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....i got it from the truth comercials

2007-06-13 07:04:24 · 6 answers · asked by blank 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

6 answers

milk (and salmon) contain a protien which makes you produce phlem in your lungs and nasal cavity. They claim it affects your breathing, but I'm not sure. my mother has had this issue and is no longer using dairy.

oh yes. I see now.
Yes cows where given hormones I think to produce more milk but cause severe pain and distorded utters in the cows. this hormone would get in the milk and you could end up drinking it and have problems in your own body causing breast, prostate or colorectal cancer

FOX channel really screwed this one up time too.
BIG CONTROVERSY about how it was handled, and how they fired and threatened employees about telling "the truth" The FDA is up for investigation too I think.

I don't think that the cow farmers use the hormone any more.
its called BGH made by a company called Monsanto.
They knew what it did, but didn't want the info leaked because they wanted to keep their profits and continue to make even more $$$ while poisoning consumers and cows

here's a BGH link

2007-06-13 07:07:57 · answer #1 · answered by Mercury 2010 7 · 0 0

No, watch the commercial again.

that wasn't the point of it. The commercial is trying to say that people are getting the impression that milk is more dangerous than cigarettes, but after interviewing the farmer, you see that it's not true. They are disproving the myth so people understand that nothing is as harmful as a cigarette.

2007-06-13 14:12:45 · answer #2 · answered by dahlia 4 · 1 0

Casein, a protein present in milk and cheese produce lots of phlegm in your body, specially in your lungs and sinus. People with asthma or other respiratory problems will do well to stay away from dairy products.
Casein is what makes a cheese stretch!
And I don't know if you have notice the white glue you used to use in school that has a little cow in front... well, that is because one of the main ingredients in that type of glue is casein. Imagine what is happening in your lungs when you eat it.
Milk and cheese turns your blood acidic and your body takes calcium from your bones to make the blood alkaline (the opposite of acidic) in order to defend itself. So if your body continues taking calcium out of your bones this can lead to Osteoporosis. Also acidic blood can lead to arthritis and prepare the way for cancer. Cancer cells and other illnesses thrive on acidic blood.

Take care! :)

2007-06-13 14:13:23 · answer #3 · answered by RAW Foods 3 · 1 1

I hope not too. I drink milk all the time.

2007-06-13 14:10:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

no i don't believe so milk may be fattening if used in excess but it can't cause cancer like cigarette smoke can

2007-06-13 14:13:23 · answer #5 · answered by alina 4 · 1 0

i sure hope not, i have atleast 4 cups a day!

2007-06-13 14:09:10 · answer #6 · answered by theoutcrop 4 · 1 0

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