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I mean if your over 18 should we have the right to choose if we were a seatbelt or not ? I mean I can Go get on a motorcycle and choose not to wear a helmet . I can also choose to wear a gun. What happened to freedom of choice?

2007-06-09 09:38:55 · 13 answers · asked by firefighterace 3 in Cars & Transportation Safety

Im not arguing if its safe or not Im just saying should an adult have the right to choose . If the saying is true when its your time to go its your time. So if god wants me and its my time your saying if I am wearing a seat belt god will say its his time but hay he is wearing a seatbelt I wont take him !!!!! A friend of mine and his wife and 3 children were driving a suv and a semi came across the interstate hit him and pushed him off the road and killed him and his wife and three children and they had there seat belts on . so it dont always save lives and Im sure everyone has a story but all im saying shouldnt we have the right to say yes or no Isnt it the land of the free!

2007-06-09 21:10:49 · update #1

And one person does something wrong and people like paul hols us all responsible! Im fat and happy and I dont blame no body ! I will agree there is people out there that are fast to sue first thing goes wrong . There are more people That keep on having kids just to be on welfare that are capable of working that or tax dollars are going to and there are some people who need welfare to help them out were do you draw the line ? Look at all the people in Prison our tax dollars are going to and some of them eat better and live better than people not in prison are tax dollars wont help the homeless but they will feed,cloth,education,weightlifting,movies,radios,airconditioning,warm bed the prisoners oh and we also pay for the lawyers And there are some that in prison that are inocent . But the Question is should we have the choice to yes our no to were a seatbelt?

2007-06-10 09:28:47 · update #2

I guess you didnt catch the name dumb *** firefighterace been in the fire perimedic field for over 15 yrs and seen alot worse than that and it didnt have anything to do with seatbelts we do it because we want to help those who are need we do it because we want to because it is a (choice ) Our fellow firefighters/perimedics and police died in 9-11 trying to help people like you who didnt have a clue and they did the job because they had a choice and some had been doing it for yrs .

2007-06-11 02:40:28 · update #3

The question was Should we have the right to choose i really didnt think it was that hard of a question but I guess i was wrong a simple yes or no would do how hard is it thats why the government is taking your rights away because you can not answer a simple yes or no question !!!!!!!!!!! Get out and vote thats what I say. A little of the pie is taking away at a time and you dont even notice untill they take your air conditioning away and your food stamps !!! Some cities they dont let you drive your own car unless it has two or more people in it . Alot of people take things for granted ! USA

2007-06-13 17:21:53 · update #4

Just to let you know if you havent notice there is a war going on and people are throwing there selves in front of bombs fighting for our rights our freedom !!! Support your troops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-06-13 17:25:45 · update #5

The question was shouldnt we have the right to choose ? yes or no My point is in the state were im from if you are over 18 you have the right to choose to wear a helmet on a motorcycle . It just dont make since the school busses dont have seatbelts or any other busses around here. Take a RV Motorhome for instance people ride down the road eating at the table cooking taking showers walking around sleeping in a bed all in a motor home . Does that make since to you ? I would rather have the children wearing seatbelts first ! Thanks Ace

2007-06-16 03:14:29 · update #6

I agree with you firecracker !

2007-06-16 03:17:48 · update #7

13 answers

It's slowly being taken from those who want it.
By those who would give it up a little at a time for "security".
I believe Ben Franklin was quoted on the subject.
I agree with him.

Added after the garbage showed up:
Insurance: mine pays even if yours doesn't when you hit me.
I pay for myself as well as the welfare crowd.
Those who want to talk about bad accidents, and people dying need to realize that choices were made there too. Just because a few have bad judgement does not mean we should all be penalized. A further note: my name "Firecracker" comes from my days on the At-Sea fire party, when I wore a uniform to defend our rights. I was a firefighter before that, and the name went on my new helmet when I got out. It amazes me that people think they have rights they do not while giving away the ones we do have.

"Those who would give up liberty in exchange for security deserve neither".
I may have mis-quoted, but you get the meaning.

2007-06-09 09:45:01 · answer #1 · answered by Firecracker . 7 · 5 0

1. You can't fix stupid - but you can cure ignorance.
2. There are rights and there are privileges. Both come with responsibilities. Ignore the responsibility, remove the privilege. Didn't you have parents?
3. When this nation was founded, in order to vote you had to be a landowner. Slowly, as time evolved, so did our democracy (slaves no longer count as 3/5 of a person). It's still evolving, not always in a good direction. If you don't like the direction it's going in, don't ***** about it, get active in your local politics and actually do something constructive. The worst thing that could happen is that you get involved and you don't get your way. The best that will happen is you will begin to understand why things are the way they are, and how to implement your vision of a better country.
4. People are accustomed to having certain things available for them. Driving is a regulated privilege, not a right. That's why there are driver's tests. Unfortunately, it's impossible administratively to set driving standards at a comparable level for an airplane pilot's license - too many vehicles on the roads. Consequently, seat belt and helmet laws were passed to provide tangible, tactile, and visual reminders that you need to operate your vehicle safely. Even so, more people die on the roads every year than the number of our soldiers who died in Viet Nam.
5. Go read about the Darwin awards - those who voluntarily removed themselves from the human gene pool.
6. People do stupid things and have momentary lapses in judgment. Stuff happens. Why would you want to make it easier for stuff to happen TO YOU? Have you ever seen the survivor of a motorcycle accident, who wasn't wearing a helmet? Or even one who has? Care to trade places with them?

2007-06-15 10:24:08 · answer #2 · answered by steve s 3 · 0 1

I agree with having to wear a seat belt or a helmet. Both could keep you from dying. My uncle was in a crash on a motorcycle and if he hadn't been wearing a helmet he would've died. The helmet was about 2 inches thick and after the accident (where he'd been pushed onto and slid across the ground) more than half of it had been scrapped away. Without the helmet that would've been his entire face and flesh. But as far as wearing a seat belt goes, if the vehicle your in suddenly stops and you don't have a seat belt on you could go through the windshield. But if you don't want to wear a seat belt that's your call.

2007-06-09 16:55:09 · answer #3 · answered by imanangel5245 1 · 0 2

you are absolutely right. The government takes more control of our lives everday. Especially when it comes to what you can or can't do while driving your car that has nothing to do with "the rules of the road" and results. Instead of blaming drinking, cell phones, seatbelts on and on, how about learning how to not crash your car period. What does it matter what I'm wearing, doing in my car as long as I am driving safe? People are more concerned about things that don't relate to the reality of the purpose. Maybe carmakers should start using cameras to replace windows so no one can see inside of your vehicle. How about that? It would be worth all of the other stupid things they spend on "safety".

2007-06-13 00:54:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You should have the right to choose, but emergency services should then have the right to not help your sorry *** when/if u smash, and are injured or killed. I know they decided to do their line of work, but i don't think they got into it to help out those who don't want to help themselves.
I've got friend who work for fire and paramedics, and I have worked for the local fire dept as well, andf I have seen what happens to those who wore seatbelts, and those who didn't.
The worst one I went to was a car accident where 5 women had been on an outing, and no one was wearing a seatbelt, when the driver smashed into a tree, head on after she lost control. They were all young, under 25, and the driver was pregnant at the time. They were all killed, and it was a low speed crash, about 25-30mph. The driver, frontseat passenger were partially ejected through the windscreen, and the backseat passengers were thrown about violently, and you could see in the roof where their heads had smashed. The person in the middle went between the frontseats, and slammed into the dash, and bounced up into the windscreen. It was a shacking sight, and a huge waste of such young life. There were two other things that added to this. One was that the driver was pregnant, and her unborn child died, the second thing was that it was sooooo preventable by taking 5 seconds to put on a seatbelt.
I've seen accidents where mothers have buckled up and held kids on laps, and had to remove a dead child from the windscreen, or look for an unrestrained kid in the car after a smash, as mom or dad din't buckle them up, but took the time to restrain themselves.
I found alot of the time, if mom or dad didn't buckle up, then neither were the kids. So if it's law to wear a seatbelt, then it's more likely for them to buckle up kids
I would like to see you turn up to accidents for a living where someone is unrecognisable from being ejected because they thought that they should restrain themselves
You tell a relative that their loved on has died as a result of being ejected from a car
You tell a mother that her daughter died from going through the windscreen, as she din't wear her seatbelt, oh and please go over their to TRY and identify your daughter from what is left of her
You don't want to wear a seatbelt, fine don't, but don't expect people to have sympathy for you if something other than death happens to you

2007-06-11 08:31:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

We should have the right to choose IF we are properly insured.
The fact is that too many uninsured people end up in County hospitals on life support at taxpayer expense.

Also, in this day and age, people who are injured because of their own stupidity always want to blame someone else like the car maker or motorcycle maker, even though they had NOTHING to do with your bad judgment.

The drunk who couldn't stop drinking and crashed blames the bar tender.

The dead drug abuser's family blames the drug dealer.

Fat people blame fast food outlets


2007-06-10 14:34:18 · answer #6 · answered by Trump 2020 7 · 1 0

it seems like every time we blink another freedom of choice has been taken away from us and we are told what to do.what is considered right and wrong are made by the higher ups and they call the shots no matter what we think and feel. i think wearing a seat belt should be a choice for an adult to make but somebody made the choice for us because failure to do so puts another dollar in their pocket. i think the usefullness of seat belts depends on the situation

2007-06-10 07:20:09 · answer #7 · answered by kattz 3 · 2 0

Yes we should have the right to choose!
I mean, if we can choose to play sports, ride a motorcycle, ride horses, climb mountains, etc., we should be able to choose whether or not we wear a seatbelt.
I agree it's safer for people to wear one, but I dont think the government should force us to wear one. I think adults should be able to make up their own minds.

Heck, I can just see it now... in a few more years it will probabily be illegal to sneeze, I mean, some of the laws nowadays are really stupid. It really makes me angry.

2007-06-09 16:52:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

You will always have the right to choose, after all this the great United States of America........But that said..

You also have the right to fight the seatbelt ticket, but alas,you did break the law that the representives of your state (that I hoped you voted for) passed to try to protect every one on the road.

I started driving when I was 14 (farm kid) , That was 1963, when I was 19, I started driving a wrecker (part time job).

I don't think there were seatbelts back then, but I will never forget the accidents that I had to respond to.

Cars were a lot stronger back than. But most of the time the cars didn't look that beat up, but a lot of people were killed when they collided with the dash or windshield, or when they were ejucted from the vehicle.

Most of these accidents involved babys and very young children.

These are memories that I will never foget, as long as I shall live.

When I got my first car with seatbelts, you can bet your life that I used them. And when I married and started having kids, That cars shifter never came out of the Park position until everybody was buckeled up. And (thank God) my sons and daughter have continued with this tradition.

I also drove truck for 15 years and I can think of several times where I had to swerve to avoid hitting a anamal or another vehicle. Had I not had my seatbelt on, I would have lost my seat, and control of my vehicle, which would have probely killed myself, and most probely other people on the road.

If you have to swerve or loose control of your car and you can't hang on to the steering wheel, how are you going to regain control of your vehicle.

I choose to wear my seatbelt (and i don't care if it is a law) because, I wan't to protect everyone in my car, and every one else on the road.

I am 58 years old and have my self lived thru 4 major accidents, because I CHOOSED to wear my seatbeat.

I may have been banged up a lot. but I am still alive to enjoy my children and grandchildren.

I hope you do also, because you have friends and family and maybe children not yet born that would hate to lose you, because you Choosed NOT to buckel up.


2007-06-09 19:10:54 · answer #9 · answered by RON OMAHA,NE 2 · 0 4

Wake up you have not had real freedom in well over a hundred years. I agree you are 18 you should be able to decide, but if you get in a wreck and you are hurt because of no seat belt or helmet then I should not have to pay for you health care with my tax dollars.

2007-06-09 17:59:13 · answer #10 · answered by dock h 1 · 0 2

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