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i am catholic and have went to catholic school all my life. but how can one really belive that eve eating an apple from the "forbidden tree" caused original sin. and how can we belive that noah built a huge great ark and got two of every animal and put them in the ark while an upset god just whiped out and killed everyone else on earth not in the ark. these stories and many other in the bible are ridiculous. so how are we supposed to belive them. and dont give me that bs that its Faith. because all faith is is a fancy word catholics use that really means no proof.

2007-06-05 20:47:07 · 18 answers · asked by Bob B 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

i understand some of the stories are supposed to be allegorical (fake) but then how are we supposed to distinguish the supposedlly "true" ones from the "fake" ones

2007-06-05 20:55:51 · update #1

18 answers

God has power over everything.

2007-06-05 20:50:43 · answer #1 · answered by Ismail Eliat 6 · 0 2

I'm thinking how to convince you of something that you obviously have no believe in. There is no mention of an apple anywhere in the entire Bible and that Adam and Eve's disobedience is the original sin. Maybe you should stop being a Catholic and learn how to be a Christian then read the Bible and learn for yourself who God really is and what His Word means. Don't go by the interpretations of those that literally disobey God's commandments - because no matter how many people or ways it's explained; praying to the dead, knealing to a statute or believing that calling a man Father is what God told His people do is not the Way, the Truth or the Light.

God Bless You

2007-06-06 04:02:17 · answer #2 · answered by B Baruk Today 6 · 0 1

Consider the era in which God gave this information to the Hebrews. They were intelligent but not technologically advance. They would never have understood things based upon the information we now possess. Understanding that we can see that they were given information about God in the form of stories that provided insight into God's nature and attributes. If we approach those stories, not as if we were stupid or ignorant but as a means of learning who God is and how He thinks, we also learn a great deal from them.

It's sad really that so many people are so blinded by the "impossibility" of the Bible they are not able to see the reason behind it and the wealth of information about God it does provide. We miss so much because we are too impressed with our own intelligence and not with the concepts we should be learning.

2007-06-06 03:55:53 · answer #3 · answered by kaehya2003 4 · 0 1

well back to my main point! no one seems to really read the word of God with understanding!
the apple is not even in the story of the garden! they were in a fig orchard. and Eve partook of a fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. after they knew God was looking for them they covered their private parts with fig leaves...why not cover the mouth? if they ate something would this not make more since?
now this 'tree' was also
a snake,Lucifer,Satan,wicked one etc.a man, a child of God, a fallen angel all these things describe the being in the garden with them.
they both disobeyed God for trying this fruit. the outcome was desire and labor with birth, having to work for the field to provide food.
then Adam knew his wife and she bore twins... Cain and Abel .Abel was murdered and Cain has a different bloodline than Adam!...... it is written.......have you not read? so what really happened in the garden?
our K.J.V. bible has 66 books and all is there if you read with understanding.
in Gen. chapter 6 we see the sons of God saw the daughters of Adam, that they were fair so they took them wives. now we have fallen angels taking wives of Adam. the offspring were giants. or well renown persons that were part angelic and part human. the bloodline had been tampered with. this bloodline was to be the line Jesus would come through. it had to be clean of any inbreeding. this meant from angels or other races of people. this is why they always married kind after kind. this is why we have a line from Adam to Jesus.
now when Noah built his boat it was to do away with the inbreed influx for there would be a long time before Jesus would be born flesh, for 'Jesus is God in the flesh!'
the animals he took on the ark were the ones living in the area that would be flooded. this was the land to be overflowed with water to clean up Gods chosen race from any outside genes. just for this world area not the entire planet!
now i am not catholic but i am the type that wants to know all i can grasp from Gods' word. so as i read and as i understand the truth that science gives us i find the word has all the truth. is we that are lacking!

2007-06-06 04:39:25 · answer #4 · answered by imawatchman 2 · 0 0

Are you really a Catholic? Catholics don't take all biblical stories literally. Adam and Eve, according to the Vatican, is not the actual series of events that occur, only an explanatory story.

It seems you need to look into your faith a bit more.

2007-06-06 03:50:58 · answer #5 · answered by Wings 3 · 3 0

in the glossary area of the large king james family version of "the bible" it actually says that by the time the bible reached king james it had been revised so many times it could not be considered a reliable source.
i believe the bible is merely a reference book written by men and government to guide the people. some of the "books" even seem to me to be "thoughts of the day" sections, with each sentence not really meshing with each other.
i am not saying that i am anti god, goddess, or gods.
i do believe there is more to our existence than what we live on earth, there is too much unexplainable phenomenon not to suspect there is something.
however i do not believe in just "the one" religion, i feel that if you live well, and can look at a beautiful something and feel "moved by it" that's when you experience "god"
and what ever leads you to that moment.......
personally, catholics have always weirded me out, i mean, doesent it say "in the bible" to beware of men in robes?????


2007-06-06 04:02:54 · answer #6 · answered by mysti t 2 · 1 0

Much of the Bible is intended to be allegorical...particularly the stories that you mentioned. Read it and understand it for the principles, not the fact.

Also remember that there is a HUGE difference between FACT and TRUTH. I can speak TRUTH without ever uttering a word of fact.

2007-06-06 03:51:28 · answer #7 · answered by Celtic 2 · 1 0

I want you to take a deep breath and think about what I'm about to say. I know it seems impossible at times that the stories in the bible are true but just do this: think about the universe. Does it stop somewhere or go on and on forever? Our human "logic" says nothing can go on and on and yet if the universe DOES stop then what's outside of it? Either option seems far more impossible than anything in the bible.

2007-06-06 03:53:04 · answer #8 · answered by geekyneerd 3 · 1 2

It's a fascinating book, and you can learn a lot from it spiritually and about yourself, but I don't think it's wise to take it literally.

And just because you don't believe in a literal translation doesn't mean that you don't believe in it. Maybe it's a puzzle.

And the universe doesn't stop anywhere, it's circular. If you had a telescope that could see forever you would see the back of your head.

2007-06-06 03:51:24 · answer #9 · answered by Daisy Indigo 6 · 1 1

Just because there's no proof, that doesn't mean God didn't create it or want it to be done. So that's where the word faith comes in. Most faith doesn't have proofs and so the faithful believe in God.

2007-06-06 03:51:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

i really dont know. most people are beought up to believe it and never open up their minds to reality. im really glad someone said something, most of the things said in the bible are in no way even logically possible. people may call it "god's work" but who's to say there is a god?

2007-06-06 03:56:19 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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