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These children are legal U.S. Citizens and cannot be deported. Do you leave them here without their parents?

2007-06-05 19:26:20 · 25 answers · asked by sSuper critic 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

25 answers

Deporting so many people, so many families, the problem of those children. The whole idea is beneath the USA. It is inhuman, crazy I would say.

2007-06-08 16:41:26 · answer #1 · answered by johnfarber2000 6 · 0 1

Children should never be separated from their families. Deporting all illegals would not only be costly to do but immoral and harmful to our economy. Many studies have shown that immigrants, (from anywhere) once allowed to participate in getting educated and working within the tax system, bring skills and resources that did not previously exist and are a benefit to the economy. Certainly adding 12 million to the tax base wouldn't hurt. Nobody comes here to get on welfare as some of you suggest. Our neighbors to the south simply want a part of the same dream that everybody else enjoys. True criminals (those that commit felonies) citizens or not should be excluded from the dream. We should embrace those that have risked death by crossing hundreds of miles of open desert to say I want to be part of this great country called America. How many of you sitting at home playing your video games have done anything nearly as patriotic?

And let's stop the racial bias talk. 100% of us have a history that takes us back to another country. Whether that history is European, African, Asian, or North or South American, we are all immigrants. Yes that includes Native Americans also. Many of you have claimed that illegal immigrants should go because they have broken immigration law. I would remind you that once in this country it was illegal in the United States for a slave to escape from the slavemaster. So by your definition, an escaped slave is a criminal.

I would hope that all of you have evolved mentally from those days. And in doing so understand the realization that America has not yet perfected all of its laws and many still need to be updated or changed. How many of you citizens have never broken any law? Ever smoked a joint? If you have done this even once then you have broken a law once. How about speeding on your way to work? It is a law. Should you be deported for it back to your historical country of origin? A land which you have probably never seen. Many current laws were written for the 1950s or earlier version of America that no longer exists. So by updating or reforming these laws, we make them relevant again. And help solve our economical issues at the same time.

2007-06-06 07:38:00 · answer #2 · answered by David M 6 · 1 0

The same thing that would happen to the children if the company their parents worked for transferred their jobs to another country. If the parents chose not to take their children with them, they would have to make arrangements with relatives or some other trusted person. When they are older, the children could easilty return to the US if they wanted because they would still be US citizens.
The complaint that the US is 'breaking up families' is inaccurate. The parents that illegally enter a country choose to put themselves and family at risk by doing so. It's no different than parents who commit other crimes. If a person robs a bank and is sent to prison, did the government break up the family or the person who chose to rob a bank? That is one more reason not to break federal laws - not only could you mess up your life, it will also affect your family.

2007-06-06 08:00:04 · answer #3 · answered by Notjoking 1 · 0 0

That is ridiculous people!!!!!!!!! Many people have been waiting for their citizenship and in the process they are being deported, therefore the children have to suffer so lets put them up for adoption??? Good god! Why not make those parents a priority since the children are AMERICAN CITIZENS with all rights of citizenship, the parents should have higher priority at least to a visa. Does anyone know the damage it will cause to the children...obviously not if you say throw the parents out and put the kids in adoption. Sure breakup families. Why? The parents did not put them up for adoption...ugh this makes me feel sick!! Has anyone literally put themselves in their sheos... obviously not if this is as good as it gets.

This reminds me of the Repatriations Act that President Hoover enacted back in 1930. It was one of the worst things he ever did. He illegally deported illegal and Legal Mexican people. Millions of American Citizens and Mexican people were told at a later time they could return after the great depression because he wanted to leave the jobs for the white americans... and later was in the late 1959 and later never came. All these people stayed in a country in which 60% had never seen nor had any family or money. The book "Decade of Betrayal" by Franciso Balderrama is awesome. It could teach you a thing or two, Arnold Schwartzenegger read it and was in aww because he never knew this story of the Repatriations.

If a Euroamerican which is all the "white people" were deported to which ever country they came from of they ancestry and their kids stayed behind... let's put them up for adoption. See how they feel!

2007-06-05 21:11:03 · answer #4 · answered by egomezz007 4 · 6 2

Speaking purely as a practical matter, the parents determine what will
happen to the children. Most of the time they follow the parents to their country of origin. When they come of age, they are allowed to declare their citizenship in either the country that their parents come from, or America. In some cases, the parents opt to have the children stay with relatives. The child then uses the relatives home address and utility bills to gain eligibility in a public school system. The child's birth certificate is what is used should the child decide they wish to claim American citizenship. Some children even claim dual citizenship. I only know this because I have worked in dropout recovery and personally knew students who were faced with these issues.

As the great great grandchild of immigrants myself, I understand the immense frustration these families feel when they find out that there is no legal method within their means to obtain legal citizenship. We are creating a new class system, born out of corporate greed and fertilized with the blood of immigrants who die in the pursuit of the new American dream. That dream is simply to send enough money home to feed their families because there is no opportunity for them where they live.

I know that the Statue of Liberty feels tarnished and used now. Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to be free. We'll put them in a sweatshop, let them pick our crops, or rent them out as prostitutes until they get caught by the border patrol and sent back home. We'll also make them pay for the privilege, and all of the money we collect will be tax free because legally, none of this is happening. That means we can work them as long and as hard as we want to, cheat them, abuse them, and they will have no legal recourse because they are not Americans. Unlike slavery, these people are nobody's responsibility, and no one has to feed or care for them at all. We have almost eliminated the Middle Class. I guess we are going to replace it with the non-citizen class!

2007-06-06 05:58:25 · answer #5 · answered by MUDD 7 · 1 0

the excellent thank you to get rid of the unlawful extraterrestrial beings is by using attrition. shrink them off from each and every thing different than emergency scientific suggestions and end birthright citizenship. we don't desire new rules in the event that they are in basic terms going to be omitted. Its already unlawful for a company to hire an unlawful alien. Its already unlawful to return into this usa without permission. we want some ENFORCEMENT. Our economic gadget could be large if we've been given rid of those human beings. besides if we legalize those individuals we would might desire to pay them them same as everybody else. a non everlasting visitor worker application is already in place for top experienced workers. we don't will to no longer herald low skill, uneducated workers to take the roles that lots of our own are limited to. earlier we even cosidered a application like that we would desire to make helpful we've the potential to music this human beings and rigidity them to pass away while their visa expires. regardless of each and every thing its reported as a, non everlasting visitor worker application. lots of the 9/11 hijackers have been here on expired visas. If ICE have been doing their activity they could have been deported distinctly Muhammad Atta. He grow to be pulled over for dashing previous to 9/11 and at that element had an expired visa. you could Google that one.

2016-11-05 02:20:39 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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Your question is a lie. You are pretending that a baby born here to illegal aliens must stay here. If a citizen has a baby in another country, of course she can bring that baby home with her!!!

Do you know that our ‘leaders’ could send millions of illegal aliens packing, costing us nothing in deportation fees?

What most U.S. taxpayers don’t know is that trillions of your dollars are used to pay off the wealthy people who fund elections, many of whom are not even U.S. citizens. If only taxpayers funded campaigns, then our 'leaders' would not be pushing legislation for special interests, and it would save us trillions of dollars!!

For example, our 'leaders' would write and pass the law for national id cards first, before closing the border. If illegal employers were arrested and fined every day, and if everyone needed a card to work, to receive any benefits (U.S. taxpayer money), or to do anything in our country, millions would leave...VOLUNTARILY! Tens of millions of us would join an organization to quell riots if they broke out—call it the National Guard II to replace the one our ‘leaders’ recklessly exported to Iraq, or call it something new.

Our 'leaders' don't make campaigns funded by taxpayers the law because THEY WERE ELECTED WITH THE CURRENT SYSTEM. This makes them obligated to the few who put them into office, and those people demand cheap labor.

They seem to think that they own this country and can do whatever they want. What they spend most of their time doing is transfering wealth from the U.S. taxpayer to themselves, as they force taxpayers to pay for the benefits to illegal and legal immigrants, and destroy our vernal pools/wildlife/forests/wide open spaces/groundwater, peace and quiet, etc., in the process.

You don't have to separate families. When aliens leave, they can take their anchor babies with them. Where is the law stopping the insidious anchor baby practice? Our laws were never intended to be abused this way. U.S. citizens WILL do the work currently done by cheap labor when market forces push the wage/benefit package up. At one meat-packing plant that was raided, wages went up $1.95 per hour, and U.S. citizens scooped up the jobs as fast as they were offered.

Everyone should write to their congresspeople: www.senate.gov and www.house.gov—it’s quick and easy. If enough people write, call, fax and email, they will do the will of the people. They say faxing is the way that gets noticed. Some elected officials really WANT to change the system, but are prevented—they need an excuse. Taxpayer-funded campaigns and a national id card first, or we will throw the bums out.

My ancestors came here and were here legally. There are more Mexicans in our country now than there were in all of Mexico less than 100 years ago. What about all of the Mexicans and others who tried to get into our country but were caught because they didn’t have the $50,000 (for help across the border) or $100,000 (for further guidance) to hire bad border patrol agents, some of whom become millionaires (in cash) overnight? Should they be allowed to become citizens too, or is it just the wilier, sneakier, or more wealthy illegal aliens that will be made citizens? Make the better criminals citizens?

Our country is being destroyed for money to the disgustingly wealthy—it’s time to PUSH BACK!
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2007-06-05 21:00:18 · answer #7 · answered by CQ 3 · 2 3

The truth is hard to deal with in that we citizens have allowed these atrocities of hppenstance to occur and we will have to grant foster care to the so called "anchor babies" of the illegals who number over 45 million.

2007-06-07 16:25:52 · answer #8 · answered by Bradley B 2 · 0 0

Let their parents take them with them if they want. I guess if their parents dont want them then a relative if there is one could be given guardianship, if not they would go into teh foster child system.

But I think its not needed to deport them, if things are done right they would either leave on their own or come legally.

== Angela, pro illegals keep preaching that illegals are pro family values yet they would break the law have a child when their situation was a criminal one and risk that childs welfare.
THAT is hypocrisy. so dont give me any of that --They preach family and family values, but are so quick to break up these families stuff-- if they TRULY cared about their families they would be honest hard working people and coming into the USA illegally is criminal, negligent and dishonest. period.

2007-06-05 19:37:19 · answer #9 · answered by sociald 7 · 1 4

The illegal people are not going to be deported,they will be given the chance of applying for permanent residency without going back to Mexico,we need them too much for them to vacate their jobs.

2007-06-05 20:05:54 · answer #10 · answered by Georgewasmyfavorite 4 · 3 2

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