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it just seems that people get more and more stupid...btw..SHE IS PREGNANT again w/ child #4...never mind she threatened to KILL the "f-ing" (her words, not mine)child and SHE (the mom) is only 24...

this is someone who has no right to have children at all for any reason I can find...

a child license to me would be nothing more than a psychological determination by the psychologist of the person's choosing....as well as getting the decision of those closest to her...all would be forced by signature to be objective and to throw away any and all bias..there would have to be a greater than 75% opposition to that mother/father in order to bar them from having their kids. If the mother fails the test, the child would be put in care of a family member of her choice, but could NOT live with the family until she proves herself worthy via medicine or otherwise...

2007-06-13 07:28:38 · 21 answers · asked by juanes addicion 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

if a teenage girl gets pregnant..she can pick a cousin, older sister or someone she knows who HAS a license to help with her children...KEEPING IN MIND..that THAT IS her kid..she is STILL financially responsible for that child as is the father..they will pay the family member child support until they pass the test...ahh and they should HAVE TO BE HS GRADUATES TO GET THEIR KIDS BACK..NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!

2007-06-13 07:38:44 · update #1

worst case scenario is that the kids are put up for adoption...or miscarried or even aborted..and yes people would break this law...but I think that if the hospital HELD the child for the child's well being...the child could be held in the hospital and released to the family member of the mother's wishing...until she can pass the "test" for a license..

i am aware of the need to nurse...more than you can imagine...but THAT is why we'd have to educate our children of the NEED to have protected sex as well as planned pregnancy...the person would be required by law to proactively tell their OB that they PLAN on having kids and take the test at that time..as well as picking their psychologist at that time..

they pass the test and psych eval..then they get their license and can actually work on having a baby...

2007-06-13 07:44:47 · update #2

21 answers

That would never happen. Hitler believed only certain people should be allowed to have children, do you know how that turned out?

I think the point is that education is key. Too many people don't know how to be a parent. I think in school kids should have more education. The problem is too many parents don't want their kids being educated by the school and then they don't do it themselves so you have a whole generation who knows nothing about how babies are made and then how to take care of them.

In society today you are called a bad parent if you have high expectations of your children. That shouldn't be so. Why not have high expectations? You should expect things from your children, how else are they going to know what to strive for. People don't expect much from their kids any more. They say it forms them into a mold. That's not so. They say give them more freedom or they'll run loose when they are grown. No they won't because they've be taught not to.

I think education is what this should be about.

As for saying "adoption is an option" no it isn't. I was adopted and abused throughout my entire childhood. I have thought about having licenses to have children but it will never work. People would not allow it. It's a good thought, although, it's not realistic.

2007-06-13 08:09:02 · answer #1 · answered by musicpanther67 5 · 0 1

Parenting can be stressful for any person. Whether your man or a woman. A person does not really know what kind of parent they will be until they do become one. Every child born has their own personalities; there are no set rule books on how to go about raising each child. It was tried once before (Dr. Spock) and for the most part it did not work because no two children are the same. Psychological tests can be fooled by those with smart enough minds. An example would be the NASA woman who went psycho; she had to go through rigorous psychological testing before she could become an astronaut. There are social service workers who do handle such cases as the woman that you described. And there is Amnesty international, they work to help children in grave situations. If there is no social services in your area; perhaps you can look into what can be done to help these children.

Edited: FYI- I was a teenage mother. I had my first child when I was 15 1/2 yrs of age. And my second child when I was 19 yrs of age. I was a better parent than my own parents or my siblings have been. I never once abused, miss treated, or neglected my children when they were growing up. I always made sure there was food in their bellies, a roof over their heads, and kept the communications lines open between them and myself. And I took the time to educate myself on eating well during my pregnancies & nursing, and how to feed my kids healthy and so on. Both of my children turned out to be well adjusted normal indivisibles. Even though they are adults now; I still do worry about them when I haven't heard from them in awhile due to their work schedules and time zones. Some people cannot handle raising children; my ex-sister-in-law could not when she was 16 and then there is my neighbor who is just a year old than I am - three out four of her children all have had psychological problems, her second child was so badly verbally & physically abused as a child that she has had to have serious psychiatric treatment. Some people have the mental capability, the compassion, the wiliness to learn how to take care of children, to give up some things for their children, to make sacrifices and so on, more so than others; whether they are 16, or older.

2007-06-13 08:19:17 · answer #2 · answered by Tarlyng 4 · 0 1

I agree.

Already, a child can be taken away from dangerous parents by the state.

So, what is more painful? Taking a child away from a bad situation, or not allowing children into it in the first place?

If someone is seen with children and they don't have a license, the kids are taken in by the state until they can get licensed.

No license with past criminal history (drugs, rape, violence, child abuse, etc.).

Simple classes on parenting will allow for a license for everyone else.

This plan would also cut down on the illegal immigrants who come here to pop out 20 anchor babies.

2007-06-13 07:33:08 · answer #3 · answered by Bill W 【ツ】 6 · 1 1

I can one better you. I think that everyone should be implanted at birth, male and female, with a device that prevents you from having children until you pass a test. That way there is no chance stupidity can breed.

And I don't mean that everyone needs to have a certain i.q. or such. Simply that they must be able to demonstrate a sense of responsibility and common sense to questions like " It is a Saturday night and you want to go out but can't find a babysitter. Do you... a) stay home b) take your kids with you and put them in the trunk c) leave them home alone and then lie to the police about having a babysitter after the house burns down with them in it (b and c really happened, c just happened last night)

I seriously believe in that.

2007-06-13 07:31:31 · answer #4 · answered by chickey_soup 6 · 1 2

While I agree there are too many people who should not be parent the fact is preventing people from the "right" they believe they have to BE a parent, will never be allowed in America. Too many people believe it is a god given right and whos to say the person "testing" everyone is truly objective and not using their own idea of parenting to make the decisions?

2007-06-13 07:34:48 · answer #5 · answered by angelmomma 3 · 0 0

It sounds all good and well, but people would find a way around it. Like people who are out there driving without licenses and underage drinkers. What kind of a penalty would one put on having a kid without permission? It is so much harder to adopt maybe at your first OBGYN visit you should take classes and do paperwork like all the adoptive parents have to go through not because they are bad people but because they physically can't have children of their own.

2007-06-13 07:43:03 · answer #6 · answered by Mel_Luc 3 · 0 1

In an ideal world I think is should be required for all parents to take a parenting class before they are allowed to leave the hospital with a child. I think that repeat offenders (child abuse, neglect, drug addicted babies etc.) should have to get their reproductive parts removed!!

2007-06-13 07:32:58 · answer #7 · answered by Oh me oh my...♥ 7 · 1 0

If youngster has exceptional head manage then I see not anything improper with it so long as it is smooth. My 7 month historic will intentionally toss her head backwards so far as she will be able to to get you to hold her the wrong way up even as sitting to your lap. She thinks it is hilarous as good. If it is only for a couple of seconds and no shaking is concerned then I do not see the damage.

2016-09-05 15:29:32 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I think that you should have something. No offence to anyone on here but Ive seen some stupid people having kids. Same goes for animals, even though they are not in the same catagory to some people. Either that or if someone is under 18 they should have to take classes to learn how to do something.

2007-06-13 07:43:46 · answer #9 · answered by smwat03 6 · 0 1

I think that is a wonderful idea. A lot less unwanted babies would be born. Unfortunately, young teens that have promiscuous sex get pregnant even when they don't know how to do so.
That would knock the license idea right out the window.

2007-06-13 07:32:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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