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Please state your (non)religious affiliation as well.

2007-06-13 00:33:59 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

43 answers

No religious affiliation.

I would probably shoot myself, since it would mean I had failed to raise them properly.

2007-06-13 00:36:13 · answer #1 · answered by John L 5 · 2 5

Understand that it's quite a hard step telling anyone you're gay, let alone your parents. This shows bravery, maturity and a willingness to accept and live with your response.

I would hope that, as a parent, you see the happiness of your offspring is worth more than anything else. Personally, I would accept it, remembering that I brought my own child up to be all that he could be and to think and do things responsibly, independently and be a good citizen. (but that's my experience)

You may be thinking that the answers you get on this page are good or bad - we can only offer you advice. It's you who makes the decisions on how you want to proceed, so you can be happy and contented within yourself.

While it's a big step telling someone, it's also quite emotionally painful and there is a need for support and kindness. The other side of this coin is the possible blame and recrimination you might feel - they will undoubtedly have considered this - telling your parent(s) is a biggie. Remember, you child is not you and has found their own way.

FYI: I have no religious axe to grind

2007-06-13 01:08:27 · answer #2 · answered by cornflake#1 7 · 1 1

Extremely hard to answer this one. Homosexual behavior is so wrong, but the deception is extremely difficult to overcome when one is entangled in such practices.

I would probably do nothing at that moment but guard my words. The last thing I would want is more rebellion and hardness to set in.

Then I would and could only love this person, and trust in the power of the Holy Spirit to redirect the path of that teenager.

Most importantly, I would show love beyond imagination. Because if and when this child decides it's not the way, and turns back to the word, I would want the Lord to be able to use my actions and words to reveal His love for that teen.

If I am the one they look to, then when they turn to God they may associate my actions as a reflection of Gods attitude towards them. Therefore, in love I would have to gently let them know I don't believe that God desires this type of relationship. Then I would hug that child and encourage them.

And pray, and pray, and pray, and pray.....

I am a disciple of Christ, a follower of His word and teachings through love and obedience to God. This means I am born again and tongue talking. Attend a church, but am trying to get away from denominations because Jesus built a "Church" Not a denomination.

2007-06-20 18:12:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all I have to ask you why did you come to the Religion & Spiritually site and tell people not to answer in a reiligous way? I am a Christian, however I do think that for the most part people are born gay.I would NEVER JUDGE my child! I would love my child no mater what! I would have a long talk with my child to find out how long they knew about this. I would tell them that I loved them and that they could come to me any time! I would tell them that the road ahead will be a rocky one and they may need someone to talk to. I would assure them that I would never turn my back on them!

2007-06-13 01:09:19 · answer #4 · answered by Pamela V 7 · 1 1

I am a Christian. I would get my brothers and sisters to pray and fast. I would talk to my pastor and ask him to pray for me, because I would not eat not 1 more mouthful of food till God moved on that demon. Not your child, he's not a demon. But your child is coming under demonic attack. You have to remember there are 2 worlds here. 1 you see. The other you can't see and in it 1 angel killed 75,000 fighting men in 1 night. So you can only fight on the spiritual side. Homosexual demons are doing a good job on the human race right now. I wouldn't half step. I'd fast till God did something or die on his altar.

2007-06-20 21:58:44 · answer #5 · answered by Ham Shank 2 · 0 0

My heart would brake knowing the hell, and angush and misery that's to follow, Have you ever looked at the percentage of suicide's in the homosexual community, its way out of bounds. In my family there are at least 5 open homosexuals member out of approx. 40 people in 5 family branches,(1and 2 cousins) To the best of my knowledge, each is successful, accepted by their direct family, and seemingly happy, but I do know for a fact by talking and disc using with them issues, that there is a deep longing in their core being, that they can not fill, they drink, they are into any "upper class" drugs, that they hope will dull the emptiness, I as a Christian, know, (oh boy here it comes) I know that the longing the emptiness that they can not seem to fill is the void that is there because the know in there heart that they can not have a relationship with God, and continue to live the life style they have chosen to live. Each knows and I have talked to them about this, not preached, but sit and listened to them poor out their hearts, they long, for that emptiness to be filled, as well as the fact that God loves them, but will not accept the promiscuous life style that they live.

2007-06-21 00:08:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


Determine whether he thinks he is gay, a practicing gay or a reforming gay.

Discover what led him to come to that conclusion or position.

If it was due to some trauma, misogyny or confusion - get him help.

If it was some experiment counsel him against it.

It it's a bona-fide lifestyle, do what any parent does - try to discover whether I approve of his partner and if the relationship is sustainable.

I say his, but mean his/her.

2007-06-20 22:40:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is not a hypothetical for me. My son told me that he was gay 3 months ago. I am soooooo crushed. He later told me that he thinks he is bi-sexual. That didn't make it better. I am praying and fasting that God would guide him and lead him into a level of truth that only He can. We raised him as a Christian and I have told very few people about it.
I did tell my pastor and she was very supportive of me. We are praying night and day for him.

BTW- I am a Charismatic Christian.

2007-06-20 10:40:05 · answer #8 · answered by studnet 15 4 · 0 0

I have no religious affiliations.

I would respond that I LOVE him/her no matter what gender they preferred. They would ALWAYS be my child and that bond is until death.

2007-06-20 16:11:50 · answer #9 · answered by BigCopyWriter 2 · 0 0

I am a Jehovah's Witness. We do not look down on a person's questionable gender (be it homosexual, bisexual, etc.) but we do not condone their unnatural behavior. If my son or daughter would tell me that he or she is a gay or lesbian, I would read to him/her a passage in the bible that says third genders are not acceptable to God. If they want to be saved, they must not allow their unnatural feelings to overcome or overshadow what God has intended them to be. They must be strong to fight these unnatural urges and being always in the truth, they can overpower all these and remain to be the persons they were created for.

2007-06-20 03:03:40 · answer #10 · answered by annabelle p 7 · 0 0

I am a new believer in God. I would pray. Also a teenager is searching for who they are. It could be a for now thing. Talk to him/her. Find out why they think this? Are they just hurt from a previous relationship and just want a companion? Are they testing you? Are they alowed to be dating this young anyway? Let them know, without yelling, what you think and feel. If this does end up really being what my child would choose I would still Love them no matter what. It doesnt mean God or I have to like it.

2007-06-13 00:48:19 · answer #11 · answered by T I 6 · 1 2

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