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Sometimes she's caring and nice but sometimes everyday, she critisizes me of my weight. She's a bit mean to me and calling me names and I usually cry sometimes. There are so many things I like to say about her or tell her, but I can't because I get into more trouble and I can't tell anyone of the same reason. Usually she threatens me that she will send me off someday. I'm so sick of it. Sometimes I think I hate my mom.What does she want? why does she act like this?

2007-06-05 17:51:22 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

21 answers

Well you should be ashamed!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe she wants the best for you and you are taking it all the wrong way. Try not to be so sensitive and resistant to her. Put yourself in her posistion, maybe she thinks it is the only way to get through to you....

2007-06-05 17:53:56 · answer #1 · answered by char__c is a good cooker 7 · 1 1

It sounds like she may mean well, but isn't going about it the right way. She doesn't understand her criticism only makes things worse not better. Name calling will definitely not help. You didn't mention how old you are; but I'm guessing you must be younger. I have to say there was a time when my mom and I didn't get along well at all, and I told her I hated her. I think I was 17 then, and I look back now and feel bad for ever saying that. We started getting along great when
I got a little older. It may seem hard, but just remember parents aren't perfect either, and may not go about things the right way. You may want to try letting her know how much her comments hurt you if haven't told her already.

2007-06-06 00:59:47 · answer #2 · answered by oldladygamer18 3 · 1 0

I'm not sure what your age is, but I went through a very similar situation when I was younger. Only, it wasn't my mother, it was my grandmother. I couldn't help but notice the "azn" part in your screenname, so forgive me if I'm assuming here, but I'm gonna say... society makes it tough on women in general to be a perfect and petite, otherwise you're a disgrace. Well, being that I am Asian-American, I know that we, as Asian women, are stigmatized to be just that --- and if you don't fall into that category, you're ostracized and made fun of. I am so sorry that you are going through this, but is it at all possible for you to sit down and talk to her in a calm manner and let her know how badly this is upsetting your overall sense of self-esteem and confidence? Her hurtful words don't change anything, especially not your weight. If she wants to be a loving and caring mother, she'll understand that the best way to go about this situation is by letting you know that she loves you no matter what. Maybe you can go over different diet options with her too. Whatever you do, don't let her words bring you down. If you ever need anyone to talk to, please feel free to shoot me a message. I'd be more than willing to lend a ear. :)

2007-06-06 01:03:16 · answer #3 · answered by truebeliever 2 · 0 0

I totally feel for you, my mum wasn't supportive of me before too, not weight related but other things. Moms sometimes think they know everything and that they are right all the time. They can't accept any other explanations or nonsense. I'm not saying that she doesn't love you, sounds like she does but she is just doing it wrongly. How old are you? Well, i confided in my friends, and I spend time with my friends, I wasn't very happy in my teenage years but I feel good now ever since I'm financially independent. So maybe you could get a part time job just for some financial security? Maybe you could try to talk to your mum in a very calm and peaceful tone, telling her that you appreciate her concerns but that you are happy with your weight, and taht you hope she will be more supportive of you.

2007-06-06 00:58:46 · answer #4 · answered by JKST 2 · 0 0

I'm very sorry to hear about this. I really am. Is there someone that you trust enough to talk to abou this (probably an adult). I know that this might seem out of the question for you, but have you thought about forgiving her? Maybe you can sit her down and tell her how you feel. It might take courage on your part, but it is worth it. Last, but not least, have you prayed about this? God can hear you whereever you are and Jesus is ready to heal your hurts. Remember even God the Father had to turn away His face when Jesus was crucified. Jesus will love you even if your parents reject you. But for now, try to forgive you mother and love her. These kinds of situations prove real love. I'll pray for you, alright? Cheer up!

Check out Psalms 27:10, "Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me."

2007-06-06 01:01:26 · answer #5 · answered by muthu 2 · 0 0

She is mom..and depending how old you are you should be grateful that the lord implanted you in her and then carried you for nine months. when we are young we only see one thing and that is mom being the enemies ,we don't see the sacrifices that she has made in her life are the things she does to us to comfort us in our time of need. just think of a time when you needed her and she wad there for you. just think when you lay your head down at night who is paying the bills or who gave you life. you see some people mothers get rid of them and conceptions You know of abortions? When I was growing up my mom called me names that were sometimes hurtful and made me cry and you think to your self this is your mother calling you these names, it hurts but and I'm not saying she is right but hey some people even don't have mothers so they don't even know how it feels..Just thank the lord for your mom and be a good child daughter/son remember every one goes through i did I had bad too.but in the end its worth every min of it and if I can go through it again I would, i wouldn't change anything about it. and when they say I 'm going to send you away they just want us to straighten up our act so we can be s successful person because they only want whats best for us. take me for ex if it wasn't for my mom then I wouldn't be a successful business owner a wife and a mother to be... So just think about your future and your kids someday and put yourself in her shoes... and a Lil prayer wouldn't hurt none..... she loves you no matter what ...

2007-06-06 01:06:09 · answer #6 · answered by lovin gurlsport's 2 · 0 0

Your mom is just human. Most mothers have done everything that you have mentioned..it happens..You will see that raising a family is not easy..often moms make errors because they are confused and trying to do the right thing is not always easy. Sometimes you wonder who is the child and who is the parent. Try to understand her problems and that she is using threatening you to get your attention..its not right but she seems to think it will work..so just take this threat with a grain of salt.

2007-06-06 01:00:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don´t think any parents actually hate their kids. I think your mom might be going through some type of stress or she is not happy with herself and takes it out on you.

Try talking to her and telling her she makes you feel bad when she calls you names. That her reactions only depress and discourage you in stead of giving you motivation.

Your mom seems like she needs some affection. Try this route. Be more affectionate with her buy her flowers and tell her you love her and you need her support. It is not easy being a mom. And let me tell you, when she is gone you will really miss her and realize you should have done or said something.

2007-06-06 03:53:51 · answer #8 · answered by Moraima H 2 · 0 0

I am sorry that you having such a hard time. I really don't know what her problem is , but whatever it is it sounds to me like it is HER problem not yours. I am sure that she loves you and something is not quite right and she is screwing up by saying bad things to you. Find someone you can talk to about this- an aunt , uncle, your dad somebody. I really wish I knew sometihing wiser to say but this is all I can offer on this site. Keep your chin up though I have a feeling things will get better for you. Good luck.

2007-06-06 01:00:37 · answer #9 · answered by phylobri 4 · 0 0

hey, at least she is nice sometimes.
i had the same type of mother, but it was bad always. i dont understand it, really because i am a mom now and i would not talk bad about my kids at all.
i think she probably has a problem in her brain...you are perfect, its not you, its all her.
i used to hate my mom when i was young, now i just dont like her at all and wont volunteer to speak to her at all.
who knows what she (or my mother)want, but it sure isnt the happiness or well-being of her kids.
im sorry you have to go through what i did. i know what you are going through. it is the hardest thing to have a mother who isnt as mothers should be(loving, caring, supportive always)
she wont change....i just hope you have a positive influence in your life! some other relative or friend. good luck

2007-06-06 01:05:40 · answer #10 · answered by taryn 3 · 0 0

omgosh no joke i feel the same way.....i just scream it out to the top of my lungs or write about it

i like writiing poetr and thts sometimes where the basis of what i write comes from just tell her evrything you think

give her a wake up call

just scream evrything you want to tell her and then run to your room and lock the door act like your crying or if it goes the way it goes with me you will be crying

im 13 but i know what your going through....

hope i could help

2007-06-06 00:55:52 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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