It is awesome
No greater love is there than this. That a man lay his life down for a friend.
Jesus took it a step further and did this for all (friends and enemies)
This is why communion is such a wonderful time of remembrance.
2007-05-29 05:47:52
answer #1
answered by Greg L 5
The plan of salvation is truly the greatest of all gifts to mankind.
However Adam was not evil, he was very rightoues, but in his innocence he broke the law, he only transgressed. There was no way God could allow him to stay in Eden since Christ had not offered intercession yet. Adam and Eve had to leave.
God could have love for them, but compassion and justice cannot occupy the smae space, therefore God must either cease to be God by not requiring Justice for the Law, and having compassion, or he must cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden.
This is where his request to Christ comes into play. Christ suffered for our sins that Justice may be served, and once we accept this offering, Christ can have compassion on us, taking our sins on so that we may faultless again, and as a result reenter the pressence of God.
What a gift to be able to ask forgiveness and then to ask Christ to take the pain and suffering for us so we could all be reunited in the end.
2007-05-29 05:57:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It is Gods will than none will perish & all will receive eternal life.
Jesus paid the price for our sin, the many who chose the path to destruction. For wide is the ways & gates that lead to destruction (death physically & soul death). But God made a way. A straight & narrow way. Whosoever believeth in Him (Son of the Living God) will not perish, but will receive eternal life. Jesus said that we need to be born again (born of His Spirit) to enter Gods Kingdom. Whole; body, soul & spirit. We become Gods children not by our will, or mans will, but by Gods will. It is a gift to receive & not by our own works or doings. Jesus did it all for us, on the cross & because He alone is sinless, death couldn't keep Jesus in the grave & He raised from the dead for us. So, we will raise up & be like Him at resurrection day complete.
But, it is true, that Jesus did do this & also we are His purchased possession. We are His children and not our own. He disciplines us. So, also we need to be Holy for God is Holy. Renewing our minds in His Word and being renewed in His Spirit & gathering together with the Saints especially when we see the age of Christ nearing.
2007-05-29 05:57:14
answer #3
answered by LottaLou 7
He was born sinless. The emotional pain of taking up the burden of all our sins, past, present, future, was more excruciating than the physical pain he endured at crucifixtion.
What a great example for us to follow. God will only give us what we can handle. If you give up when faced with adversity, He will only encourage you to take the higher road and continue. Any trial you endure to victory is how He views our perseverance. That's how highly He thinks of you and me. Imagine what He thought of His only begotten Son!
Praise Jesus!
2007-05-29 05:52:31
answer #4
answered by Dr. G™ 5
I belive what you are saying is true. Adam felt shame just as we. But he was so scared to ask for forgiveness. I told my husband last night to listen to God to listen to what he tells you and don't doubt what he says, because that's the devil. God will never hand you something to question and question about (as in doubting whether it's right) He got up and praised and worshiped and God told him not to go to work and never return there. He quit his job. We have little money, rent a tiny trailor, have one vehicle. But i felt no shame that he quit. That's what God told him to do, and that's what i have to follow. A man is head of the household. What he says goes into certain perspectives (Some men make their wives slaves because they think that's what head of the household means) Not true.
2007-05-29 05:54:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Well Cindy, in regards to love and the price God pays, you have to consider the fact that he created Lucifer, that he is all knowing, and knows the past present and future.
That being said, God doesn't pay a price. He created Lucifer knowing the outcome of that creation. He created Adam and Eve, knowing the outcome, he even placed lucifer in the garden with them, knowing they would sin.
God clearly did want millions of humans to suffer, because he wouldn't have created Lucifer otherwise. Hell is only needed because God created the being that created sin. He knew ahead of time that Hell was going to be created, and knew he would be populating it with humans.
Its a bit rough, I know, but there are no other conclusions unless you are willing to accept that maybe there isn't a God.
2007-05-29 05:52:06
answer #6
answered by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7
It's hard to think about it. Imagine all the trials and tribulations you might be going through and then trying to imagine someone so perfect....that this person had to bear the weight of the sins of the world while being whipped and beaten to death.
2007-05-29 05:50:06
answer #7
answered by chrstnwrtr 7
I don't think that being crucified is the most painful way to die...
I can name a lot of other ways to die that are MUCH more painful.
Besides, if Jesus paid for everyone's sins on the cross, than how come people still do bad things and still go to hell?
2007-05-29 05:50:15
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If god is omnipotent and doesn't want me to suffer, god can just put an end to suffering.
Sacrificial begotten sons, blood, suffering and the arbitrary way the bible declares what sin is, not necessary. A bit sadistic if you ask me.
2007-05-29 05:50:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
When it is quite rightly said that for the sake of man's sins all this happened, it means that the coming of Jesus became necessary only because mankind could no longer find their way atone out of their self-created darkness, nor release themselves from its clutches.
Christ had to show mankind the way. Had they not entangled themselves so deeply in sin, that is, had they not taken the wrong road, then the coming of Jesus would not have been necessary. He would have been spared His life of struggle and pain.
Therefore it is quite right to say that He was obliged to corne for the sake of men's sins, if the latter in their pursuit of the wrong road moere not to sink into the abyss, into darkness.
This does not mean, however, that the personal guilt of every individuel is therewith remitted at a moments notice, as soon as he really believes in and lives according to the words of Jesus. But if he does live according to the words of Jesus his sins will be forgiven him. Of course only gradually, as soon as redemption sets in through the reciprocal action ensuing from the counter-activity of his good volition. Not otherwise! It is different with those who do not live according to the words of Jesus; for them forgiveness is absolutely impossible.
This does not imply, however, that only members of the Christian religion can attain to the forgiveness of sins.
Jesus proclaimed the Truth! His words must therefore also embrace all the truths in other religions. He did not orant to found a church, but to show mankind the right path, which can equally well lead through the truths of other religions. For this reason His words often accorded with the religions already existing.
Jesus did not take these truths out of them but, as He brought the Truth, It must necessarily contain all that was true in the other religions.
He who does not know the words of Jesus personally, but who seriously strives for the Truth and for ennoblement, often lives completely in harmony with the sense of these words, and will surely attain to pure faith and the forgiveness of his sins. Beware, therefore, of a one-sided outlook! It would be debasing the work of the Redeemer.
He who strives earnestly after truth and purity will also not be lacking in love. Though sometimes beset with serious doubts and struggles, he will be led upwards spiritually step by step and, regardless of what religion he ma y belong to, he will either here or later in the Ethereal World meet the Christ Spirit, which in the final end will lead him on towards recognition of God the Father. Thus the Word will be fulfilled: "No man cometh unto the Father but by me!"
"The final end", however, does not begin with your last hours on earth, but at a certain stage in the development of spiritual man, for whom the passing from the Gross Material World to the Ethereal World is but a transition.
And now to turn to the great work of Redemption itself. Mankind was erring in spiritual darkness. They had created this themselves by subjecting themselves more and more to the intellect, which they had so assiduously cultivated. In so doing they limited their perceptive ability more and more until, like their brain, they became unconditionally bound to space and time, and could no longer grasp the way to what is infinite and eternal.
Thus they became completely earthbound, limited to space and time. All connection with the Light, with Purity, with the spiritual, was cut off thereby. The volition of man was only capable of directing itself to earthly things, with the exception of a few who, as prophets, did not have the power to penetrate and make a free path to the Light.
This situation opened all the gates to evil. Darkness welled up and flooded the earth, bringing disaster. This could only have one end - spiritual death! The most terrible fate to befall mankind!
The guilt for all this misery lay upon mankind. They brought it upon themselves by voluntarily choosing this course. They had wanted it to be so and cultivated it. In their utter blindness they moere even proud of their achievement without recognising the terrible consequences arising from their limited understanding, which they so painstakingly forced upon themselves. To open a path to the Light from a humanity in such a state was impossible. The self-imposed limitation was already too great.
If there was still to be any possibility of salvation help must corne from the Light. Otherwise the downfall of man into darkness was inevitable
2007-05-29 08:24:15
answer #10
answered by wellcome 3