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Who are the Mormans? I hear lots of crazy things, and lots of really cool things... are they some crazy satanic cult or a sincerre Christian Sect?

2007-06-05 17:06:43 · 20 answers · asked by blakeallanmasters 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

I would definitely say that you need to talk to someone who is LDS if you don't want to talk to the missionaries. You can always ask people on here who are LDS questions. Post your questions up on this site and I will go through and try to answer them.

I will share some basic truths that we believe in right now so you can get a feel for it:

1) We believe that Christ is at the head of our Church and speaks through his servants. We do not worship anyone besides God.
2) Families can be together forever, on through the eternities and live together with God in heaven.
3) Marriage is "for time and all eternity" not until death do you part.
4) Service is a major aspect
5) Everyone makes you feel at home and a part of a family
6) We have the same church organization as Christ did in Biblical times (Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists, and so forth)
7) We spread the word of the gospel because that is what Christ commanded
8) We are all children of God and He loves us.
9) If you are sincere and repent, God will forgive and basically forget the sin.
10) We believe in practicing what we preach. In order to be saved, we believe that you must have faith in Christ, but also accept the conditions for receiving his grace through works. We are not all perfect and never will be no matter how many works we do. Only if we prove ourselves through our faith and our works, the grace of Christ will be extended to us.

These are just some of the main things. If you have deeper questions I would talk to a member or even the missionaries if you can't find the answers from a regular member. Don't get frustrated if a member can't tell you, it doesn't mean that it's false. It's only because sometimes it's hard to explain something in the right terms so someone can understand what something truly means.

2007-06-06 07:32:50 · answer #1 · answered by kelride 3 · 1 0

I talked to some in the park a month or two ago, and just set some good boundaries. I asked for a book of Mormon, which they are happy to give out for free. Then when they wanted personal info from me, I just said I really don't need to discuss it, I am a reader and capable of evaluating written material independently. They were probably relieved, because FYI the young Mormon missionaries are not all extremely motivated to talk to you; they are required to do a 2-year mission when they reach adulthood. Anyway, here is some basic stuff I have learned about them (Mormons, correct me if I am wrong about any of this):
They generally call themselves LDS, not Mormons, because they are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
The Book of Mormon describes stuff that was going on in the Americas during Biblical times. According to them, a prophet forced to flee Israel made his way to the American Continent, so while all that Bible stuff was going on in the Middle East, other significant things were going on here, and this is what the Book of Mormon is about. Then, the LDS believe that when Jesus was resurrected, one of the places he visited was the Americas...so there are messages from Jesus that are recorded only by the Mormons, and were missed in the New Testament. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints was founded a couple of hundred years ago, when plates containing the Book of Mormon were supposedly dug up and revealed to the world. There is also an LDS book called "Doctrines and Covenants", which outlines more about how a Mormon needs to behave (rules like no alcohol and such).
Whether they are a cult, or a Christian group, or another legit, non-cult religion, is a matter of opinion I guess. But there are a lot of them living in my area and they are not brainwashed wackos; they are family-oriented, conservative , religious folk who have a lot of kids and practice a lot of nepotism. I have attended several Evangelical / non-denominational Christian churches, and most if not all view the Mormons as "unsaved". Mormons also view us as "unsaved", that's why they try to evangelize non-LDS Christians. Neither point of view makes much sense to me, since I thought what saves you is the acceptance of God's Grace through the death of Jesus on the cross, not belief in a certain doctrine, theology, or set of events. If this is true, then both Christians and LDS should be "saved". But I suppose I am not an authority on that issue.

2007-06-05 17:29:25 · answer #2 · answered by z 3 · 4 0

They have a internet site they're referred to as Latter Day Saints. They are a sect of Christianity. Their perception is situated at the teachings of a Joseph Smith and the tale of Smith is... good, its exciting. One factor that relatively defines Mormons is their powerful perception in household. They have a real admirable system to strengthening the household neighborhood-extensive. They are more often than not accused of polygamy which was once a side in their religion till the Church deserted it to attain statehood for Utah. There are a few unusual outsider agencies of Mormons that also train polygamy however such a lot do not anymore. Check out their internet site, despite the fact that, they're lovely excellent to speak to and can take delivery of that you do not desire to transform and do not brain simply speaking to you.

2016-09-05 23:17:22 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

They have a website they are known as Latter Day Saints. They are a sect of Christianity. Their belief is based on the teachings of a Joseph Smith and the story of Smith is... well, its interesting. One thing that really defines Mormons is their strong belief in family. They have a truly admirable approach to strengthening the family community-wide. They are often accused of polygamy which was a part of their faith until the Church abandoned it to gain statehood for Utah. There are some strange outsider groups of Mormons that still practice polygamy but most don't anymore. Check out their website, although, they are pretty nice to talk to and will accept that you don't want to convert and don't mind just talking to you.

2007-06-05 17:13:17 · answer #4 · answered by Momofthreeboys 7 · 4 0

Go to mormon.org or lds.org and find out. Mormons worship Christ but they believe their church is directly restored to the Earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith in the 1800s after it had been taken off the earth after the time of Christ. Therefore, many Christian sects denounce Mormons and call them non-christian. The true name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. The term Mormon comes from the name of the "ancient" prophet who compiled the book of scripture called the "Book of Mormon" that Joseph Smith translated from gold metal plates he was "instructed" to find and do as part of his assignment from "Jesus Christ" who instructed him to do this. "Mormons" is a nickname given church members by enemies of this faith in the 1800s. The name has stuck but should be noted that members prefer the correct title of "Latterday Saints." Saints is a term in the New Testament for those who forsook the world and followed Christ. It is used often throughout the New Testament. Saint means "set apart" or "set aside".

My advice when examining the church is to use both your heart and your mind and your spirit when examining it. Members of this faith are members because they have proved these gospel truths for themselves by prayer, listening to the Holy Spirit, reading and studying the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and other writings of living prophets.

Not all people who examine this gospel of Jesus Christ have had this experience. I have, and I am a member and my heart has exquisite peace and joy because of my conversion to it. I truly feel that Jesus Christ is at the head of this church and guides and directs a living prophet just as he did anciently. It is a fascinating faith--One that deserves examination and deep consideration.

Ask lots of questions--and ask the right people. As you have already found, there are few who sit on the sidelines in this debate.

2007-06-05 17:31:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

i do know that the reason they go from door to door to preach is because that is the way jesus and his disciples taught. also another reason they come to you is because of the fact that so many people dont seek god in churches because of mabe clothing issues, people judging them, or corruption in church. they want people to know that god will come to them and people will be more likely to receive the message god wants them to hear.i dont think they believe in birth control and the man should always be the provider for the family.
i am not mormon and i am not religious but i did work with a morman preacher.

2007-06-05 17:16:07 · answer #6 · answered by bootleg 3 · 4 0

sorry bud, but here the deal, and this is why we also have so many conflicts about people and their beliefs, God created all with a mind and he gave us choices, however many of us are also born into families and are basically brain washed to do as our fathers and 4fathers did, nobody sat down and asked u just did and were told this is right and that is wrong, but who asked, my thoughts are why do we have to believe that whatever the other person believes or worships is wrong he has his choice and you yours so lets just respect each other and what we believe, who are we to judge whats right and whats wrong, perhaps we are all wrong or all right who knows, just live life to its fullest enjoy respect your fellow human no matter colour, belief or any other, so what if he is different from you, why dont you get to know him as an individual and perhaps his thought about life might just surprise you, lets be happy because God created us all we just choose different roads/path to walk down. if everyone just respected everyone else view and thoughts imagine what a wonderful peaceful world we would have, yes i know we het extremist in every religion but unfortunately we have to still live with them, but if we ignored them then perhaps they would some how learn that they are approach needs some work, see i am born a muslim(islam) but i respect all others and i see everyone as my equal and never look down upon anyone no matter how poor or rich he/she may be, if i meet some who is rude/abusive or just plain ugly i smile and walk away because fighting is never a solution and urging with someone who is that bad makes u just as bad, cause u will never come to resolve a matter with someone who has already made up his/her mind about certain issues. i live everyday like its my last day cause God never promised tomorrow to anyone, so enjoy life today cause who knows what would happen tomorrow. peace, love and happiness takes you alot further in life that money, greed and uglyness.
sorry for the long babble but i hope it helps you with your problem about mormans....

2007-06-05 17:26:50 · answer #7 · answered by trial & error 2 · 0 1

We are a sincere Church I would suggest looking at the web site for a little more info. But the best way is still to have missionary's teach you. (LDS.ORG) I think that way you will get some knowledge of the church and can make up you own mind.

2007-06-05 17:24:06 · answer #8 · answered by saintrose 6 · 4 0

I have no idea who the "MormAns" are. However, I do know about MormOns.

Since you're already on Yahoo.com and now know the correct spelling, why not do a search on "Mormons"?

2007-06-05 17:10:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Mormons are people trying to live their faith to the best of their ability, just like the rest of us. God bless.

2007-06-05 17:09:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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