremists within their ranks. If Muslims wish to be seen as a peaceful people, they should be publicly demanding an end to violence, and condemn those among them who espouse suicide bombings and death threats to those who do not share their religious beliefs.

2007-06-13 11:12:30 · answer #4 · answered by KennyTheFixer 2 · 4 0

The Almighty God said : "The believing men and the believing women , they are guardians of each other , enjoin good and forbid evil... "God attaches primary importance to enjoining good and forbidding evil " as a duty for men and women. For he knows that if it were fulfilled all the other duties , easy or hard , will be accomplished. That is because "enjoining good and forbidding evil" is a call for Islam , it regains the rights of the oppressed and opposes tyrants.

2007-06-16 12:01:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Islam means everything to me. Submission to Allah gives my heart great joy. I use to be a faithful Christan and thought my praise was sufficient. But when I found Islam, I realized that praise to Allah means submitting your body, mind and soul. Islam is not just a religion, it's a way of life. Everything you do should be done for the love of Allah. Islam is comfort in a chaotic world. Nothing humbles me more than salah (prayer). To bow your head and utter words of praise always helps me to remember Who is in control. I thank Allah for showing me the truth and guiding me towards His marvelous light. Al-hamidillah! Al-hamidillah!Al-hamidillah!

2007-06-13 11:20:11 · answer #6 · answered by brandipatrice 2 · 3 0

It is very deceiving for me to see the polemic and the hate between the three main religions of the western world.
They call the same entity Allah, God or Yachwe, claim to follow the ten commandments, have Abrhaham as father of their people and are not unified?
Where is the problem?
Humans like Mohamed or Jesus have more force than God/Allah/Yachwe because they pretend to speak out His will. How do they know? Why do people trust them?
If you want to know, what God/Allah/Yachwe wants, go back to the origin or make up your mind yourself by looking around you.
I believe in one God = Nature.

2007-06-13 11:19:23 · answer #7 · answered by TheAlchymist 3 · 0 1

Wa alaikum alsalam wa rahmutallah

It's really sad what some ppl think of Islam & Muslims

Don't believe everything you see on TV, read about it from our point of view not others

that's all

ma' alsalam

2007-06-13 11:55:19 · answer #8 · answered by SUM1_85 2 · 0 0

Islam was birthed from the pit of hell. Allah is a pagan moon god, not the Almighty God.

There is no such thing as peaceful Muslims. It's an oxymoron.

2007-06-13 11:25:36 · answer #9 · answered by Devoted1 7 · 1 1

Alai Kum Mu Salam Waramatullah.. The More They Hate Muslims.. The More They Join Muslims..

2007-06-13 11:17:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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