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he was given plenty of opportunity to know about christianity and Jesus, (educated in England) and yet he kept his Hindu faith (in fact reaquainted himself with his Hinduism after his sojurn in England) He was a good person( helped to free his people through non-violence) so where does he go, if the bible tells the truth? He did not accept Jesus as his lord and savior, he did not even recognize the judeo-christian god as "God" (though he respected and even honored the beliefs of those who did) so i guess this man is condemmned to hell

2007-06-05 17:35:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

mahatma ghandi walked barefoot everywhere, to the point where his soles became thick and very hard. being very spiritual, he ate very little and often fasted. as a result he became very frail and thin. furthermore, due to this extreme diet, he ended up with bad breath.

therefore he became known as a super-calloused, fragile mystic plagued with halitosis.

2007-06-05 17:42:23 · answer #1 · answered by chieko 7 · 4 1

The PC leaders don't decide for God who will be in Heaven or hell.
Atheists and agnostics don't decide how God should be.
Anti-christians aren't a higher authority then God.
Fence-straddling religious people can't say God has to accept anyone into His Home in heaven.
100% tolerant PC liberals (that want to ban christianity) have no deciding vote on what God does or who he accepts or sends to the eternal fire.

Jesus said He was hated for telling the truth and that true christians should realize they will be hated also.(expect persection in the last days).

Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me. John 14:6.

2007-06-05 18:15:38 · answer #2 · answered by robert p 7 · 0 0

The "holiest" among us deserve no better than Hitler or Hussein. By man's standards, we'd put Mahatma Gandhi with Billy Graham, both "good" people. Yet where are they both headed save for God's grace?

Therefore no one gets the "right" to put themselves or anyone else on a pedestal in front of God. And that includes Gandhi.

2007-06-06 02:18:13 · answer #3 · answered by ccrider 7 · 0 0

He was a lot like mother Therese - in that he believed in Jesus and both of their Matteo was if you are a Christian, be a good Christian, if you are a Hindu, be a good Hindu, if you are a Jew be a good Jew if you are a Muslim be a good musl. He was non sectarian. One God many names. Krisha says in the Bhagavad Gita "Whenever their is a decline in religious principles, and the truth appears to be lost, I appear again and again or send my representative to reestablish the truth." Unless one understand karma and reincarnation and no one goes to hell eternally, they can not understand the unlimited mercy and love of God. Jesus never taught that someone can go to hell eternally. King Constantine changed the Bible he took out all to do with karma, reincarnation, and made hell eternal. google gospelofthenazirenes.com Totally enlivening to know the truth. Of course Mahatma is not in hell. Though he had a lot of glitches in his understanding of God he is making progress where ever he is in what ever body he is in today.

2007-06-05 17:47:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

According to Fundamentalist Christianity, he would have gone to hell. However, I believe that he would have gone to Heaven. I think God will let any good people go to heaven. I mean, Jewish and Muslim people surely go to heaven, Jews came before Christians, so they obviously have gone to heaven before Jesus Christ was even born. And if he is in hell, I'd be damned if I was deemed a better person then him.

2007-06-05 17:43:07 · answer #5 · answered by Daisy 3 · 0 1

Not for any Christians (or anyone else) to decide. God is the only judge.

We all must be judged. So the best thing to do is stand on our own two feet and make our own choices based on the knowledge we have gained from our individual pursuit.

2007-06-05 17:51:35 · answer #6 · answered by aizzle 2 · 0 1

We don't condemn. We preach salvation. We don't judge who is in hell, we point the way to heaven. Some are saved from eternal damnation having heard and responded to the alarm. We are called to sound the alarm.

2007-06-05 17:50:58 · answer #7 · answered by hisgloryisgreat 6 · 1 0

Gandhi was a hundred times more evolved spiritually than any Christian on the planet.

2007-06-05 17:40:52 · answer #8 · answered by knowmeansknow 4 · 3 1

According to the BIble, your statement is correct.

2007-06-05 17:40:52 · answer #9 · answered by Bobby Jim 7 · 1 1

He's hell bound according to christian doctrine. Its kinda crazy, huh?

2007-06-05 17:39:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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