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The Trinity: According to the Quran (Surah 5:116, 5:73-75) the Christians believe in "three Gods" - Father, Mother, and Son. This shows the influence of heretical 'Christian' sects in central Arabia at the time of Muhammad. In contrast, Christianity has always distinctly stated that the Trinity is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The teaching of the Quran on the Trinity has undoubtedly led to confusion among many Muslims on what the Bible (and thus Christianity) teaches about the Triune God

2007-06-05 18:30:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The Golden Calf: According to the Quran (Surah 20:90-100)a Samaritan helped the Israelites build the golden calf, and it mooed after coming out of the fire. In reality, Samaritans did not exist as a people until at least 1000 years after the time of the Moses and the Israelite exodus from Egypt. Again a problem of historical compression

2007-06-05 18:49:39 · update #1

11 answers

Kind of ties into the theory that Catholics helped design islam.

2007-06-05 18:34:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Muslims do not believe in the Trinity, neither do Christians. The whole confusion here is because the Qur'an makes the muslims THINK that the Christians believe in it. It is a false accusation by the Qur'an which like many other of its claims, has no basis. The bible never says Trinity. The bible says God is ONE. God is God, Jesus is God, The Holy Spirit is God. The three is not 3 gods its ONE GOD.

Secondly, muslims say muhammad is a prophet. But Jesus rejected that prophethood even before muhammad was born! Luke 16:16 - The Law and the Prophets were until John the Baptist.

Thirdly, muslims say they worship the same God but insist that the name is allah when God already said in the Torah that His name is Yahweh. And the bible prophesied long ago that the anti-christs are those who reject Jesus' deity.

Its very easy to write your own book and then call the others as corrupted. Who can prove?

What muslims don't realise is that their prophet was already long rejected even before muhammad's grandfather came onto the scene. This is a very simple logic. The bible is the same as it was thousands of years ago as proven by manuscripts and the dead sea scrolls. At that time, there was NO muhammad, and NO islam. And already it says that those who do the above are false. Muhammad is rejected as prophet, God's name given as Yahweh and those who reject Jesus as Anti-Christs.

It is very unfortunate that muslims cannot even see this simple logic and basic common sense.

2007-06-06 02:17:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

No, that shows God knows about all the different heretics (including the Christians remaing after the Council of Nicea). It is mentioned (the trinity) in more than one place and in more than one way because God knows that Christians don't even know what they are talking about.

And that heretical sect your are talking about, I've never seen it come out of Arabia. It was always in other parts of the Christian world.

I grew up Christian, I know what Christianity teaches about it. I also know most Christians don't even agree on it, I mean they had to have a meeting to decide it is what they believe--come on now!!!

EDIT: The church had already begun using the term THEOTOKOS as in mother of God by this time.

2007-06-06 01:34:29 · answer #3 · answered by Sassafrass 6 · 5 0

The Quran was revealed to the people by Muhammad. Muhammad on the other hand, knows no christian or would not have come into contact with any christians until the later part of his life. The first other type people that he came into contact to were the rabbinical jews where he based his islam upon the teachings from the Talmudic stories that were recited to him by these rabbis. So, his knowledge of the Trinity came from these rabbis and not from the Christians themselves.

2007-06-06 02:30:19 · answer #4 · answered by ali 6 · 0 1

the Quran did not says the trinity is father, mother and son. all what the Quran said is disbeliever are those who said God is three or God is Jesus.

[72] Surely, they have disbelieved who say: "Allâh is the Messiah ('Isâ (Jesus)) son of Maryam (Mary)." But the Messiah ('Isâ (Jesus)) said: "O Children of Israel! Worship Allâh, my Lord and your Lord." Verily, whosoever sets up partners (in worship) with Allâh, then Allâh has forbidden Paradise to him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers) there are no helpers.

[73] Surely, disbelievers are those who said: "Allâh is the third of the three (in a Trinity)." But there is no Iilâh (god) (none who has the right to be worshipped) but One Ilâh (God -Allâh). And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall on the disbelievers among them.
Quran 5:72-73

2007-06-06 01:43:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Actually no, no where in Quran does it even talk about Christian's triune God theory because we don't believe it.... besides at the time of Mohamed (PBUH) Arabia had idols and most people worshiped those stone made doll things people in Arabia were not Christian back then.... Quran would never say Jesus had a father because we believe that Marry (pbuh) was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus (pbuh)..anyway I think either you are mistaken in where you got the verses from or your interpreting them wrong.

2007-06-06 01:39:09 · answer #6 · answered by Love Exists? 6 · 2 1

Very good question you ask, the verses state

[005:116] And (remember) when Allâh will say (on the Day of Resurrection): "O 'Îsâ (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)! Did you say to men: 'Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allâh?' " He will say: "Glorified are You! It was not for me to say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would surely have known it. You know what is in my inner self though I do not know what is in Yours; truly, You, only You, are the All-Knower of all that is hidden (and unseen).

This verse is pertaining to what we can see happens in many churches, especially the modern day Catholic church, and that is the worshipping of Mary, prayer to or thru her, or worshipping a picture/idol of her.

The next verses in question state,

[005:073] Surely, disbelievers are those who said: "Allâh is the third of the three (in a Trinity)." But there is no Ilâh (god) (none who has the right to be worshipped) but One Ilâh (God Allâh). And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall on the disbelievers among them.

[005:074] Will they not turn with repentance to Allâh and ask His forgiveness? For Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

This simply states that people who say God is a third of a three (like modern believers in the trinity) are disbelievers, because God is only one.

We believe, " There is no god but God " That is God is one, the true understanding of the first commandment!

Peace be with you

2007-06-06 01:40:33 · answer #7 · answered by onewhosubmits 6 · 6 0

my friend
thank you very much to this important question
in Koran there is no sign that the trinity is father,mother and son

yes,Allah says ((And when God said: "You Jesus Mary's son, did you say to the people 'Take me and my mother (as) two gods from other than God?'))

but not a god from the trinity
how this is so??
there are many reasons
1- there was a cult in the east believed that Mary (peace be upon her) is god,this cult name "Rakousiah"or "Maryism" (I don't know the word in English).
2- Allah says ((They took their religious scholars and their monks (as) gods from other than God and the Messiah, Mary's Son))
Christians and Jews didn't say that there monks were gods
but Koran means that they made there monks holy as god (they can forgive and many things else)

and like that for Marry (peace be upon her)...
Christians don't say...she is a god...but they make her holy as god.
so Koran in this section doesn't answer only that cult but answer all of Christian that give Marry (peace be upon her) a holy position that Allah didn't give her.

Another point:
Allah opposed all bad thinkings in Christianity in these sections
1- Allah says in Koran ((Those who said: "That God, He is the Messiah Mary's son," had disbelieved))
in this, Allah opposed Orthodox believing

2- Allah says in Koran ((You The Book's people (Christians) ...........and do not say: "Three." Stop (it is) best for you, but God (is) one God, His praise/glory that to be for him a child; for Him what (is) in the skies/space and what (is) in the earth/Planet Earth)) and it's an answer for all Christians because all of them say that there is trinity.

3- Allah says in Koran ((Christ disdaineth nor to serve and worship Allah, nor do the angels, those nearest (to Allah): ))
and it is an answer for Catholic and Protestant because they say that the holy spirit (and he is an angle ) is a god.

I hope that i could help

if there is any thing not clear ...please ask me
I'll be glad to help you

2007-06-06 21:06:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The focus in islam is not who are the members of the trinity father/mother/son or father/son/holyspirit..... the main idea is the concept of trinity itself .... the godhead being divided and associating partners with God .... thats the problem. If the idea is wrong the details are not important.
Christianity has changed tremendously over ages after the raising of Jesus (A.S) from this world..... so how the current concept of trinity developed, what metamorphosis it went through and what state it was in, at the time of Muhammad (saws) ..... these are all subjects of research ..... but again.... its the details.... we muslims are concerned with having a pure concept of The Oneness of God (Allah), and trinity contaminates that concept and makes it confusingly complicated and distances humans from their Creator by confusing their actual relationship with Him. Thats the focus of islam, to purify our belief in Allah and to maintain a pure relationship with Him ... Tawheed !!!
I would like to quote the verses you mentioned in your question

Surely, those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh, in His Messenger Muhammad SAW and all that was revealed to him from Allâh), those who are the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, - whosoever believed in Allâh and the Last Day, and worked righteousness, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. (Al-Ma'idah 5:69)
Verily, We took the covenant of the Children of Israel and sent them Messengers. Whenever there came to them a Messenger with what they themselves desired not - a group of them they called liars, and others among them they killed. (Al-Ma'idah 5:70)
They thought there will be no Fitnah (trial or punishment), so they became blind and deaf; after that Allâh turned to them (with Forgiveness); yet again many of them became blind and deaf. And Allâh is the All­Seer of what they do. (Al-Ma'idah 5:71)
Surely, they have disbelieved who say: "Allâh is the Messiah ['Iesa (Jesus)], son of Maryam (Mary)." But the Messiah ['Iesa (Jesus)] said: "O Children of Israel! Worship Allâh, my Lord and your Lord." Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allâh, then Allâh has forbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong­doers) there are no helpers. (Al-Ma'idah 5:72)
Surely, disbelievers are those who said: "Allâh is the third of the three (in a Trinity)." But there is no ilâh (god) (none who has the right to be worshipped) but One Ilâh (God -Allâh). And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall the disbelievers among them. (Al-Ma'idah 5:73)
Will they not repent to Allâh and ask His Forgiveness? For Allâh is Oft­Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Al-Ma'idah 5:74)
The Messiah ['Iesa (Jesus)], son of Maryam (Mary), was no more than a Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away before him. His mother [Maryam (Mary)] was a Siddiqah [i.e. she believed in the words of Allâh and His Books (see Verse 66:12)]. They both used to eat food (as any other human being, while Allâh does not eat). Look how We make the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to them, yet look how they are deluded away (from the truth). (Al-Ma'idah 5:75)

As for your second question or addition ..... did I tell you, you keep jumping from one topic to another.... well anyways, here it comes ....
Samaritan as apeople developed after the time of Moses .... how did they develop.... Quran has the answer ... read the tafsir .... Samurai (not sure of spellling) was a single man who got the idea of making the golden calf and even it mentions in the Quran (not sure which surah but will let you know if you are ineterested) that he was proud of his smartness and creativity in creating the calf...thus when Moses(A.S) asked him why he did that ... he proudly said " I saw that which no one else saw " or thought of that which no one else thought of. This single person created the golden calf by using all the gold they had, and people who followed him became his followers and thus samaritans

2007-06-06 01:48:00 · answer #9 · answered by Who? 2 · 2 0

your question is a good one my friend.
lets get to the very simple thing.
do u actually kno what islam is. it is a religion but what it actually is the little brother of christianity.
muslims do believe in all prophets. jesus, noah, mosis etc.
the thing u need to see is verse in HOLY QURAN .
this verse was sent to PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) when ppl asked him who is GOD
and GOD sent him that verse right away and it said
"Say: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him".

u can see here GOD clearly said he is all alone no one is like him and he is different from all beings.

remember we muslims and christianis believe in same GOD the only difference is that u believe JESUS to b son

ppl release different versions of christianity bible but they forget one thing the latest version of bible is HOLY QURAN and it cant b changed till judgment day

and i recommend u not to ask ppl such question instead ask these question to GOD (not jesus) urself and ask him what is the answer and what is the right direction but what u need is faith and concentration dont ask such question just bcuz of curiosity but bcuz u need to see the truth ok

hope it helps

2007-06-06 01:51:02 · answer #10 · answered by saad ahmed 2 · 3 0

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