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We are seeing a rapid surge in pediatric obesity in the United States and worldwide. What are some creative ways to inspire families and children to make important changes to stop this concerning epidemic?

2007-06-09 13:23:49 · 27 answers · asked by Anne 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Heart Diseases

27 answers

The parents need to change to help the kids change.

2007-06-09 13:25:58 · answer #1 · answered by amandafofanda66 6 · 1 0

This day and age things are so different. I remember as a child going outside and playing until the sun went down. We were always busy playing baseball, hide-n-go seek or riding bikes. We lived in the age when atari just came out and that was the first video games. We were more active and didn't veg in front of a tv, game and computer.
We also ate healthier with less fastfood. Now so many parents are so busy that they eat fastfood several times a week. The portions are much larger and they keep getting bigger. We never had the option of superzing or enlarging our meal. Then they say that the large growth from our youth toady is because they eat more greasy , preserved and fatty foods. The meat that we eat has growth hormone in it, this is because they feed the animals this to produce more.
I do not buy certain things and I definatley don't buy soda. It does not have a place in my house even diet is bad for you.
Both of my boys are a good height and weight. The boy next door is 2 1/2 months older then my younger son and weighs twice the weight.
My son is 8 1/2 and weighs approx. 63lbs.
My neighbor boy 8 1/2 and is 172lbs.
It really hurt me for the boy to come out of the bathroom and ask what 172.4 meant. I told him it was 1 hundred Seventy two pounds and 4 ounces. He responded by saying"I'm Fat"

When our boys were babies, I bite my tongue many times when I saw an 11 month old drinking soda from a bottle when I was breast feeding mine.
I am not the perfect parent when it comes to nutrition, but I have my limits. I have switched to extra virgin olive oil, even if it calls for vegetable oil or some other. Just little things make a huge difference.
I also watch the neighbor struggle with regular play. He sweats, huffs and puffs with just the slightest exercise. I honestly don't know how the parents get away with it. I would think that they would be reported for doing this to him, but it hasn't happened yet.
I would tell parents to limit portions, use olive oil when cooking, eliminate sugar drinks and if they don't ask for that ice cream or candy don't offer it to them. They won't miss it.

2007-06-11 23:16:43 · answer #2 · answered by blazergirlblazergirl 3 · 0 0

I recently went to a neighborhood childrens parade, and was astounded at just how many of the kids were obese. And I asked the same question your asking here. Why are so many kids so big? One reason is the children's playing habits. in other words..what they do outside schooling. they wake up, and many now concentrate their attentions to computers and gaming systems, which burns up nearly ZERO CALORIES. remember when kids instead concentrated on old fashioned hide and seek, bike riding, and the like? The ONLY way to truly correct the obesity problems is AT THE HOME. Ask your child wouldn't they rather be outside in the sun, riding a bike? or playing with their friend? Another reason for obesity is their diet. It's a major factor to keepin fit. instead of buying pop tarts, mac and cheese, and microwave pizzas, clear the shelves of excess junk, and prepare vegies and fruits for quick snacks. leaving a bowl of peeled carrots, or fresh washed strawberries WONT be ignored by your kid, long as it's fun to eat. Of course, computers, games, and fast food are here to stay, but a conscious effort towards healthier habits can make a great difference in the overall health of anyone. Even small changes can shave the pounds away.

2007-06-09 20:48:45 · answer #3 · answered by doug s 2 · 0 0

Having parent/children days at parks, sponsered by the local pediatric clinic in hopes of getting parents and children to go outside and play together.

Have one night a week where the computers/tv/video games are unplugged and get the familys to play games together or go to the local park or out for walks.

Anything to get the kids and families active together. It grows a stronger family bond and gets exercise.

2007-06-09 20:27:17 · answer #4 · answered by nerdys_cool 3 · 0 0

Being from a single parent household, I can say that I was never told about good nutrition. I was not over weight by any means. I walked 1 mile to and from school each day, irregardless if it were raining/snowing/sleeting. I was also into activities at school and participated in gym class. We had to. I generally skipped lunch and ate when I got home. There was no hot at the table meal, family time. When I got home, my mom was at work. I had to fend for myself.
I think that is what is wrong with these kids today. They have parents that coddle them, but working parents. I don't think that todays parents know good nutition either. They think fast food is the answer for breakfast for little Johnny and when we pick him up from school, let's pick up fast food, mommy's tired from work. Who knows what Johnny ate at school. Not to mention, when Johnny gets home, he sits on the couch and plays video games and his mommy proble makes him a sandwich or something.
I also think that a lot of these kids eat to make up for the confusion going on in thier lives, not to mention when you watch TV, all you see are food ads.
I would not wish to be a child today. It was hard enough when I was a kid, I think it's even more difficult living in todays society.

2007-06-10 12:12:10 · answer #5 · answered by PolePopper 2 · 0 0

Encouraging healthy eating and exercise in schools, banning trans-fats, and creating more community programs for kids to take part in after school, such as more free or cheap athletic or nature camps.

Also, I think fast food should not be marketed to kids the way it is. It's really terrifying how kids absorb the things they see on commercials. I see little kids who can barely talk who know brand names and the jingles from fast food commercials. It also disgusts me how so many toys encourage unhealthy eating, like the McDonald's Barbie or Slushie making machine for kids.

They should have more community events and activities for kids, and encourage more kids to walk or bike to school rather than get a ride (unless they live too far obviously).

In school, they should stop sellings sodas and candy and only have healthy school lunches. Also, the vending machines should only be stocked with water or healthy juice, and healthy snacks like fruit and sugar-free energy bars.

2007-06-09 20:28:52 · answer #6 · answered by ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3 · 1 0

I have two children who are somewhat big. They have been slimming down though. Cut WAY back on fast food, limit junk food and when they eat it, limit soda and kool aid, get the kids out more for exercise. Having mom or dad chase them around the house doesn't count. Make more plans for evening walks, allow them (if you can afford it) to play sports, make family time together for a camp out or a walk on the beach, go sight seeing (kids love the historical walks).

2007-06-09 21:28:06 · answer #7 · answered by scorpio75lady 2 · 0 0

By controlling their food nutrient's at home and school lunches
Personally I'd like to see this a By-Law in schools and take
away all junk-food vending machines as well Soda's.
I mean at 1st grade schools where they can learn early in life the value of nutrien. Plus all vending Junk Food excluded as a By-Law as well as only 100% juices brought in schools instead of ones full of sugar! Also school runs, in gym or out doors added to their curiculum as a must!
Diana D

2007-06-09 20:47:12 · answer #8 · answered by Diana D 5 · 0 0

Parents need to step up and turn off the TV's, video games and computers. They need to set an example in themselves to begin with. Go outside and play with your kids. Encourage them to participate in sports or other exercise producing activities. Don't eat every meal at McDonald's, etc. Cook and eat meals together at home. Maybe if kids are that busy, that you never see each other, then it's time to drop something in their schedule. Parents need to get involved with their kids again and not the TV, video games and computer serve as a babysitter.

2007-06-09 20:33:35 · answer #9 · answered by First Lady 7 · 1 0

Parents need to feed their children more nutritious foods from an early age. A child will develop likes for more nutritious foods then. Also the parents eating habits will be imprinted on a child. So parents need to eat healthily too.

2007-06-09 20:28:25 · answer #10 · answered by Zey 2 · 0 0

Stop buying packaged snack foods with salt, oils and sugars.

Let them snack on fruit, or veggie sticks.

Get them off their yard wide butts by taking away the computer, TV, and other video games. Make them walk the dog a few times a day.

2007-06-09 21:54:09 · answer #11 · answered by Laurence W 6 · 0 0

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