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I don't know what else to say or do, when she does drugs it hurts. She understands that and agrees with everything i say and then says she quit and she wont do it again. That is the part that hurts the most, she says she will quit and acts like she understands and then she does them anyway, and she tells me she is sorry and cries and says she wont do it again. She was huffing and not telling me, she had huge headaches and never told me why. Then she randomly tells me a week after she was doing it and asks me to forgive her, it hurt so bad knowing she was doing that to herself. She quit for awhile and the other day i went over to her house the other day to surprise her and she was so messed up she couldnt stand, she was panicking, couldnt breathe, she was throwing up, i could barley breathe watching her, it couldnt stand watching her like that, it hurt so much. all i could do was help her get better and talk to her about it the next day. anyway i dont know what i should do.

2007-06-05 17:58:03 · 16 answers · asked by VKuroV 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

16 answers

dump this girl she is no good and she will drag you down with her!
do not waste your time helping a druggy let them rot!
I did this with a girl I thought cared for me for 2 solid years I took care of her sent her to rehab paid doc bills! I lost her at one time for 1 month just me and her son alone until she called me asking for me to come and get her 860 miles away!
I called her grandmother cuz her mom is the same way I found out! Her grandmother asked me to bring her grandchild over and she will raise him! It hurt but I walked away for good never looking back!This has been 11 years ago and guess what she is still a worthless druggy working at a bar and she still calls me asking me to help her get her son back!

2007-06-05 19:27:37 · answer #1 · answered by Injun 6 · 0 2

You say what hurts the most is that your girlfriend is lying to you

The focus right now should be on seeking help for your girlfriend, not complaining about how her sickness makes you feel bad.

Harsh words but necessary for you to accept because until you understand the nature of the addict you will be completely unable to deal with what it takes to un-addict the addict.

Addicts lie because they need to lie. The addict understands their behavior isn't acceptable. That isn't the problem. The problem is the drug taking. Get that fact straight in your mind.

First of all, stop whining to her about the drugs and other substance abuse and how it hurts you. It may be hurting you but it's killing her.

Tell her you accept her and her problems and make yourself useful by getting her professional medical help.

2007-06-05 18:56:59 · answer #2 · answered by Lorenzo H 3 · 0 0

U can try to help her, but the truth is your not going to be able to. The problem doesn't revolve around your relationship - it is a problem with HER. She depends on you but she doesn't love you...not in a healthy way. and the truth is even if she is rehabilitated she is going come out a completely differnet person, and perhaps that person is not the person you fell in love with anyway. this is HER problem, you can get her help she has to WANT it. you may think she wants help, but she only says that to keep you...because she DEPENDS on you. drug addicts are big on dependence. I actually belive that you leavin her will be the first step in her understanding she needs help. i think you need to be selfish about this one, and do whats best fro you...because her destiny is out of your control. this is not cancer.. you cant be there for her...she has made a concious decision that drugs are better for her than a normal life with you. she doesnt know what she wants right now... your what she' s got, once its over she may not want you and you may not want her. guide her but leave her. be her friend after you get over her, yes tell her parenst so they can be there for her instead.... you not the right man for the job but i commend you for wanting to be...good luck love.

2007-06-05 18:34:44 · answer #3 · answered by Nadz 3 · 0 0

I am sorry to hear your situation. I am in there my self. The sadest thing is I can't even call him my boyfriend or label him anything because of the way he is. Just a guy I am seeing I guess. The only thing I can tell you is she will not stop doing drugs unless she goes to a facility where they will help her. Even if she stops cold turkey, they can't. The drugs are in their system. In the beginning it is for recreational use. After the body litarally asks for the drugs. The only thing you can do is whether to decide what is best for you. It is hard I know. Because I can't stop seeing him. Good luck to you.

2007-06-05 18:12:59 · answer #4 · answered by biochick11220 4 · 0 1

That sounds like a hard situation, I would say leave her, but she needs help, and it seems like no one else is stepping in, if you really care and think you're in it for the long haul, try to do an intervention or flat out ask her to get help and tell her you'll be there for her, and let her know that her "word/promise" isn't enough anymore...
I hope it all works out for you guys :-)

2007-06-05 18:02:34 · answer #5 · answered by TT143 3 · 2 0

Get help. You are not enough for her to straighten her life out. You are enabling her to continue this self destructive lifestyle. You should practice tough love and not enable her to go on and on until she really hurts herself.

Go to a school counselor or al-anon..they help the loved ones of addicted people..

you are not alone

2007-06-05 18:09:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i think ya guy im interior the comparable subject. suited concern to do is to help her by way of it , provide her help , and be their for her. Take her to a rehab center for a pair of week or so. If she wont basically tell her what she's doing to herself and the persons round her> Be VERY severe. The cocain is a bigger habit than weed if i've got been you i wood get her of the cocain first. stable success guy!

2016-11-26 04:04:20 · answer #7 · answered by haugabook 3 · 0 0

When she told you she wouldn't do it again, she probably didn't think she would. But she's addicted and the addiction took control. You should really tell someone about this. I don't want to scare you but if you don't take action she could wind up dead. You could be her only hope, especially if you are the only one she has trusted enough to tell. Get her help, again, you could be the only one who saves her. Good luck!!

2007-06-05 18:04:22 · answer #8 · answered by Rachel 4 · 0 1

theyy cant help it im sorry shes always gonna b a druggie i wuldnt marry her if i were u she will waste all ur money on drugs and willl end up with lotsa illlnesses u will hav 2 care for so dump her b4 u get too far

2007-06-05 18:01:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

She's obviously addicted. You need to take her somewhere to help fight that addiction. You also have to realize that she loves this drug more than she loves you. If you still care for her after knowing that, then take her to rehab, or something. If it is something that you feel is not worth going through, then you know the answer.

2007-06-05 18:00:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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