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Ok this is an add on to my last ? but ok she thought that i was cheating on her and she got really moody and was always fighting with me so i broke up with her i know that it was a stupid thing to do cause i really loved her we talk but not really not like we use to i turned todepression drugs and pot and other drugs that i was told by friends that work i would like nothing better then to be dead right now and i dont want a freaking counsiler there a wast of time i think that they have problems of there own that they need to deal with and i know that if i keep going the way i am and thinking about this i know that i am going to end up killing myself what should i do

2007-06-05 19:03:13 · 16 answers · asked by Tyler L 1 in Health Mental Health

16 answers

Can I assume you are taking the depression drugs and the pot and the other drugs at the same time? You need to give the depression drugs a chance to work (they usually take two - three weeks to work and you often have to try a few) away from other influences that might be interfering with the effect. You might want to try counseling with your girlfriend if both you and she are open to it and can afford it. The counselor is there to translate and to direct the conversation. It's different than going to conseling alone. You may have an underlying medical problem and should see your regular doctor, anyway. You can also try things like yoga, acupuncture, gym membership -- whatever you find works for you. You have to try differrent things. Some people say cut caffeine, alcohol and sugar out of your diet. All worth trying. If you have supportive friends you can talk to about it, that would be the best.

2007-06-05 19:12:12 · answer #1 · answered by Jax19 1 · 2 0

Getting past any hurt takes time and there is no shortcut. Picture a ribbon. That's how long it takes. Drugs and alcohol cut the ribbon, but when you come off them, you have to pick up on that ribbon where you left off. Same distance in time. Alcohol is a depressant and won't help you feel better, either. Second, every profession--including conseling--has nutcases. Just because you get a bad waiter you don't stop going to restaurants. You just look for others. Some of the best counselors are in AA or NA. They've been through it all themselves. They won't take any guff, but they'll be straight with you. Good counselors can help--if you want help. If you just want somebody to tell you what you want to hear, then you don't really want help. The best revenge is success, not suicide. Call the suicide hotline, NA, Someone is available 24/7.

2007-06-06 02:32:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi. First- talk to the doctor who is prescribing for yoy and tell him/her EXACTLY what's going on. Your condition will have an effect on your relationship with others, and vice versa. Second-I don't know what other drugs you have tried besides pot, but medicating yourself will make things worse for you. Any mind or mood altering drug (marijuana, alcohol, or others) will do exactly that- affect how you feel so that your mental health symptoms become worse. As far as the counselors' go, find one (they are out there) who will be straight and honest with you and work with them to solve your problems while at the same time making sure you are taking your meds the way you are suposed to. Honest counselors are NOT hard to find if you look. And ther are lots who have met up to their problems, solved them, and can help you to do the same.

2007-06-06 02:15:31 · answer #3 · answered by jayresupc 2 · 0 0

First, pray and ask God for help. I assure you, He will help if you ask.
Next, return to the Dr. and tell him the meds are not working. That way you and him can work out maybe a different dosage or a different med.
Also, it is very, very important to make sure you eat a well balanced diet and also be certain to exercise by at least walking. Try to do this for at least 20 minutes each day. I assure you that you will get immediate relief.
I know how badly you are suffering. I have been there. Be good to yourself. Trust God, he will answer your prayer.

I will also pray for you.
God Bless You.


2007-06-06 02:32:59 · answer #4 · answered by JOHN 7 · 0 0

Well, hmm. Really should consider counseling. Either that or be totally honest with your doctor-the one that prescribed you the anti-depressants- and they may switch you to another medication that might work better. It's kind of a trial & error thing with depression meds. Some work better for some people than others. Maybe you should just confide in a trusted friend and hope they don't steer you wrong.

2007-06-06 02:07:32 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 2 0

dude...you find a sure fire way to kill yourself without becoming a vegetable or disabled afterwards because you couldn't actually die...take me with you
I've been on so many antidepressants, sleeping pills, calmatives, alternate medicines, therapy - this stuff is a waste of time!
Your right, the freaky counsiler does have their own issues to deal with...(lol)!

2007-06-06 10:34:18 · answer #6 · answered by never.aware 1 · 0 0

this is a really serious question and you obviously are looking for an easy answer, but you wont get one on yahoo answers. the only reason im answering this is because i can related. i have had and still am fighting through a depressed state that i have battled through for almost 10 years.As far as your relationship the with mistrust, as hard as it is you have to know that maybe the break was for the best, you cant fix the relationship when you yourself are not right. And pot can increase depression no matter good it makes you feel at the times or how well it gives you that deep clarity while your high.Yes you can really think and have clear thoughts while high on pot but it tends to be too much, almost to where you gotta be high to deal with all the problems just to cope and being sober becomes the fake high, the time when you feel sobriety is not the norm. i dont know if you get that but pot will only fed your depresion. if you were happy you wouldnt think and react to your situation in such detailed thoght. there is such a thing as overanalizing things and people tend to do that on pot. and if a counselor isnt for you then thats ok. you still need to know you have controll of what you decide to do. i understant this on 2 levels, i too just recently had a relationship problem and my father commited suicide and ive thoght of doing the same, but somewhere you have to find a reason, maybee someone who depends on you who you would never hurt. for me it was my young daughter, i have to be here to see her grow up right, for yo it might be something else but ther has to be something. i hataed my father for doing what he did and unless you so isolated to yourself there has to be someone or something to keep going for, and if not then you need to create something, maybe work or even just a goal to try to achive.you right now have to be selfish and please nobody but yourself,do what makes you happy but at the same time dont toss away your responsibilities and you know what, after the hard struggle things tend to fall into place, or at least get better.even if you chose to stay on pot, hey whatever but work on fixing you, you dont answer to anybody but yourself and stay away from alchohol! you didnt say that was a problem but if it is it its more important to avoid that. there is no answer to your question, its a will power thing and time does heal but never takes the hurt away, but you can cope and you can makes things better. My situation(if you care) still sucks but has gotten better to where those thoghs of suicide are gone and things are getting better, but it has taken years and i did it alone, no freinds no family, i didnt need that, i just needed to find myself and set my the standards for myself and work to get them. I havnt acheived half of it but am breaking it down. Things do get better when you assume the authority over your demons, but its still hard and painfull, dont be lose controll and give up you can turn things around, and i know yove heard it before but there are many worse off than either you or me.

2007-06-06 02:41:10 · answer #7 · answered by madness4life 6 · 0 1

I know this sounds really obvious, but dont do drugs! or drink! Eat a proper diet and excercise!!! for the love of God, just take care of your body and the rest of it will take care of itself. I know breaking up is tough, but becoming a junky is not going to make things any better. you just need to keep yourself as busy as possible to keep your mind off things.

2007-06-06 02:13:32 · answer #8 · answered by wrastla98 3 · 0 0

Yes, counselors are a waste of time (and money for that matter) but clearly you have issues. She sounds paranoid and you have the depression. It's obviously a match made in psycho heaven. I'd say you should get married and move into a loony bin. I hear they have great paper shoes and padded rooms....perfect for a honeymoon.

2007-06-06 02:10:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

See suicidal thoughts and depression at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris on pages 5 and 2. Drugs/alcohol are no answer (bitter experience speaking here!).

2007-06-06 02:13:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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