You asked a long question, please accept a long answer....
Jesus as a person very likely lived--- we have Roman records to prove it.... but we must also remember that there were many people named that.... it is as common a name then, in the Mid. E. as is John or Mary today... So, we may be dealing with at least one Jesus......Also remember than most of the writings about Jesus occurred at least 30 years and much as 150 years after his/their death(s), and each probably used the same sources.... particularly the gospels...
(We don't really have agreement on how Kennedy was assassinated, and that was only a bit more than 40 years ago, and it was not until some computer work that it was figured out that there was no mystery bullet that arced all over everywhere. We still have difficulties with the Zapruder film that shows an impact throwing his head back, since he was shot from the back.......)
Jesus was unusual in that he challenged the right of the priests in the temples --- i.e., that even the common Jew had a right to be there in his eyes .. and this angered everyone..Jewish priests and Roman alike... Further, he felt very liberally toward women... unusual even today in the Middle East.
Was he married? Very likely. It is the duty of every father to arrange a wife for his son.
The Virgin Birth thing? Unlikely.... most religions regard sex as a no no, and many have gods springing from places other than a uterus... vaginas were dirty in the eyes of men.... indeed still are in the Middle East...(It hasn't changed much, has it?). The idea of a virgin birth was just tooooo appealing not to be part of the christian tradition.....
Actually, yes, it is reported that Jesus did several things that were indeed quite mean, that is why they are no longer in the bible!!!.... how embarrassing. The gospel according to Judas, and Philip all have Jesus doing some rather mean things.... not saving another child who then died, and doing so deliberately, and changing kids into sparrows.
But remember, it is difficult to separate fact from myth...... You'll find other stories in other gospels not in our St. James Version.... (Which is the most recent.... 1612.) Prior to this time, lots of things were added to, and "improved" for political reasons.... and of course, for in the end, monetary reasons.... (it's always about money...)
And remember bibles were hand printed until Gutenberg's press in the middle 1400's, so we had hundreds of years of copying and recopying to deal with.....And bored copiests tended to add their own little spin to things,..... just like today.... Add to this that the only literate person in the parish was the priest who could read it any way he wished, and tell it any way he wanted to keep people in line.... Fear is a great factor, and priests used it lavishly,,, (and the churches money as well...)
Those of us who are practical, and scientific and require proof, however, admire jesus for the forward looking person he was --- a man interested in equality for everyone... and this was not a popular stance in Jewish society 2000 years ago...
It is the hopeless spookiness that atheists abhor, and the total acceptance of really wild stuff with no proof other than a holy book that sends some of them into a spin. And I guess, looking at what has happened to this country, and to Islam under the guise of religion, scares many people.... since...... Truly in the end, religion poisons about everything.. Christians have dis-embowelled people to save them from themselves, tortured them to confess whatever, told us sex is dirty, and that if you don't believe, you will burn forever in hell.
If people find religion a comfort, then most atheists have no problem with it.... it is when a fundamentalistic christians foists their religious interpretations into our government and laws that atheists have problems... The US is a nation that was founded on a "wall of separation" between government and religions... and therefore it extends into your physician's office should you wish an abortion during the first or second trimester. Religion ought to stay of of classrooms... all religions.
If one is interested in religion, one ought to take courses in comparative religions, or see them on on one's own time....
And as well, I would guess that if one wished to live in a theocracy, one should move to Iran or to some other country where religion and government are one... (did you know that it is agaist the law to practice any religion in Egypt other than Islam Christianity or Judaism?
"In every community there is the torch, the teacher, and the extinguisher, the clergy."
Victor Hugo.
Was this helpful?? I hope I didn't waste an hour writing this to you for no reason...........
2007-06-13 10:26:20
answer #1
answered by April 6
More than the most radical atheists deny the existance of Jesus.
Historically the only proof of Jesus is what's written in the bible, and looking at the bible as a historic book and not the word of god, it is quite possible that Jesus is made up. All accounts of Jesus in the bible are written by authors who didn't meet him first-hand. There's plenty of research done on the gospels of Matthew - Luke that discusses this.
I think a lot of animosity towards Jesus is because of the lack of proof historically. Add onto that some of the less tolerant christian behaviors, and you get atheists who insult what they view as an imaginary savior to return the abrasive attitude.
2007-06-13 09:01:36
answer #2
answered by Armless Joe, Bipedal Foe 6
I think Jesus was a wonderful sage. Full of Kindness, Wisdom and Compassion, all that coupled even with Humility.
His qualities are very similar to what Buddhists call an Arhat or a Bodhisattva
2007-06-13 08:54:16
answer #3
answered by Tiara 4
I don't mock Jesus.. I simply don't believe in him. And, I'm not one of the most radical atheists.. I'm not an atheist.
I investigated historical documents, jewish history, roman history, greek history.. I found NOTHING.. ZIP.. NADA.. ZILCH.. no evidence whatsoever that the biblical Jesus or anyone like him EVER existed.
2007-06-13 08:59:24
answer #4
answered by Kallan 7
I don't mock Jesus. Jesus ROCKS!
It is his followers who have made a mockery of him. Non-Christians are more apt to mock Christians than The Christ Himself.
Those who claim to be Christians do many, many, many bad things in the name of Jesus. That is why so many of us have turned away from the Christian faith. We are tired of seeing Jesus mocked by those who claim his salvation.
2007-06-13 08:55:28
answer #5
answered by yarn whore 5
I agree with you...
Noboy can dislike what he don't believe existed/exists..
those who mock God or Jesus either dislike christians or believe in God but choose to disobey him...
2007-06-13 08:54:56
answer #6
answered by Redeemed 5
i wouldn't say i hate Jesus but i don't agree that he like makes miracles especially when someones in a F'D up situation i personally think if someone wants to be gay then let them that's their chioce what ever happened to every one makes their own decisions and i thought god or jesus didn't judge people till judgement day
2007-06-13 09:03:57
answer #7
answered by jessica deanna saucedo 2
People in Arizona tell me that Jesus hates anchor babies and undocumented immigrants and gay people, but I love anchor babies and their parents and gay people because they are human beings just like me. I wonder, does Jesus hate irony too?
2015-05-30 14:19:25
answer #8
answered by Chetta Atkins 1
Most everyone think's Jesus was great. It is the behavior of a vocal segment of his followers that are giving him a bad name.
2007-06-13 08:56:09
answer #9
answered by New Dog Owner 4
Muslims consider Jesus (PBUH) as a prophet. Has has great respect for him. You will not see any Muslim criticizing Jesus.
Actually you can learn more about Jesus in Quraan.
There is a chapter Mary in Quraan.
2007-06-13 08:58:05
answer #10
answered by SuperB 2