You're right, you always have to present Christ's love to begin with, no one is gonna be won over with fear tactics. And even if they are, they will have a very poor understanding of who Jesus is and what Christianity means. It is not our job to judge or condemn, some people don't understand the difference between sharing what you believe and judging others. I think sin is sin and if you ask for my opinion, you will get it. But I'm careful not to judge the individual and present myself in a civil manner. I don't walk around with a sign that says "I'm a Christian" but I will share my faith at the right time. You have to build a relationship with a person and let them know you're a normal person instead of playing the holier than thou game. In sharing, I don't neglect my own shortcomings and I think if more Christians would present themselves as real humans, people could relate to them better and not be so put off by them.
2007-06-05 16:13:19
answer #1
answered by melissa 5
I was not going to answer this question at first. You do have some pretty good answers. I thought I might add just a little perspective.
First, as people have said, we do believe that ALL who are not Christians and that have heard the word of God are on that very path. So saying you are going to hell is accurate, but not the whole story. It is a journey a journey that does not end till you breathe your last breath.
I believe the point you are making is that there is so much more Christianity has to offer than a good stick and carrot. We should focus on the love of Christ and the other guidelines for life that lets us live to the fullest.
Finally, even Jesus spoke of Hell. I think every Christian and anybody else who has read your post would be wise to read the Gospel accounts and see when he did mention them and how many times. Then ask yourself why did he bring it up? Who was his audience? How intense do you think each account was? What do you believe the result was? Sense Jesus emptied himself of everything but love what does that say to the events?
2007-06-06 00:38:37
answer #2
answered by crimthann69 6
i have been a christian all my life,. all my people are Christians.i have never in my life ever heard any of my people tell someone there going to hell.if they don't become a christian.we express love as Jesus wished for us to. i have wonderful family members. i am a southern Baptist and even though i have heard of preachers saying your going to hell.if your not a Christian. on TV. i have never been in a Church were a preacher said this and i have visited many many Churches. with my mother. i don't think that is very prevalent in today's society. maybe in other parts of the country .and perhaps in the past.
Having Love is the most important lesson Jesus came to teach .if you have that . all the other spiritual realizations will follow..BUT if your not of the spirit then your of the devil.if your not of God and his spirit then where are you going when you die?You make that decision.i wish you the best.
2007-06-05 16:13:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I am speaking as a believer of Jesus who was made Christ (anointed) at the River Jordon when God proclaimed "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased" ' and was made Lord when He died, buried and arose again and seated at the right hand of God.
So yes I believes the Lord Jesus Christ and at the name of Jesus all knees shall bow and confess that HE IS LORD !
The Shocker:
What the traditional churches and christian teaches and rightly so as observed by sincere christians and non alike concerning the "Threat of Hell to bring in converts are NOT FOUND IN THE SCRIPTURE, NO NOT FOUND IN THE BIBLE !"
I CHALLENGE all sincere believers to search the word of God, you can never find any verse that threathen people to believes in God or else you go to hell !
Jesus never taught that ! No, hell no ! (pardon the vernacular !) Jesus preaches, He who believes in Me , have everlasting life, eternal life, abundant life her on earth and shall never die. That's what Jesus taught when He was here on earth and is still teaching the same thing by His Spirit He left behind called The Holy Spirit.
Jesus tells these parable, the farmer went out and sowed good seed( Wheat) while the devil comes in the night and sowed evil seeds (tares).
Jesus told his disciples, "don't pull out the tares lest you also pulled out the wheats in the process, so leave them alone. Let them grows together and when the harvest time is come, The Lord of the Harvest will separate them in the end times " So you see , the devil tricks is to confuse the world but those who belong to God will come to Him irregardless of what they see in the religious churches around them.
The question is , can you see or will you ask God to show you the truth rather than looking at men and all their failings and give yourselves the excuses why you do not beleives because of men and not because of What Jesus says ?
There is no othe ways to God except by Me, Jesus says.
Do you believe it?
If you do , you can be saved and be borned into His Kingdom. It simple as that not going to hell !
2007-06-05 16:33:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, if they told people that they (sinners) could just do whatever, whenever, however, and never be called to account for all the bad things they did, would that be showing "more" love? Or doesn't being honest count for anything anymore? Would that be the preferred way to raise children?
By the way, I never talk to atheists or really anybody about God or heaven or hell or the lake of fire, etc, etc,.
What would be the point? Your question vindicates me.
2007-06-05 16:10:53
answer #5
answered by RIFF 5
I can't agree more and I'm a Christian. I don't know a lot about Hell, I just know seperation from God would be Hell enough for me. But, Christ himself always taught his followers to love, he demonstrated this by living His life with love. Look at the adulterous women who was brought before Him, he scolded the pharisees instead of her and showed her compassion. I apologize for any fellow Christian who you have seen doing this and assure you that some of us know Christ's ministry was centered in love.
2007-06-05 16:08:28
answer #6
answered by Scott B 7
Its been a means to preach the gospel for such a long time and its not really the true way to share of the Lord at all.
Personally I do not take that way at all.. The Lord Jesus when He was on the earth did not come to people with the fire and brimstone and heaven gospel... He simply said..:" I have come.. that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly" He went about sharing the gospel of grace and of the Kingdom. That man's heart as the good earth is the ground for the seed of the Kingdom. That God desires to draw us to Himself through the Son. The words and the deeds of the Son testified of The Father. He went about healing the sick.. ministering His life to them whereever He went. He fed people... did not judge sinners and tax collectors, rather He went out of His way to reach them.. risking ship wrecking to reach a man who was bound by demons.. sat out in the hot sun and detoured to meet the samaratian woman at the well... ate at the house of Zacheus the tax collector...This is the Lord and this is His Gospel.
His main purpose is to share that God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth of the Glorious Gospel.. A gospel which is not about some outward regulation or rituals... but about God entering man's spirit and enlivening it with His very Life.. that This Divine Life works within man.. transforming man in his inward parts.. conforming Him to the Very Image Of Christ Jesus. from Glory to Glory. Making Man the same as He is in Life and Nature to be His Church... His Expression on the Earth.. His authority ...HIs counterpart..
Its a glorious Gospel indeed:)
2007-06-05 16:15:30
answer #7
answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6
It may not be tactful, but it may also be truthful. Does the love of Christ compel us to lie?
Jesus called people "vipers". He told people if they didn't follow him they would die in their sins. He went on a rampage through the temple and overturned tables and called the workers there "thieves".
Sure, he didn't do it this way every time, but he wasn't afraid to be honest when that's what was needed to get the job done.
2007-06-05 16:09:00
answer #8
answered by Craig R 6
Well, if you were about to step off a cliff and die, and I said "turn around, or you're dead," would I be showing you love?
Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying I'm better, smarter, more right....just that your next step is going to be a real lulu.
Because I saw it. Nothing special. I wasn't better smarter faster....but someone else warned me first.
To deny the path of destruction is to condemn someone to remain on it. You may hate me for it, but I am going to at least try to save you.
And that is love.
Jesus knew the world would hate Him, that was no surprise to Him. But He came anyway.
And that is love.
2007-06-05 16:11:44
answer #9
answered by Just David 5
Why would someone stop someone from driving their car because they are about to drive off a cliff? Hell is real no matter if you believe in it or not. Any loving person that knew this reality would tell others about it. Of course it needs to be done with respect but done none the less.
2007-06-05 16:08:59
answer #10
answered by Matt 3