Confirming its pagan background, The Catholic Encyclopedia, edition of 1909, states in Volume 5, on page 227: “A great many pagan customs, celebrating the return of spring, gravitated to Easter. The egg is the emblem of the germinating life of early spring. . . . The rabbit is a pagan symbol and has always been an emblem of fertility.” In harmony with this The Encyclopedia Americana, edition of 1956, states in Volume 9, on page 506: “According to the Venerable Bede, English historian of the early 8th century, the word [Easter] is derived from the Norse Ostara or Eostre, meaning the festival of spring at the vernal equinox, March 21, when nature is in resurrection after winter. Hence, the rabbits, notable for their fecundity, and the eggs, colored like rays of the returning sun and the northern lights or aurora borealis.”
If Easter were truly a Christian celebration, why the eggs and rabbits? What connection could they have with the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Obviously none whatsoever! They are traditional in Easter because the ancient pagans used them when celebrating their spring festival. Both were important symbols in pagan sex worship.
TRUE Christians do NOT believe that Jehovah, Jesus, and the holy spirit are one personage. Instead, they believe that Jehovah is the Most High. (Ps. 83:18) At John 17:3, he is called the only true God. Jesus is God's Son, and the holy spirit is God's power or active force. (John 10:36; Gen. 1:2)
At 1 Pet. 3:18, it says that Christ was "put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit." He never took back the fleshly body that he had been put to death in. To explain the rest to you would require more time.
2007-05-29 10:45:06
answer #1
answered by LineDancer 7
Jesus was God incarnate, that is, God made man. Whereas resurrection may not have been a spectacular feat for the omnipotent God, it's definitely a miracle to mankind, and that's why Jesus showed His resurrected body to the disciples. It wasn't for His benefit; it was for theirs. If He returns to a spirit form again, how or why does that necessarily cheapen the resurrection? He is the second person of the Godhead, and can do whatever He likes. Easter is about the triumphant, risen Christ, the sacrifice of the Crucifixion, and Christ's conquering of death.
2007-05-29 10:48:38
answer #2
answered by solarius 7
Trinity is hard to explain. Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God what is guiding us here. We should not try to put God into any kind of category we are familiar with because He does not have the same limits we have.
Jesus died, and He rose again. He was a human here like the prophecy told ahead of time. Jesus, the human died, God never died. Jesus could put His God character aside. It is hard for us to understand because we cannot do anything like that and we think that no one can. We are limited.
Jesus fulfilled the Bible prophecy. He conquered the death. We celebrate that.
2007-05-29 10:52:51
answer #3
answered by Ulrika 5
To answer your first question why do "christians" celebrate Easter?
Easy, pick up an encylcopedia or go to and see how easter came about...I'll tell you this much, it wasn't brought into being during the first century christian congregation.
Now as for your comment about "Trinity"...
Obviously your coming to an interesting point which to any Trinity believer will simply put he was God man or that Jesus lowered himself from being God and to being human and leaving his powers in heaven...etc.etc.etc.
We know that God is a God who does not lie, according to the Bible, right? So why would he for so many centuries claim to have no equal, to be the only God, and even telling people like Moses that no man may see my face and yet live. But Jesus was here on the earth and every person who came in contact with him saw his face but they did not die, why?
It's funny, but I had this guy one time tell me that Jesus is God that he died and was raised and so he is God....
Really, I wonder if people record themselves and listen to what they say
First off in the Book of Habakkuk 1:12 (Jerusalem Bible) says: "Surely, you, Yahweh, are from ancient times, my holy God, who never dies!....
But Jesus died.....
Or according to the Trinity doctrine just his body died!
But in any rate, if Jesus is God and all three parts of the Godhead are ALL EQUAL, are ALL ETERNAL, are ALL KNOWING, and are ALL POWERFUL...
Then why did Jesus God.....lie?
He said he is lower than God, but Trinity says he's not..He said that no one knows the end not even the Son, but Trinity says they all know everything.....
Is it really that hard to see the obvious?
I have had so many discussions with black and white understanding of the scriptures even to the point of the scriptures explaining themselves...but the Trinity believers still hold on to that doctrine..
So my understanding of it is if you truly want to seek truth you will find...
But for you keep asking and you will receive, and trust me keep doing research not with the intentions of proving that Trinity is wrong or that it is right just seek the Truth and trust me by doing that .....
Common sense will kick in and open your mind's eye in seeing the truth about the Trinity whether it is true or false...
I am more than happy to show you the way, but you are the one that has to walk in it.....
2007-05-29 11:15:23
answer #4
answered by Whistle 2
First of all GOD always was,always is and always will be. He is the First and the Last, the Alpha and Omega the Beginning and The End. It says in Genesis (the first book in the Bible) that GOD created man in his image,then He breathed Life into him,(Adam was the first man God created and GOD created the first man out of the dust of the ground. Satan was also in the beginning an Angel (Lucifer being his name in Heaven- it means Angel of light) satan thought he was better than GOD and tried to take over. That is when GOD cast him out of Heaven. That was the beginning of man on earth sinning. GOD repented that HE made man and was sorry HE did. So we find in the New Testament God had to find a way for man not to perish from sin. So God sent the Holy Spirit to Mary. After Jesus was born, He always knew what He was sent to earth to do and that was to give man a way to repent of their sins by asking for His forgiveness. So that is where Easter really comes from. Jesus died on the Cross for our sins and a way for us to be able to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Easter is about the Resurrection, Jesus arose from the Tomb on the third day after the crucifixtion. God allowed Jesus' deciples to see Him after His Resurrection to allow us and the deciples to believe and for comfirmation that it indeed really did happen. After Jesus died His Spirit ascended into Heaven and that is where the HOLY Spirit came from. It is the Spirit of God and Jesus they are three separate beings but they work and unite as one like the saying "one nation under GOD" we are all separate people but we unite as one nation,and hopefully work as one and in one accord. I know this was lengthy, but it was the only way I could explain it enough without making it too long or leaving something out.
2007-05-29 11:11:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
This is a bit clever attempt on your part. You state just the opposite of Christian belief. The Holy Trinity, a term used since 200 A.D., denotes a central doctrine. While God who is of one substance or nature (not personage or person), is indeed three distinct person (Father, Son, Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost). Jesus did take on a human nature, while still maintaining his Divine nature. So your whole arguement is pointless, not being based on any fact.
2007-05-29 10:56:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
too broad a generalization...who says God is spirt and doesnt have a body? We are made in God's and the Angels' images...Elohim/Let Us make man in OUR Image...God has a body like we do only supernatural....
A better question is why do "christians" celebrate ISHTAR/Easter when it is a PAGAN celebration of incestuous, beastiality and spring time rituals? Ishtar is a pagan goddess which has NOTHING to do with Jesus Christ or his shed blood on the cross. Ishtar was Mistranslated in ONE Verse when the Greek word is clearly PASCHA or Passover...not isthar the pagan slut....once again..proof that mistranslations can cause entire religions to practice abomination.
2007-05-29 10:53:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Your question requests an explanation of the Trinity...
Man is made in God's image (from Genesis)
Mind, body, and soul.
It's an easy parallel to make :
Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
The Father is the mind of God.
The Son has the ability to manifest Himself physically.
The Holy Spirit empowers them in heaven and on Earth.
2007-05-29 10:52:50
answer #8
answered by Bob L 7
I believe Jesus was crucified for my sins - died - was buried and rose on the 3rd day. We celebrate this on Easter. That is all I need to know. You are well read in the scriptures to have come up with this question. Good for you.
2007-05-29 10:52:08
answer #9
answered by Kaliko 6
Orthodox Christians rejoice Easter an entire week after the Catholic one. We rejoice it diverse circumstances with the aid of fact we persist with the old Julian calender while Catholics and so on persist with the Gregorian Calender.
2016-10-30 03:26:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous