God doesn't cause one to sin; that is our choice. It is also common sense.
Homosexuality is a sin-old and new testaments.
Those are absolute facts.
Logically, then, homosexuality is a sinful choice.
P.S. I do know some homosexuals. They are plenty honest, but we don't agree. They are actually more tolerant of my beliefs than you are. You think Christians are narrow minded, but aren't you the same in saying that we are ignorant for thinking homosexuality is a sin becaus ethe BIble says so? Only your opinion is right. That's just as narrow minded as us, except we have God on our side.
2007-06-13 05:55:00
answer #1
answered by tcdrtw 4
Homosexuality is a choice, this is not an ignorant but an informed belief.
Psychologists have know this for as long as there have been psychologists. The great majority of psychologists today still believe it is a mental health problem. The members of the APA were pressured into voting to take it out of the DSM-IV in 1980.
God created every person to have the ability to be happy well adjusted contributing members of society. But many things have gone wrong with our world that alter that ability. This is all part of what is called "the curse" or "the fall"
If people were created homosexual there would be a marker in the brain for this deviation.
I know a number of people who have been healed from homosexuality, they are very happy now and most are dating women or married.
2007-06-14 07:21:03
answer #2
answered by Makemeaspark 7
Saying we can't answer your question by saying nobody is born gay doesn't allow us to answer your question at all. It seems like you just came here to hear you are right since you don't allow other opinions. Then why ask?
Christians don't believe that god creates anyone gay so your question is really unanswerable. But here's my opinion:
I'm not saying it is a lifestyle choice or that being gay is bad or anything - I have some amazing friends that are gay. But I they were (like everyone else thats gay) most definitely not born gay in my opinion. I'm sure you are right and it's not a "choice" but there are experiences in life that influence people to become gay. Today there is more and more gay people (not just because more people admit they are gay - im aware of that) because the media glorifies gay people right now. Yes, they do deserve some positive attention after all that "straight" people have done to them in history - but on the other hand some people now just think its a cool and thing to be gay. They (SOME people) on an unconscious level see it as a "style" and one more way to express their differentness. I don't think that's a good thing at all because (through talking to many gay people) I know that being gay in this society is not an easy thing.
2007-06-13 06:11:20
answer #3
answered by dang-duh! 2
I don't think it's fair for you to exclude people who say it's a lifestyle choice. There are a lot of homosexual people in the world, and you can't possiably know them all. You might not be able to choose who you are attracted to, but you do choose to act on those feelings. Hetrosexuals have desire's too. I do believe in free will, and most christians do. Why does God allow children to be born with disease? Now that's out of our free will. Homosexuals still make a choice. I agree it's not a fair one, but what really is.
2007-06-13 06:13:43
answer #4
answered by Amanda_David 2
We were all born into sin but we do have the choice to not sin if we really don't want to. Sinners can repent and be saved.
The Bible NIV states:
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Do you not know the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkard nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
(this is just me speaking but...) So basically its just like if your a thief you could ask why did got make me a kleptomaniac but in all reality you have a choice from the beginning. Some pedophiles believe they were born that way it doesn't mean they were. Also you have the chance to repent after you sin and be saved. Sin is sin there's no such thing as a good sinner. We have free will God doesn't force us to do what he says and follow the Bible he gives us the choice. Many things change in the world, but one thing that has never changed and remain the same is God and his word.
2007-06-13 06:06:05
answer #5
answered by Ree Ree 2
well i think most of what you will get is 'lifestyle choice' a few people I work with are openly Gay, but you would never guess, you know that game where the girl has the detect the Gay guys, well she would never guess these guys there so bloke like! so its not a lifestyle choice, but apparently being homosexual is sinful I don't see that one myself because its not my business to judge other people, and i notice people saying no one is born gay, ok but if you ain't born straight either because you won't develop sexual feelings of any kind until 12 onwards or there about so whether its an environmental factor i don't know but certainally i'd say lifestlye doesn't come into it to much some people are just Gay and the only reason some people don't like it is because
it goes against their bits of paper glued into a cover which is considered sacred
2007-06-13 05:55:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Sounds like you are the one displaying ignorance. You don't want to be "judged", yet you judge.
There are several reasons for homosexuality, but God "making" them is ridiculous.
To answer your question think of it this way, God gives us free will, some due to others sin or are influenced towards a certain behavior. God doesn't make pedophiles either, but they are influenced in some way to behave that way, or feel it is ok to behave that way. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice whether it is by there own desires or the influence of others, especially if it is forced on them.
God condemns all sin. Whether it is homosexuality, adultry, murder, child molestation, lying, stealing, etc.
I have known many homosexuals in my lifetime and most have traded that lifestyle for a relationship with God and have been happy for it. It is not easy, but God calls us all to repent of whatever sin it is that entangles us. God expects us to change our behavior no matter what it is. Sin is sin and will lead to death (Romans 6:23). We all fall short (Romans 3:23), but God gives us the means to change if we want to.
2007-06-13 05:57:45
answer #7
answered by TheSafetyMan 4
I know you said please, but it will only take you 10 seconds to read this! As far as I know, God has never "made" anyone sin. The christian has no choice in accepting sin of any variety--if God says it is a sin, then it is. Homosexuals can repent, just like all those who have desires that are sinful. I try my best not to hate the sinner, only the sin. Too often people call themselves christians, but if they compare what they approve and what God approves, they will find that they are not! Call yourself something else if you are something else. I have enough trouble being a christian without people associating all kinds of sinful things with the Son of God.
2007-06-13 05:55:35
answer #8
answered by Daniel K 3
Gay means happy so stop using it as a euphemism for homosexuality. God didn't create people homosexual, the reason some people become homosexual is due to the uneven distribution of hormones within the womb; therefore some people having feelings towards their own sex instead of the opposite sex. Homosexuals are attracted to those of their own sex, it is their choice to act on these feelings. However what God did intend was for men and women to procreate which is why the sex organs are different according to gender in order for children to be produced, as he said to be fruitful and multiply. Scientists have said that the uneven hormone levels is what makes people have feelings for their own sex. God only condemns sodomy (anal sex) and this is for both homosexuals and heterosexuals as children cannot be conceived this way. So God is condemning the act, as it is not what nature intended not what he intended. He says for a man to live with another man as he would a woman is wrong.
2007-06-13 05:56:26
answer #9
answered by A-chan 4
1) God convicts, Satan condemns.
2) Active homosexuality IS a lifestyle choice. There are many people in the world who have homosexual desires but CHOOSE not to act on them. I have heard their testimonies.
3) We are ALL sinners - Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for ALL of our sins, past, present, and future.
2007-06-13 05:52:12
answer #10
answered by Romans 8:28 5
God did not make anybody a homosexual, they are gay by their own free will choice, if you think I have demonstrated my ignorance, then that make two of us, because you showed yours, by the question you asked.
2007-06-13 06:48:24
answer #11
answered by Auburn 5