None of us on this site can diagnose your case, It would take a competent diagnostician to run a complete check and come up with an answer. It sounds like Bi-polar disorder but who can really tell except a psychiatrist? Bipolar can be due to hormonal problems caused by a faulty gene. Does it run in your family? These are the things you will have to tell the doctor. There are ways to prevent swinging up and down but only a psychiatrist can help in this regard.....not a G.P.!!! They know very little about mental disorders. SEE a SHRINK, SOON!
2007-06-05 23:48:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
the only person who can answer this question is a psyciatrist. Personally it doesnt sound like bi-polar as with bi-polar you generally have periods of intense highs that last a hell of a lot longer than a day!!! and lows which are so severe you just want to curl away and die. Even if was rapid cycling its not a change every day. I think personally your ok every day most of the population feels changes in there moods. Believe me I have bpolar and if you had it you would know about it. But as I said talk to your gp or psyciatrist
2007-06-06 06:14:02
answer #2
answered by qeiane 1
There are different types of bipolar, and you could have rapid cycling bipolar, but you would have to be diagnosed by a doctor. It's very common and can start off for one day happy, one day sad, even just an hour of sadness then elation. It can progressively get worse. You don't even have to get manic or psychotic, it really is just mood swings, but they can get worse if you leave them untreated.
It could be to do with your hormones, but again, you would have to see a doctor.
I find that regular omega 3, from oily fish or flaxseed if you're veggie, and antidepressents keeps my head above water, although that doesn't stop the depression, just I know it won't last that long so I won't act no suicidal thoughts! There are also mood stabilisers, which don't have to be lithium or anything heavy, epilepsy medicines have been proven to work I was on them for a year before deciding to help myself with cognitive behavioural therapy.
2007-06-06 06:19:02
answer #3
answered by she_noir 4
This could be either one. It sounds like you are having some trouble with depression. You should go to a doctor and talk about your concerns. If you do not feel comfrtable going to a doctor please tell someone that you are close to. Sometimes just having someone to talk to will help. You need to also consider getting a hobby or exercise to take your mind off of things. Do not worry about what others think of you. The most important thing is that you get better and start to feel better.
2007-06-06 07:56:56
answer #4
answered by Cherry200065066 1
What do you do then ? No work or study - you have too much time on your hands - if you were biploar you wouldn't be writing this . So get out and get active , use your life , every day is precious . Never worry what other people think of you - but remember you answer to yourself .
2007-06-06 06:12:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Only a doctor would be able to diagnose you.
It is possible it could be hormonal, if you have had problems with that before, but if you are seriously concerned, seeing your doctor would be a good idea.
2007-06-06 08:41:31
answer #6
answered by dreaming_angel1983 5
Oh, I don't think you have bipolar, I think that you have things happen, that swing your moods...I think you should have something to occupy your mind, and you should always concentrate on the good things and try to rationalize the bad...we all get overwhelmed at times, and remember, an idol mind, is the devil's workshop...try to find a job. or something productive, to keep your mind free of sad thoughts. God Bless
2007-06-06 06:42:07
answer #7
answered by MotherKittyKat 7
This dose not sound like BP.I have meet a lot BP"s and your highs and lows don't sound to crazy.Try not to get a Mental illness label,it gets tough to carry around.It may just be lack of intimacy with some one special.This takes time and will come if you let it.
2007-06-06 06:32:38
answer #8
answered by SHAWN 3
Just get out there and do something positive If you feel bad or depressed just look in the cemetery and be glad that you are alive and not there.Be positive and stop wanting unless you are prepared to go out and get it.
2007-06-06 06:14:43
answer #9
answered by Eric L 1
happens with me too....and whenever any up or down happens to me, if i like it or not, i find goin out the best cure....
sometimes we get so out of tune with things, givin birth to weird problems and the only cure is to get out somewhere...
no matter how bad you think the idea is at the start but just force yourself to go, later you wont have any regret! trust me!
2007-06-06 06:11:16
answer #10
answered by sunny 3