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Lets talk basic common sense.

You say the bible is corrupted. BUT…Do you know that the Bible is the SAME as it was thousands of years ago? This can be proven 100% by manuscripts and the dead sea scrolls. And especially the old testament (eg exodus) that was written even before Jesus was born to Mary.

NOW…the Bible that was written BEFORE Muhammad was even born says this:

1 - Exodus 3:15 God also said to Moses, "Say this to the Israelites: Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever; this is how I am to be remembered in every generation.

2 - Luke 16:16 – The Law and the Prophets were until John the Baptist.

3 - 1 John 2:22 Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah). Such a man is the antichrist—he denies the Father (God) and the Son. 23: No one who denies the Son has the Father (God).

2007-06-05 19:34:43 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

What you hear being accused about the bible having different versions are merely literal translations NOT different interpretations. If you don’t believe this, you can check the Revised Standard versus the King James versus the New International. They are the same.

It is very easy to write your own book and then call others as corrupted. BUT it is impossible to prove you are right, when you have already been rejected before you were even born.

The above 3 quotations show you 3 things.

1- God’s name is NOT allah.
2 – Muhammad is rejected as a prophet even before muhammad’s grandfather was born.
3 – Islam befits the description of the Anti-Christs.

Jesus said “I am the truth, the way and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me”. How then would there be even a need for any prophet?


2007-06-05 19:35:15 · update #1

Randomstranger its easy to call GW Bush your father too, but the guy has to acknowledge it first, not what you shamelessly claim. You say its different. How different and where different.

2007-06-05 19:40:27 · update #2

Ev, its not a matter of acceptance. Its a matter of contradicting what you claim to be your preceding 'faith'. Can you say you are your father's son when you're black and your parents white?

2007-06-05 19:45:02 · update #3

Ismail Eliat, you can insist all you want about the bible being different from thousands of years ago. But the FACTS do not agree with you.

2007-06-05 19:46:07 · update #4

Red Dragon, I can't stop you from believing in a false religion. Don't always take the easy way out.

2007-06-05 19:53:38 · update #5

Bill s, you are looking for a philosophy, not a religion. I cannot help you for your lack of faith.

2007-06-05 19:54:45 · update #6

Revert Muslimah, I know what I know. If you think you know better, tell me about it.

2007-06-05 19:57:41 · update #7

Historians have proven the bible to be the SAME as it was thousands of years ago.



2007-06-05 20:02:21 · update #8

Mega, I'm not going to shame your qur'an in this thread cos it will deviate from the topic at hand. You may be blind to the numerous illogic and errors in the qur'an, but everyone is like you. As for lady xxxx...again, another who talks without substance. I wonder if you can back up your vain statements with some facts for a change and read before you reply.

2007-06-06 04:39:23 · update #9

correction...NOT everyone is like you, Mega.

2007-06-06 04:41:19 · update #10

Ye Old Canadian, I do not think you have spoken anything wrong. However, I need to correct you on one thing. Yes, not all muslims are evil. BUT...do you know why? Its because they're NON-practising muslims. True islam is evil. Disagree? Well, we have our views.

2007-06-06 15:06:13 · update #11

28 answers

You're right, there was no need for another prophet. Jesus said to be aware of false prophets and that was all muhammad was.

2007-06-05 19:42:27 · answer #1 · answered by tracy211968 6 · 7 8

you know the dead sea scrolls and etc. but u know what? there are MORE THAN 24000 manuscripts and NO TWO ARE IDENTICAL.

and lets talk abt your bible versions. yes versions. not translations.

are you aware that the ascension of jesus was taken out from the bible then put back in??

why not find contradictions in the quran and try to find one. becos you will never. but before you think the verse in the quran contradicts itself, do read the CONTEXT first.

and abt the verse you quoted:
1 John 2:22 Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah). Such a man is the antichrist—he denies the Father (God) and the Son. 23: No one who denies the Son has the Father (God).

obviously you know nothing about islam. becos muslims believe that jesus is the messiah. but jesus is not god.

AND jesus isnt the ONLY SON of god in the bible. READ the bible and you will see that many other prophets are also called son of god.

2007-06-07 02:05:56 · answer #2 · answered by vida 2 · 1 0

Let us say that the Bible is not corrupt but it does not seem scientific.

According to the Bible, Book of Genesis,

chapter 1, verses 11-13,

Vegetation was created on the third day along with seed-bearing grasses, plants and trees; and further on as per verses 14-19, the sun was created on the fourth day. How is it scientifically possible for the vegetation to have appeared without the presence of the sun, as it has been stated in the Bible?

It also says light is created on the first day where as the source of light 'The Sun' is created on the fourth day. How is this scientifically possible?

If Bible is the word of Divine God He should not make mistakes while describing evolution. Check it yourself. I don't want to discuss other Bible contradictions.

2007-06-05 20:05:41 · answer #3 · answered by Saphire4 5 · 1 2

In the Qur'an there is a verse: Indeed this is a book well protected.

Ever since the Qur'an was revealed to Muhammad PBuH through Angel Gabriel, no matter what side of the globe we come from, we Muslims [Moslems,whatever] are ordered to recite it in its original language only. Any interpretations of the Qur'an are solely purposed to get an understanding of the verses, which can never be completely accurate because the Qur'an's interpretation itself changes and matches our ever-changing daily lives, (not the text but the meaning behind each text). Therefore, in understanding the Qur'an we must be clean and open, body and mind. The language of the Qur'an is a highly poetic form Arabic and is difficult to find its exact meaning in any human language even Arabic itself, let alone English, which is a language based on logic and science. Logic and science are God's secrets that are revealed to us. But as limited beings our understanding of things are, too, limited.
I believe the Qur'an is a miracle safely guarded. So no matter how many arguments or debates people can put against it, the Qur'an will always stay the same, because Allah, the God of Jesus and Moses and David and Muhammad, is the OmniPotent force guaranteeing Its originality. And for this, I can't argue... all I can do is believe it with all my heart. Insya Allah...

And regarding, someone who said: be prepared for hate-mails and such. Well, this is the world we live in. Be it Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or any religion, doesn't mean that all of its believers are pure saints. So don't go generalizing and stereotyping something you haven't gotten the whole picture about yet.

2007-06-05 20:48:16 · answer #4 · answered by sk|TTLes™ 6 · 2 6

Common Sense is something the Republicans did not have, and Common Sense is something the Democrats do not have enough to solve the Common Sense problems that are ruining America.

2016-04-01 05:02:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think u don't know this. But it is a FACT that many Christian scolors now ADMIT that the bible is corrupted. They have even published a new "Revised Edition" of the bible.

N if the bible is not corrupted, how come there so many versions of it??

2007-06-07 02:05:31 · answer #6 · answered by Knowledge Seeker 4 · 1 0

no. other people changed the contents of the bible. the bible and the koran are nearly the same. but other people changed the bible and would not accept the fact the muhammad was the last prophet. and christ is not the son of God, christ is a prophet but the one that jews killed was actually his student not christ.

2007-06-06 19:13:57 · answer #7 · answered by q_and_a 1 · 1 1

Your surprise me!! What has Islam done to you to make you so hostile towards the whole religion?

There are several rebuttels to your supposedly winning arguments but no point in going in a lenghty dabate. Only the following with suffice:

Muslims DO believe that Bible is a word of God. However, have you ever heard the term, "lost in translation". The language in which it was revealed is not a living language any more and through translation several mistakes have the potential of creeping in.

Quran endorses everything in the Bible and the revelations before Bible.

Beleiving that Jesus was a prophet of God is fundamental to Islam. YOu cannot be a Muslim unless you bleieve Jesus to be God's prophet and respect him utmost.

God does not have a "name" for your inofrmation. Allah also means God. There are several "names" for God in different languages like for example "khuda" in persian. Allah is used widely by Muslims as its the word used in Quran and also because it best describes God. "The " one worthy of being worshipeed. Its like god vs God.

And an advice for you: If you DO want to study religion, study objectively. Don't succumb to every nonsense that is offered by fundamentalist Christian sites or information centres. And "common sense" is exactly what you are not talking. You will not find any religion in the world which is so much based on common sense. This is what even objective secularists say. People sometimes find Islam so much logical that used to only the spiritually in religion they sometimes say its like code of law. So be objective, not biased. Before shunning a thing, you should at least know what it is.

2007-06-05 20:14:38 · answer #8 · answered by Catalyst 3 · 1 5

Here are some item for your reading:


From your supposed scientific evidence:
"with the exception of a few inconsequential discrepancies that have been introduced over time through copyist error. . These 40 lines represent one quarter of one percent of the entire text and do not in any way affect the teaching and doctrine of the New Testament"

And we supposed to believe these are words of god? Shouldn't it be 100% & not 99% tampered-proof since god promise it (according to your bible)? or did your god lied?

And which historian(s) have proven your bible to be the same? If I'm not mistaken, there are also bible for Protestant and for Catholic which are 2 different bible. So which bible are you referring too?

btw there is no mentioned of Jesus in Quran, only Prophet Isa.

God gives you brain to think then THINK! If not, be a monkey.

2007-06-05 21:39:45 · answer #9 · answered by Slug 4 · 1 4

I want people who say anti-Islam is immature to have a look at this. To the asker, if you feel like beating me up with this with one of your little "add details" things, please feel free to do so.


I'm not saying all Muslims are bad....

But are we to forget the 6 million people slaughtered just to cater to Allah?

Apparently, we are.

Are we to forget what fourteen-million allied soldiers died for, to bring an end to the topic above?

Apparently, we are.

I'm sick of this, and HERE IS WHERE WE DRAW THE LINE.

2007-06-06 10:31:16 · answer #10 · answered by CanadianFundamentalist 6 · 0 1

The Bible ISN'T the same as it was thousands of years ago, it's been translated FAR too many times for that. Context changes dramatically with translation. Plus the Bible is filled with contradictions from the OT to the NT. Even verses in the NT contradict each other in the next verse! How many contradictions in the Qur'an? None. I don't believe in Allah but at least they got their stuff straight.

2007-06-05 19:43:04 · answer #11 · answered by Mega 3 · 9 5

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