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For example, this country originally had the foundation on God. Now, people try to take out "God" wherever they see it, whether it's on a coin or it's in a court.

2007-06-05 05:49:50 · 15 answers · asked by Yahee 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

You should re-take your history class. Christianity is attacked because people are sick and tired of Christians attacking anything that doesn't conform to what they believe. You are not the only people on this world. Deal with it.

2007-06-05 05:56:28 · answer #1 · answered by punch 7 · 2 0

True form? and what would that be? There are over 30,000 different denominations (including those claiming to be non-denom) in America alone... none of which agree with each other even on basic points. So just what is this true form so many keep talking about? Just claiming it doesn't provide much evidence for it.

As for FOUNDED on God... it wasn't FOUNDED on God. It was founded as a Republic (Rome should be coming to mind right now... right down to the Senators). The way this gov't is set up, laws, etc.... it is following in the footsteps of ancient Rome.... not Judaism, the Bible, nor Christianity.

2007-06-05 06:17:02 · answer #2 · answered by River 5 · 2 0

This question just instantaneously pissed me off. " this country originally had the foundation on god".... NO IT DIDNT People that believed in GOD took the country from pagans, and raised the god flag by killing non believers, persecuting women, and putting other pagans into slavery. -If there not christian, they're not human-. That doesn't sound like a good foundation to me...... SECOND a later foundation to the country is FREEDOM OF RELIGION which means all religions, not just Christianity. Would it be better if we replaced " in god we trust" with -The values of Buddha we trust- or -follow the Tao-

2007-06-05 06:03:10 · answer #3 · answered by JUDAS RAGE 4 · 3 0

Why is good grammar under attack?

Here are some sites with quotes from the Founding Fathers. If you research it, you'll find that the word "God" was added more often than it was removed (at least until very recently). For instance, the original Pledge of Allegiance, composed by a Baptist minister, did not contain the words "under God" - presumably because back then my fellow Baptists appreciated religious freedom. Separation of church and state is a historically Baptist idea - look it up!





2007-06-05 06:02:41 · answer #4 · answered by jamesfrankmcgrath 4 · 0 0

Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God the Father and Jesus His Son. We can have divine fellowship just as Adam and Eve did in the Garden with God because of what Christ did on Calvery. The curse and power of sin, sickness, poverty, and eternal death has been broken and people now can be redeemed, transformed and anointed by the power and spirit of the living God as they so choose are they can remain in sin, sickness, poverty and spiritual eternal death. God honors their decision and will hold them to it..

2007-06-05 05:58:54 · answer #5 · answered by *DestinyPrince* 6 · 1 1

people just want equality for all religions/beliefs in God or no God in the United States. Even though American is mostly Christian, there are still other faiths that want to be represented also, including atheists. .

2007-06-05 05:53:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

lol Christianity keeps getting attacked by other religions mind providing a least a link or two to this.

2007-06-05 05:58:35 · answer #7 · answered by felpa_de_osa 3 · 0 0

no this country is founded on religious freedom
separation of church and state
and tolerance
the problem with most "true" christians
is that they think they are "right" and everyone else is "wrong"
and your whining about being attacked for thinking
your going to heaven and we are going to hell
why dont you read your stinking holy book again
it says you should be happy when you
are condemned for being a christian!

2007-06-05 05:56:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Any group that collectively believes that exclusionary practices are sacred needs to be aggressively confronted.

2007-06-05 06:39:22 · answer #9 · answered by nouryture 4 · 1 0

And what is the true form of Christianity and what are your sources?

2007-06-05 05:53:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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