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christian, catholic, mormon, baptist, presbatyrian, lutheran, methodist and atheist

what is the difference between the religions, like what do they believe in and how do they worship?

and also, why is christianity split up into all different religions?

2007-05-18 14:43:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

O. K. Christianity is the religion that regards Jesus Christ as the Son of God and follow Him. The Catholic Church has existed since and when Jesus founded it on Peter the disciple, the Rock. Over the years, different Christian groups were formed when someone rejected the teachings of the Church and broke off. I really wish that we could come back together as one Christian Church. Atheists re people that claim they don't believe in God.
www.lifeteen.com ( look in the article section for more better answer to your question and any others.)

2007-05-18 14:54:25 · answer #1 · answered by Elisha 3 · 1 0

Well for starters Atheists are not very well organized, but they are getting there. They simply don't believe in God or a high spirtual being that isn't man. They do have books and spirtual leaders, such as Richard Dawkins.

Their main objective is defeating religious exclusion, religious exhibits in public and removing religion completely from schools, government offices and public places.

One of their heavy goals is elemination of Christmas as a National Holiday in many countries of the world.

As for why Christianity is split up, it's because various groups or sects of the religion hold different views on things.

Baptists, for example, believe only in adult baptism in water, not childhood baptism.

All the others you mention, except maybe Mormons, believe in Childhood baptism or christening, usually in the first 6 months after birth.

Baptists are, basically, new agers. While they base their views on John the Baptist, they are not a decendent of his practise or faith (he was in a Jewish regiion of the world).

They are also not the same as the Anabaptists that came over from Europe in 1600

Baptists are a more modern religion splinted into Nothern, Southern White and Black.

They're services are often less formal. Their music is often more contemporary and done with modern instruments.

They are very vocal and do things spontaniously. Music is very much an integral part of their services and all get involved.

Catholic Presbyterian, Lutheran and Methodists are mainstream, old school.

Catholics date back 2000 years. The rest date back 500 years.

Lutherans were the first off shoot from CAtholics, the Presbyeterians and Methodists came about starting in American in teh late 1600s to early 1700.

They often use traidition organ music, a nominal sermon give by the minister or preist, they sing hyms. They stand on cue, they sit on cue, they pray on cue.

Catholics have FAR more rituals and also hold the Virgin Mary and Saints in high regard. They kneel a lot durring services make the sign of the cross and have very fixed rituals which everyone knows about.

Mormons are another group of new agers they are part Christain and also hold modern day phrophets from their church in high respect.

They don't do cafeen (coffe, coke, pepsi), drugs, smoke or drink. There are splintered into two varients, one of which beleives in multiple marraiges (polygamy) which they agreed, formally, not to allow in America.

2007-05-18 15:19:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Atheism is not a religion, it is when a person does not believe in God.

Catholic, Mormon, baptist, presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist are all Christian religions, which means that they all believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Christianity is split into different religions, because people all believe different things. In the beginning, there was only one religion, but one by one, people didn't like what the Catholic church was teaching, and they started their own religion.

Mormons are really the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They do not have a paid clergy. They are very family oriented. They do not pass a collection plate. You can learn more about them at www.lds.org, and at www.mormon.org.

The others, you can read about by doing a search for each one at wikipedia.com.

2007-05-18 14:57:58 · answer #3 · answered by nymormon 4 · 2 0

Christian is a name to any person wha has accepted God's gift of grace- accepting that Christ died on the cross to pay for their sins freeing them from hell. They understand that this was a gift that can't be earned, but must be accepted.

Catholics follow Christianity to a certain degree but have added doctrines in addition to the Bible, that often conflict with the Bible- such as praying to saints, confessing sin's to a priest and indulgences.

The only real difference between Methodists, Lutherans, and Presbyterians is the degree to which they believe the infallibility of the Bible.

Baptists believe the Bible to be the inspired, complete Word of God. They believe in being born again (the basics of Chistianity that I explained in the 1st paragraph) and only baptize professing believers, never infants. They believe that only faith is God can save you and that baptism shows other people that you believe- it is an outward sign of obedience,not something that saves you.

Mormonism is a cult that believes there are three heavens, and that works are needed to be right with God, rather than believing in Christ's finished work on the cross. They have added many strange ritual- like baptizing the dead, marrying the dead, secret handshakes leaarned in their temples (they think you need to know the right handshake to get into heaven).

Atheists have no faith in anything.

There are different denominations because of sin and pride.

2007-05-21 05:02:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christianity is not a bunch of different religions
baptist and presbyterian and lutheran and methodist are groups of people who simply interpret parts of the Bible differently
Mormons are a group of people who believe that an angel appeaered to a guy... John something i think... and gave him a new gospel, or a new accounting of what really happened
atheist- don't believe in anything, most of them believe evolution
catholic- a lot like christianity but they believe that you have to go through the priest or the virgin mary or the saints who then go to God for you
The different denominations of christianity usually aren't that differentjust tiny little differences
a lot are split because of speaking in tongues- some people believe that its from God and some believe its not(if you want to know more about that message me)
Lets see have i covered everything?
i think so bye!

2007-05-18 14:54:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

What is the differencee between these religions???


Christ said that HE would build HIS church (singular) Matt. 16:18..

He did NOT say that He would build a bunch of different denominations with conflicting doctrines and traditions that are contrary to the very oracles of God.

Where the word churches (plural) is used in scripture it is NEVER used to designate different denominations, but rather, CHRIST's church in different locations/communities. Example: Corinth, Ephesus, Jerusalem, etc.

catholic, mormon, baptist, presbatyrian, lutheran, methodist

RESPONCE: These are denominations not Christ's church...they are splits FROM Christ's church.

and atheist

REPONCE: Atheists do not believe in God..therefore are not Christians

what is the difference between the religions, like what do they believe in and how do they worship?

RESPONCE: Like I posted earlier....they are denominations and the best way to know what they believe/worship is to go on line to their site and study .

and also, why is christianity split up into all different religions?

RESPONCE: Christianity is not split up into all different religions but rather different denominations and that is because they choose to keep THEIR thought process rather than what the oracles of God say in scripture.


2007-05-18 14:53:56 · answer #6 · answered by Catherine J. C 2 · 0 1

within Christianity are all tthe denominations you listed except athesism - they are not a religion. the others....
Christianity is the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Son of God born of a Virgin, died and raised to save us from our sins. All Christian denominations believe this simple basic fact.
Catholicism was the first denomination of people to study, and formulate an organization for the procreation of the faith. the came martin Luther who split from the catholic church in the 1500's and started the reformation. the carious deniminations spawned from there - people adopting their own ways bassed on culture, heritage and desires of the faith.
i believe it is split because of Martin Luther. i believe it remains split because some denominations are "easier" then others or what people are confirtable with in their spiritual lives. people gravitate to what they know and often fear the unknown.

2007-05-18 14:58:00 · answer #7 · answered by Marysia 7 · 2 0

Besides atheist, the rest are all variations of Christianity. And to correct another answerer, they don't all think the others are wrong. Some do, yes, but the reason they are different is basically because of a difference in interperetation of the bible.

2007-05-18 14:56:00 · answer #8 · answered by LawComm 4 · 0 0

Atheists ARE NOT people who "dont believe in God"

Atheists are people who dont have a belief in "gods" (plural). This includes Hindu gods or any of the other thousands of gods man has created over time.

It has nothing to do with Christianity and doesnt mean anti-Christian as most people assume.

2007-05-18 15:17:18 · answer #9 · answered by its_a_creampuff 1 · 0 0

Spiritualism is important in mans life, Religion is not!
Man created Religion, God created the Spirit.

Would you consider Jesus (PBUH) Spiritual or Religious?
Religious, No! Spiritual, Yes!

Would Jesus (PBUH) participate in an organized Religion?
Without a doubt, No!

Would Jesus (PBUH) preach about Gods Love, Yes.
Is this religious, No!

Would Jesus (PBUH) ask for alms (or contributions), No!
Is this religious , Yes

2007-05-18 15:03:30 · answer #10 · answered by WillRogerswannabe 7 · 0 0

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