If you were presented with enough evidence to show that what you considered to be your sacred faith is not to be believed, is not the truth, that something else that you might not have really liked, is much closer to the truth, how far would you go to hang on to what you believe? Even if it's not true, even if you can't back it up with any sort of reputable and creditable evidence?
13 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
The reason I ask is because of a TV show where the people of a certain planet were prepared to kill to preserve their religion, when faced with the facts that their beliefs of how their planet was started was totally false. That the religious beliefs of what happened were negated by the realization that it was started by people of a different planet, etc.
04:59:51 ·
update #1
I can only give opinion here. Historical fact is NOT the point of any religious text. People argue all day about things like "literal vs. metaphor." What about the SPIRIT of the story? What is the story telling you.
Whether the fruit Adam and Eve ate, or even if it literally was fruit, has nothing to do with anything. The story is about responsability for our actions. I could give other examples (all day).
2007-06-05 04:45:14
answer #1
answered by Dorris S 1
Well, since my beliefs aren't dogmatic or tied to an organization, I would adjust my beliefs accordingly.
For instance, if I found out that a certain prophet I believed in was adulterous, yet at the same time preached against adultery, I would look at Christ's words on hypocrites and adjust my beliefs about that prophet accordingly.
Faith is about being a better person, not about distinguishing people from others. The second you believe you have an obligation to honor your "precious faith" and set yourself "above the heathen world", then pride has taken hold and you are no holier than the Pharisees. This goes for all religions.
2007-06-05 13:30:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
As a Mormon, you are one of the most easily manipulated into believing nonsence.
I dare you to read a book called "Under the Banner of Heaven".
Religion is not based in truth it is based in faith, faith is a feeling in your gut, the burning of the bosom. Truth, especially in the Mormon religion, is hard to find.
Common sence and a desire to have a good life tell you to be a good person, live the golden rule, etc.
Arrogance says I am the one true religion and all others are not.
Mormons are arrogant....but so nice about it.
2007-06-06 13:43:21
answer #3
answered by universatile love 3
that planet must have been earth and the people must have been the catholic church. No other organization has destroyed as much data and knowledge or has hindered human progression and free will and thought in order to preserve it's truths and long held beliefs that had been proven false. Alas, they couldn't hold the truths from coming out as, thank god, humans really are curious beings who go beyond listening to the priest and replying "amen "
2007-06-05 12:06:51
answer #4
answered by uz 5
Here's the evidence to prove religion is NOT part of Spirituality:
Create a Private, Personal, Direct, Divine Relationship with Our Creator and save Your Soul from religion's and atheist's beliefs and start Your journey back home, to Heaven.
<<<<<<< Love is the answer >>>>>>>
Love and Believe in Our Creator;
Love and Believe in Yourself.
Only with Our Creator's Love and Peace will we be Truly Free!
Without God, there is No Love; Without religion, there are No Wars!
"religion is Spiritual fraud";
"religion is the Worse invention of humanity";
"Universal Truth has eliminated religion from Spirituality",
quotes of Jesus Christ, Buddha and any one else with Spiritual intelligence.
"When a person is freed of religion, they have a better chance to live a normal and wholesome life." S. Freud
Freedom of religion is Freedom from religion.
atheists = all the people in religion = all the ignorant fundamentalists = all the cults/superstitions = paganism = wicca = xians.
Once You Created Your Relationship, You'll know what is the Truth and what is religious false promises, lies and deceptions and will know how to eliminate religion from YourLife...
Create Your Relationship - NOW
2007-06-05 11:47:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
People get set in their ways and dont like change. In India , people will soak up cow urine with a sponge and wipe it on their foreheads because someone said cows were holy.
In the Philippines people nail themselves to crosses because they want to re-enact the crucifixion on Easter.
In the Ozark Mountains (I think) people let rattlesnakes bite them to show that the holy spirit protects them.
In Utah , people revere a dead man named Joseph Smith who was able to convince people he was a "Prophet , Seer and Revelator".
In the Middle East , people blow themselves up because they think they will get 70 virgins from Allah.
The world of Religion is full of "Colossal Frauds" which are easily disproven . Yet the faithful obviously feel a good feeling when they practice their faith or they would not be practicing it. It seems no amount of discussion would convince them that blowing themselves up in a crowded marketplace is not a godly thing to do. No amount of evidence that cow urine is unhealthy would change their minds.
That is why you should not trust feelings. People make stupid decisions based on feelings all the time when common sense tells them otherwise. If a detective were to investigate a crime and make decisions about charging a suspect based on feelings rather than facts , he would be out of a job. Its the same way with your soul. There are all kinds of spirits both good and evil trying to capture your soul. St. John warned that we should not believe every spirit , but test them (investigate). All religions have people who want to be leaders and teachers (Prophets) , and many religions have people who claim to speak to or for God. Evil spirits can masquarade as Angels of Light and lead people to believe that they are having a genuine Spiritual experience with God. They may even be able to perform some seemingly miraculous sign or wonder. The Bible clearly warns that in the last days such things would be commonplace.
I dont claim to converse with God. If anyone can show me through facts that they have the Truth, I will gladly investigate .
2007-06-05 19:03:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You can choose to back your faith with your faith's principles and beliefs. Each individual person is allowed to have their own faith. You may be "proven wrong" but faith is not just a science. It is in you too. Your belief system may shift slightly but that doesn't mean you need to change religions because one part was proven false or inaccurate.
Believe what is true in your heart/soul. You will know what is right because of it.
2007-06-05 11:49:30
answer #7
answered by FuriousRain007 4
It depends on how emotionally attached they are to that belief.
they can logically deny it, but still deep down kind of believe in it, and hold hope for it.
To a lot of non convert Mormons it is ingrained in them from day 1 that they are the one true religion. I am not so sure that one can completely reject what has been ingrained in them since childhood because they are emotionally attached to it.
2007-06-06 15:05:55
answer #8
answered by . 3
well, if someone can prove WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that what I believe is false, than why would I believe it...
but, its impossible to prove that God does not exsit
2007-06-05 14:03:31
answer #9
answered by Lizzie_bee 3
i would go to hte endsof the earth. and even if my heart stopped beleiveing My mind would and even if my mind stopped my spirit would and even if my spirit stopped my body would and even if my body stopped my nouth would and even if my mouth stopped then God would empower me to bring me back to realization. there is a God and I can prove it. If you want me to
2007-06-05 11:41:16
answer #10
answered by bboyballer112 2