Those who actually think always ask that question. I ask the same of god. Where was he/her when I was molested by my uncle? And other people's excuse is that we should blame the assholes that took our innocence. I thought everything happened because god wanted it so and that he knows what happens before it does. Where the hell was he then? Why didn't he stop it. If that is the god you christians worship, then he is a sick, cruel, merciless god.
2007-05-18 20:49:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'd leave God out of it. If he ever existed, and of whatever nationality, colour or creed I reckon we'll find out in good time. Meanwhile we have to deal with life as it is and it isn't always pleasant - mostly due to human beings. I can't speak from experience about rape, and therefor probably shouldn't try. I reckon it must be awful; but it would be worse to have your legs blown off by a land-mine or sundry other insanities men inflict on others (and it is usually men, isn't it). The only response I've found effective for trauma is to digest it, don't brood on it, don't try to suppress it, but go on with life. My Grandfather taught me that fretting at a wound or loss is like holding your nose to the rough bark of a tree. It hurts more and more, and fills your whole world. But if you step back you'll find that though that tree remains there are many others in the forest and as you explore, that tree seems less significant, and the world is full of beautiful things between the rarer falls and bruises. I guess it's a question of letting go; and that's something we have to learn how to do, better and better as we grow older. In the end, after all, there is only an end, so it pays to enjoy what you can while you can. Good luck.
2007-05-19 03:56:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There are bad humans in the world. Hopefully you will find people who can help you heal - there are lots of good people in the world, and who would want to help.
I'm not a god believer, and I also have an adopted daughter who was raped several times when she was 5 and 8, by people who were there to care for her. I try to keep the bibles away from her that are sent by her birth family - it's another amazing example of people not taking responsibility for themselves and their fellow humans. We will raise her with the idea that we will do our best to protect her, not an imaginary, omniscient, omnipotent being.
2007-05-19 03:56:15
answer #3
answered by joliesf 2
Trust me, you are not the only person to ever feel this way. It's very unfortunate that you had to experience something like this in your lifetime. However, what you need to understand is that God is not directly responsible for evil. The world we live in is not a very good one to say the least. What I can tell you is that something good can come out of any bad situation. Trials can make you bitter, or they can make you better. The choice is up to you. I think about how many great leaders and people we have in the world today helping out countless other victims, because of things they too experienced in their lifetime. I pray that you would try to understand that despite what happens to you, God does love you, and wants to help you through your pain.
2007-05-19 04:23:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Sorry girl, the concept of deities that can selectively hone in on one persons request with the virtualy infinite realms of the universe should be a clue as to it's absurdity.
Be strong, you will find peace eventually, but not if you swallow religious crap..!!
The perpetraitor wasn't religious was he? This is historically and currently what so many christian leaders have done to so many little children, and the flock turn a blind eye, because that's all they have, blind eyes..!!
Such people need to be castrated, skinned alive, and covered in salt...!!
A pleasant thought anyway.
2007-05-19 03:51:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm sorry to hear that this awful thing happened to you. I can tell you this, that everything you experienced He experienced, too....all your pain and shame, He feels it all. I know that He did not want you to have to go through this. I'm not going to pretend to have all the answers to the "why" questions. I've asked that same question many times only to hear silence or that His grace is sufficient for me. Who knows, maybe the real answer just wouldn't satisfy me.
I was angry at God for years because I thought He didn't love me or care about me enough to do anything about the injustices I suffered at the hands of those who were supposed to protect and love me. But I eventually realized that all of us have free will and God won't violate that, not even those who wish harm on us. I do believe in His protection. I look back and see how many times He spared me. I do know this, though, that if I had never gone through the things I did, I don't believe I'd be nearly as close to God as I am and I probably wouldn't be seeking after Him. I also would not have the testimony He's given me on His grace, mercy, and love and the transforming power of His Holy Spirit in my life. I wouldn't be able to share with people like you about the message of hope and restoration. Does it hurt? You bet. But when you allow Him to heal your heart and emotions, He can turn it around for His good and you can help someone that's gone through the same thing you have. You'll be able to point the way out for someone and give them hope as well. God never intended for us to be victims but rather victorious no matter what the devil and life brings our way. Jesus does love you..very much. He's the only One that can truly heal your heart.
2007-05-19 04:11:46
answer #6
answered by graphitegirl 3
There is no God. bad things happen to good people; good things happen to bad people. sh-t happens! life is the mere interaction of people and their decisions. there is no poetic reason for things (such as reward of punishment by an almighty being); your mishap was simply the consequence of a deranged individual. though your incident was out of your hands, you still have a choice in the matter: whether to let it ruin you or move on. move on and be your own god.
2007-05-19 07:43:02
answer #7
answered by daniel k 2
I'm sorry to hear about what happened. but do know that its not your fault and its not gods fault you where raped.
people believe in god for many different reasons and if god did/does exist the his reasons for letting things happen which seem unlawful or chaotic happen for a reason. as all things do.
people who don't believe in god still believe that all things happen for a reason. people attack "god" everyday for atrocity's that are committed all over the world.. but its not gods fault.. and its not the victims fault.
only other people or the people who commit these atrocities are to blame for their actions.. whether their motivation is personal or religious its still their actions which cause the harm not gods...not the victim.
i sympathize for you and i know others who have been in the same situations. if you need some one to talk to about it i would speak to a therapist, family member or close friend... even maybe a random stranger who may be able to give you advise to clam your emotions towards the anger your harboring.
I wish you the best in all that you do!
2007-05-19 03:52:26
answer #8
answered by s0ulpurge 2
People who believe in God never can answer why God isn't around when we are innocent victims calling out for his help.They basically say sh*t happens and God doesn't interfere.But if something good happens in their life, well, that was God performing a miracle.Hypocrites.There is no God unless you want to believe that when you die you get to go to a place with pink clouds and golden harps and hang out with door to door bible salesmen.
2007-05-19 03:49:56
answer #9
answered by Demopublican 6
In His wisdom, God does not always prevent tragedy. Can the Lord prevent all tragedies? The answer is, Yes. The Lord is omnipotent, with all power to control our lives, save us pain, prevent all accidents, drive all planes and cars, feed us, protect us, save us from labor, effort, sickness, even from death, if he will. But he will not.
We should be able to understand this, because we can realize how unwise it would be for us to shield our children from all effort, from disappointments, temptations, sorrows, and suffering.
The basic gospel law is free agency and eternal development. To force us to be careful or righteous would be to nullify that fundamental law and make growth impossible.
Follow the source link to read a wonderful lesson on Adversity called "Tragedy or Destiny?"
2007-05-19 03:59:33
answer #10
answered by Arthurpod 4