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1. if were evolved from apes....why do we have so many different races
2. did evoulution teach us emotions ...love ....hate...etc
3. is it possible that evolution and creationism go hand in hand?

Im writing a paper on this ....i need insight.....and no one needs to get rude.....im not on either side right now ....i just need answers to these questions...thank you...

2007-06-05 18:19:02 · 18 answers · asked by mercedesofladies36 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

races does not have to do anything with how we evolved.. it has to do with what part of the world you are from and the skin pigments... people from Africa, and Asia are darker because they have more color pigments in there skin so the absorb more light..we are all from the human race only the skin color is different.
in a way I guess you can yes, the human mind evolved and got conscience and thought. A chimpanzee's brain is like a 6 year old child's brain and our brain evolved in to more advance brain.
it is possible... I'll say the bible because I am going to assume you are Christian just because majority of people in USA are Christian. Bible says that God made earth in 7 days. Quran says the same thing by the way. However it also implies that God's seven days could be our millions of years. SO in that case evolution could have been God's plan... However both Bible and Quran tell of Adam and Eve being created in heaven and not earth...it really depends on your personal believes.
read A Brief History of time thats a really good book, oh and evolution for dummies.. (I love that book)

2007-06-05 18:27:26 · answer #1 · answered by Love Exists? 6 · 0 1

1. We didn't evolve FROM apes; rather we share a common ancestor with apes. The two species evolved alongside of one another. The reason for so many 'races' within humanity stems from the needs of individual groups. People who live in warmer, equatorial, or desert regions needed more skin pigments to survive in their environments. Species evolve (and the changes in the species) are an evolutionary response to environmental needs.
2. Emotions are, actually, nothing more than chemical reactions occuring in the brain. The endorphine rush that we experience with what we call love, is similar to the feelings created (chemicals released) when one eats chocolate or does heroin.
3. No. Creationism states that a god made us as we are right now. Evolution states that we, as a species, underwent innumeral changes (on a genetic level) to become as we are. Evolution is a verifible fact. Transitional fossils have been found, illustrating the changes within species, resulting in other species. Creationism holds to a story in the bible, with no means to verify it, other than (some) people's belief that it is true.

2007-06-05 18:33:56 · answer #2 · answered by Bill K Atheist Goodfella 6 · 2 0

1. We didn't evolve from apes. That is a common misunderstanding, and it has never been said by any true authority on evolution. We have a common ancestor with apes. That is all.
2. Sort of. With a larger, more developed brain, more functions come with the package. We have a more complex emotional center of the brain, so we have a greater range of emotions than other animals with less complex brains. However, these emotions are not really taught. They are experienced, and then we react to them. Our reactions are what we call anger, love, etc. The reactions are generally chemical in nature and resonate from the brain to other parts of the body. We know this because there have been numerous cases of people with brain injuries who experience severe changes in their emotional responses.
3. Yes. It is possible to believe that a god of some kind created life and set evolution in motion.

I hope this helps, and good luck with your paper.

2007-06-05 18:30:15 · answer #3 · answered by seattlefan74 5 · 1 1

1. I'm gonna take a guess, but I'd say that people evolved differently given different environments. For example, a certain skin color is good for one environment, but not as good in a different environment, thus the better one survives by natural selection.
2. I'm not sure where emotions fit into evolution.
3. In my opinion, absolutely. The Bible never specifies how God created everything and evolution fails to explain why everything was created (if you believe there is a purpose which I do). Combine the two and you get that God created everything and how He was able to do so. Essentially, religion can explain the why of a situation and science can explain the how. Does that make sense?

2007-06-05 18:27:51 · answer #4 · answered by Calista 2 · 0 1

1. The races evolved starting some tens of thousands of years ago, when people moved from Africa to Europe and to Asia. Separation of populations, caused by distance and natural calamities such as ice ages, permitted the populations to undergo differential evolution. The same effect, on a much larger scale and over a much longer time, explains the peculiar biota of Australia, which has been isolated from the Pangaea landmass for nearly a hundred million years.
2. In part, although a lot of that is learned. Moral standards derive from evolution, which applies to societies as well as to species: a society which lives by a sound moral code will survive preferably to one that does not.
3. No. Creationism posits divine intervention; all science, including evolution, denies such.

If you are interested in a proof of the theory of evolution, send me an e-mail address.

2007-06-05 18:38:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

1) Man and apes came from the same ancestor, but not from each other. But it can also be argued that most mammals, birds, reptiles, and aquatic animals also have the same ancestor.
Insects, bacteria, viruses, one-celled organisms, and plants all seem to have their own individual ancestors, but I might be wrong on this.

2) There is evidence that emotions and evolution grew together. Mostly tied to our complicated brain and how much we use our imagination.

3) Evolution and Creationism are two different thoughts; one is based on evidence, the other based on a religion. They do not necessarily go hand in hand.

Hope this helps!


2007-06-05 18:31:41 · answer #6 · answered by barefoot_rob1 4 · 3 0

1. Some people believe skin colors were another step in evolution. You might notice that a lot of peoplewith African descent can deal with the heat easily. I have heard arguments that they have more melanin (I think I spelled that wrong) in their skin to protect it from the sun. The reverse is true for pale people who live in very cloudy areas.

2. It may have, but animals have those emotions, as well. If you watch animals, you'll see that some get along better than others, some seem like best friends and others seem like enemies. Maybe it's instictive, who knows for sure?

3. This is a very opinionated question and really depends on if you believe in God. However, if you believe in God I don't see why you would believe in evolution.

2007-06-05 18:26:44 · answer #7 · answered by andrea_bocelli_fan1 3 · 1 1

1. We did not evolve from Apes, this is actually a ridiculous creationist claim. ALL living humans are the same species. If there were only one "race", how would this verify a common ancestor with any Apes.
There are also many types of Apes..

2. Of course. Have you never seen happines, sadness, desire, friendship, loneliness, or maternal and paternal behaviours in other animals?
I find this hard to believe, even for a christan who embraces ignorance and denial as a matter of course..

3.No. There is overwhelming evidence for evolution, and it is considered as fact by any who behold the research, evidence and data.
Creationism is a figment of peoples imagination, and there is no evidence for it's claims, only claims from misinterpreted, misrepresented, and falsified or ficticious evidence..

These are the facts. I hope you get an "A" for using them..

2007-06-05 18:36:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1 there are so many races because as we emegrated from Africa, we came into new envronments. These were more suted to one particuler kind of rase so they prospered. This did take thousends of years.

2. Yes - emotions are defence mechanisms and social adaption mechanisms. We had the same basic emotions as chimps but later needed more. This was because of the comming of civilisation. Shakespeare invented / named 4000 new ones.

3. No! They are absolutily oppostie. Creationism starts with the premise that all life on earth is only 6000 years old and was formed more or less as we are now. Evolution proves life took 4.5 billion years and is still evolviing. (you can see it happen for yourself any time you want)

2007-06-05 18:32:48 · answer #9 · answered by Freethinking Liberal 7 · 0 1

1. Are different races of humanity all that different? Really? What do you think is so different?

2. Even animals have emotions. Ours are just more complex and evolved.

3. It might be possible, but I've never seen evidence that evolution and creationism can completely go hand in hand. But if you think it can, give it a shot.

2007-06-05 18:27:05 · answer #10 · answered by AuroraDawn 7 · 1 2

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